is jesus actually hindu god "LORD KRISHNA"?

rahul_sharma said:
go to india and see temples of lord krishna ....built around 3000 years ago....

Who says? The Brahmin Priests say all sorts of stuff. If they aren't consciously lying, then they may be passing along lies told to them.

Now, what we need is for somebody with some Archealogical credibility to say that there are Krishna Temples in India that are 3000 years old.

But, let me re-iterate -- the Aryans were hardly in India 3000 years ago. The Aryans were Iron Age Invaders. And Krishna is an Aryan Legend, isn't he?

3000 Years ago the Aryans were still just burning down Civilizations and stealing chickens.... unless you can show differently. And, no, passing along Brahmin Propaganda does not count as truth. I can 'say' I drive a 500 year old Chevy Impala, and the Brahmins can 'say' their Krishna Temple is 3000 years old, but they weren't making Chevy Impalas 500 years ago...
VitalOne said:
This is quite interesting, even Krishna himself says:

"..those who pray with devotion to another god, it is to Me that they pray"

So from a Hindu view point, everyone praying with devotion to another god is actually praying to Krishna. This makes sense since Hinduism says that there is only one god, which manifests itself in everything, so whatever you're praying to, is to god.

Doesn't Hinduism say something about the image/form of what you worship doesn't matter, but the intent and devotion does? So if Jesus and Krishna represent the same supreme consciousness, praying to them would be virtually the same, right?

Also Krishna says that "The person who is equal to an enemy as well as friend.....such one is very dear to me" is kind of similar to Jesus saying to love your enemies.

It's actually really easy to see how the Bible could've come from the Bhagavad Gita

Review Chapter 10 of the Bhagavad Gita and you will find that Krishna claims to be only the best and the highest of Manifestations. So, only insomuch as things are Highest and Best can they be said to be 'Krishna'. So false gods and faulty doctrines are not 'Krishna'.
anonymous2 said:
Some form of Zoroastrianism made Satan (Ahriman) basically God's equal.

God's advantage in Power is made up by Satan's proximity in the World. God is more Powerful but that Power is largely retained in Heaven. Remember, God's Curse on Humanity was that we would be removed from the Presense of God. So we are beyond the Pall of God's Direct Influence. Outside of God's Presense, we can only experience God's Grace through intermediary agencies -- Messengers, Angels, Saints, Prophets. But Satan's influence can be direct. That evens up the Playing Field somewhat.
Neildo said:
Lol, that's so silly considering Christianity is the 2nd "newest" mass religion there is. Darned near almost every religion pre-dates Christianity.

As someone else said, the good vs evil thing came from Zoroastrianism. Much of what is found in Judiams, Christianity, and Judaism that makes it seem more unique comes from Zoroastrianism, and much of that comes from Babylonian/Sumerian religion. Good vs evil, angels, and all that stuff is borrowed from an earlier religion. Seriously, there isn't any real new teachings that come from modern Middle East religions. It's just old teachings thrown into a blender with parts and names changed to better apply to the people in that region at that time as it adds a bit more personal relation to it. What else do you expect to happen when numerous powers have each controlled the Middle East at one time or another. Obviously it's going to become a melting pot of various religious beliefs.

- N

Have you read Toynbee? He distinguishes between the Higher Religions and the primitive religions whose highest doctrines were Stoical.

The Christian Doctrines of Charity were revolutionary -- they opposed the Stoical Doctrines which emphasized ignoring the World's Problems in order to attain personal peace of mind. When Christ enjoined His followers to accept personal suffering in order to ameliorate the conditions of others, it was a total break with all previous Religious/Philosophical Teaching. Peace had been the previous Ideal. Christ made it Love.

Mahayana Buddhism would follow Christianities lead. The Modern Zoroastrians -- the Sufis -- are STILL rather self-absorbed and ready with their Stoic Philosophies, but even they have incorporated the teachings of Love and Charity to some extent.
Leo Volont said:
Now, what we need is for somebody with some Archealogical credibility to say that there are Krishna Temples in India that are 3000 years old.

