Is Jesus a perfect person?


Valued Senior Member
We can only know him based on Bible.
Assuming it is true about everything described in the Gospels.
Do you think Jesus show an example of perfect personality?
Completely GOOD?
No moral defect?
We can only know him based on Bible.
Assuming it is true about everything described in the Gospels.
Do you think Jesus show an example of perfect personality?
Completely GOOD?
No moral defect?
We don't know enough about him to judge him. The people of his day thought he was a trouble-maker.
I feel like these threads you're making are all corollary to a single topic. Why flood the forum with these questions that could ultimately be asked and answered in a single thread?
We don't know enough about him to judge him. The people of his day thought he was a trouble-maker.

I know that.
Therefore I said "only based on Bible".
We can only know him based on Bible.
Assuming it is true about everything described in the Gospels.
Do you think Jesus show an example of perfect personality?
Completely GOOD?
No moral defect?

If i was to, for the sake of argument, pretend the bible was a completely true and valid source, Jesus was not 'perfect'. Remember how he flipped out in a temple that one time? Whether he is God incarnate or not, man (in Judeo-Christian tradition and belief) can never be perfect. Jesus still had a mind and personality of his own. And his consciousness and mind, in the bible, appears to be separate from God's.
Geez :poke:
We can only know him based on Bible.
Assuming it is true about everything described in the Gospels.
Do you think Jesus show an example of perfect personality?
Completely GOOD?
No moral defect?

He dealt with temptation. But he Jesus was part of the holy triangle. He was god in human form. He was not only good he was great. He was the most perfect being on this planet after Adam and Eve sinned. And he still was the most perfect being in our recent past. Even the pope don't compare. Now go ask a "pastor" all your questions pertaining to the bible. And christianity.
We are his people. I'd say get it together.

His perfection rest with us. Could you fathom a dominant species in space?