Dr S.R. Rao, National Institute of Oceanography be OK ? His research & findings on the submerged city of Dwaraka, an ancient city which was the capital of Krishna mentioned in Mahabharata might show you the necessary evidence.

But, let me re-iterate -- the Aryans were hardly in India 3000 years ago. The Aryans were Iron Age Invaders. And Krishna is an Aryan Legend, isn't he?

Krishna and Rama were described and illustrted as dark in complexion which is not the skin color of the supposedly the aryans but their supposed enemies, the dravidans.

3000 Years ago the Aryans were still just burning down Civilizations and stealing chickens.... unless you can show differently. And, no, passing along Brahmin Propaganda does not count as truth. I can 'say' I drive a 500 year old Chevy Impala, and the Brahmins can 'say' their Krishna Temple is 3000 years old, but they weren't making Chevy Impalas 500 years ago...

Oh yes, 3000 years is too much of a time. After all humans have been existing around just for the 6000 years, according to bible & any christian priest would confirm this. :p

Aryan-invasion theory bullshit was a colonial-missionary conspiracy to divide the indians on racial line and down play the originality of legends that would expose biblie frauds.
Have you read Toynbee? He distinguishes between the Higher Religions and the primitive religions whose highest doctrines were Stoical.

Fraid not, but I'll have to check him(?) out. And are you trying to call Christianity a higher religion and Hinduism a primitive one? I don't know about you, but to me, Hinduism has more believable truth to it than does Christianity and is much more deeper in philosophical thought as well.

If you're calling Hinduism primitive and Christianity a higher religion all because it's more recent and teaches about love as opposed to peace, that's a mistake as Christianity doesn't really bring anything new to differentiate itself from other religions. While love is good, it's not that much of a change to all of a sudden make it "higher" and the other "primitive". If anything, Christianity would be primitive even though it has that one good teaching of "love" due to Christianity taking their beliefs from other cultures as opposed to coming up with all that good stuff on their own. Where's copyright laws when ya need em? :p

Mahayana Buddhism would follow Christianities lead. The Modern Zoroastrians -- the Sufis -- are STILL rather self-absorbed and ready with their Stoic Philosophies, but even they have incorporated the teachings of Love and Charity to some extent.

Aren't we talking about the ages of the religions in regards to which came before which? If that is the case, it doesn't matter if other religions incorperated a few good Christian beliefs, it still does not mean that Christianity came before the others. It would be like saying Hinduism is a new religion because the caste system is almost gone.

The more current a religion is, the more they've learned from the past and have corrected the past mistakes or flaws in the people's way of life teachings. That's why new religions pop up in the first place to make everything better. As you said, peace used to be the previous ideal, now it's love -- they updated it to be better. That all still doesn't change the origins of everything though. Zoroastrianism and Hinduism predate Christianity and that's where a majority of their beliefs came from, they're just updated for the times of Christianity.

I know you want to toot the horn of Christianity and show all the good qualities as if that's the best religion to follow morally, but that has absolutely no bearing on everything that made up that religion. Christianity, just as most past religions, is a mixture of various past cultures and beliefs that combined and updated everything to form a new religion. Love is that new update but that's about the only somewhat "unique" thing about it. The rest is all shared stuff from other cultures and religions which means Christianity isn't the origins of everything regardless of how much "better" (opinion) it may be.

- N
Leo Volont said:
Have you read Toynbee? He distinguishes between the Higher Religions and the primitive religions whose highest doctrines were Stoical.
The Good guy - Bad guy duel is rather primitive that attribute all the wrongs of humans to an evil 'scapegoat' Satan and his works.

The Christian Doctrines of Charity were revolutionary -- they opposed the Stoical Doctrines which emphasized ignoring the World's Problems in order to attain personal peace of mind.
It is not about ignoring world's problem, its about detachment from the worldly desires and fight the evil for the good with unwavering mind.
When Christ enjoined His followers to accept personal suffering in order to ameliorate the conditions of others, it was a total break with all previous Religious/Philosophical Teaching. Peace had been the previous Ideal. Christ made it Love.

Mahayana Buddhism would follow Christianities lead. The Modern Zoroastrians -- the Sufis -- are STILL rather self-absorbed and ready with their Stoic Philosophies, but even they have incorporated the teachings of Love and Charity to some extent.
Love and Charity were not Christian inventions. They were already present in Buddhism before Christ.
Leo Volont said:
Review Chapter 10 of the Bhagavad Gita and you will find that Krishna claims to be only the best and the highest of Manifestations. So, only insomuch as things are Highest and Best can they be said to be 'Krishna'. So false gods and faulty doctrines are not 'Krishna'.

I just read Chapter 10, and Krishna says that he is the ultimate consciousness. Arjuna asks him to describe the process of uniting the individual consciousness with the ultimate consciousness. After he claims to be the ultimate consciousness (atma) he then goes on to describe this ultimate consciousness. He says the ultimate consciousness (him) is the beginning, middle, and end (sound familiar?). He says he is time, death, gambling, the destroyer, maintainer, creator, animals, all gods and goddesses, and root and cause of everything. So 'false gods' and 'faulty doctrines' would also be a part of the ultimate consciousness, which is Krishna.

Krishna seems to be saying that he is merged with the ultimate consciousness, and this ultimate consciousness is the entire universe in all of it's appearances, physically, and non-physically.

Krishna also says:
"People are coming to Me through different paths but I will embrace them on all paths"

"He alone sees truly who sees the Lord the same in every creature...seeing the same Lord everywhere, he does not harm himself or others."
Leo Volont said:
Have you read Toynbee? He distinguishes between the Higher Religions and the primitive religions whose highest doctrines were Stoical.

The Christian Doctrines of Charity were revolutionary -- they opposed the Stoical Doctrines which emphasized ignoring the World's Problems in order to attain personal peace of mind. When Christ enjoined His followers to accept personal suffering in order to ameliorate the conditions of others, it was a total break with all previous Religious/Philosophical Teaching. Peace had been the previous Ideal. Christ made it Love.

Mahayana Buddhism would follow Christianities lead. The Modern Zoroastrians -- the Sufis -- are STILL rather self-absorbed and ready with their Stoic Philosophies, but even they have incorporated the teachings of Love and Charity to some extent.

Have you read the Bhagavad Gita, or only selectively read the Bhagavad Gita?
Krishna exclusively says:
Krishna said:
"Be fearless and pure; never waver in your determination or your dedication to the spiritual life. Give freely. Be self-controlled, sincere, truthful, loving, and full of the desire to serve...Learn to be detached and to take joy in renunciation. Do not get angry or harm any living creature, but be compassionate and gentle; show good will to all. Cultivate vigor, patience, will, purity; avoid malice and pride. Then, you will achieve your destiny."

Here Krishna says to be loving and give freely, and more, much more. How many years before Christianity was this? Enough said.
Maybe Christianity is invalid or misguided (bent and twisted over the years) Maybe Hinduism is the basic teachings that Christ learned from his travels to India to find peace!
Hell in Japan, there is a small section of the population ~150,000 people or so who believe that the Virgin Mary was actally Kanon Bosatsu or in Chinese Quan yin. This group of people are part of the group called Tenri-Kyo
even to make a small rocket or robot...humans work for years , they derive formulas , work on equations , disscuss with each other , organise debates...then atlast they made one rocket or robot...and even they are not sure weather this small machine will succeed or not.......have they ever wounder without there help , there mind....this huge universe is doing all work at right time and with 100% mathmatical precision...the earth is at right distance from sun(not few meters here or there) , its protected by ozone at right distance , right amt o oxygen , our organs are accurate and rightly placed...and much much much which our mind cant even think........who is doing all this work with mathmatical precision....u? no he is one and only one supreme power "GOD" or "ALLAH" or "LORD KRISHNA"...u can call him by any name...he was one , is one and will always be one