Is it wrong to kill an animal?

More than anything it depends on the circumstance. Would it be wrong to kill an animal that had rabies? If not, what if you had a child bitten by such an animal?
I would generally say if you are killing it for food that's fine. i mean, others animals do that all the time, that's how nature works.
I not so sure about hunting. killing animals for sport seems a bit much to me.

I guess it depends on the reasons. I used to do a little animal research. we didn't kill the animals but they certainly weren't at Club Med. I developed a disaste for it, so my position on animal reseach is that it is ok in some circumstances, but i don't want to do it.
I believe in natural selection, and if an animal is causing problems, it needs to be put down. But sometimes I really want to kill animals for no reason other than to piss off all those animal rights people.

So, no, it's not wrong to kill an animal if it is causing disruption in human society.
lemme pose this question to you, Dudeyhead...if you or any member of your family were literally starving to death ...would you kill an animal to save them? please answer this honestly. thanks.
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I think its wrong to kill animals for fun or sport, but to feed someone its fine with me. Killing animals for the heck of it actually was part of the reason of the boston strangler doing what he did.
Yes, it is completed circumstantial. If an animal is endangered then it is not to be killed unless it is violent or causing problems. But as far as cattle and live stock, then it doesen't matter. We have so much of them that the loss of some doesen't really effect us. And what would life be without meat? I'd say it'd be pretty boring, as far as food goes.

Hunting is a popular pastime as well, furs, purses, shoes, hats. All made out of animals. Do you feel bad when you swat a Mosquito from the air or step on a Roach? What's the difference between them and fuzzy bunnies? That is where the animal rights people like the A.S.P.C.A. mess up.
Originally posted by pumpkinsaren'torange
lemme pose this question to you, Dudeyhead...if you or any member of your family were literally starving to death ...would you kill an animal to save them? please answer this honestly. thanks.

Personally, I can't think of any reason why an animal would have to be killed in said "starving to death" situation, as there are plenty of alternative means of feeding oneself. But, IF the only option were to kill animals, it would be a moral dilemna for me.
Originally posted by Vertigoll
Do you feel bad when you swat a Mosquito from the air or step on a Roach? What's the difference between them and fuzzy bunnies? That is where the animal rights people like the A.S.P.C.A. mess up.

My answers, in order:
Where's the mess up?

I once wrote a story about this called "My Colony of Ants"... the main character killed ants, and it kept escalataing until he was a mass murderer
Personally, I can't think of any reason why an animal would have to be killed in said "starving to death" situation, as there are plenty of alternative means of feeding oneself. But, IF the only option were to kill animals, it would be a moral dilemna for me.

ok...ok....there's always one in every crowd...:rolleyes: let's just say....there weren't ANY ALTERNATIVE means of feeding...then what?? geeesh.... can't you just play along?
Originally posted by Vertigoll
And what would life be without meat?

Let me pose some similar questions that could have been asked throughout history....

What would life be without these fancy wigs on our heads?
What would life be without slavery?
What would life be if women could vote?
kill em all

what's people's feelings on animals that kill other animals? are they immoral. Every time i see that lion kill a gazel in the discovery channel i think, "that guy is going to hell"

this reminds me of a discusion we had once in a social pych class. the situation was that you were stranded in the mountains or something. some people were dead and others alive. and the ONLY way you could not DIE would be to eat part of one of the dead people. you didn't have to cook it or watch it be cooked, all you had to do was open your mouth, chew and not die. anyway when asked if we would do it or not the split was completly along gender lines. all the girls refused to do it. they didn't care about dying, it was just to icky for them.
Just about every human will cannibalise when they're hungry enough. Witness the Donner expedition, and the Andes crash. Two examples of what became necessary once all other options are exhausted. Human "morality" is changeable depending on circumstance.

Other than that.. I think steak is on the menu tonight.
Is it wrong to kill an animal?

I do not kill animals for food. I do kill animals though, because I am a biologist. I kill for research, although that is not the term we normally use.

Is it wrong to do this? I can't say that I feel that it is wrong. I can tell you that it doesn't feel very nice to kill an animal.

In the end we all decided ourselves where the boundary of right and wrong is.
Animals don't seem to really's a life cycle.

Mother Earth on the other hand...

To each his own
Thy Will be done
:m: :m: :m:
My problem with this subject is how over-rated human life is. An old lady can be on the front cover of a fishing magazine holding up dead baby sharks with a shit eating grin on her face and no one will think anything of it but replace the sharks with a human baby and it would be the biggest tragedy in history. To me it is the same. I am hurt when I see the dead sharks just as deeply as a mother would be if she saw dead babies, but are my feelings taken into account? NO. Also, I doubt the old lady on the cover could nudely swim after the shark and capture it in her jaws or even with her hands. Thats the problem any idiot can buy a fishing rod, they didn't invent the damn thing or even make it so why should they be able to mindlessly dangle it in the water and pull out creatures by the bucket load? A lion killing a gazelle is completely different because it is doing what it has to do and it is on a fair playing feild. We humans are cheating pussies when it comes down to it. Idiots even need detailed instructions on how to tie a freakin knot on a fishing hook! BAH! Its wrong. Guns against animals is also an unthinkably cheap concept, and I don't even want to get into harpooning a whale, the marine holocaust was truely the purest evil this planet has ever seen. As for misfit kids torturing domestic animals...... grrrrrr domestication is an eery idea. The animals are trusting us with everything, it can be a wonderful thing if you absolutely spoil your pet but it can also be the most sick twisted shit in the world if charlie decides to "lock the doors" and "vent some anger", it truely does seem equal to torturing an infant to me, how is a baby any more innocent than any animal? its not, by the time it can talk its already less innocent than a lion.
I'm not a vegetarian, so this might all sound like hypocrisy but there is a happy medium. I don't think humans should be allowed to kill anything wild, not even fish, in fact especially fish. I think any animal we want to eat should have to be farmed. And some animals just shouldn't be farmed or killed or hurt no matter what, these animals include, cetaceans, dogs, cats, octopus, elephants, the groper(an extremely intelligent fish), primates and PIGS, YES PIGS!!!!
Many more of course, no animal should be physically hurt or mentally. (playing torturous mind games with animals is only insulting your own intelligence ... you fucking idiot).
Again, its the WAY we hurt things that pisses me off, lab tests on animals are the height of wrongness. The idea of capturing and restraining a confused creature to bring it pain is so cowardly that it boggles the mind. Doing it to a human who knew what was going on would be so far less of a tragedy and still horrible. I hate thinking about this stuff it keeps me awake at night as it is.

rather than killing an innocent animal to "teach animal rights activists a lesson" (stupidest logic I've ever heard in my life) why not kill an animal rights activist or even just injure one? It would be far more efficient for your cause and Obviously makes a whole lot more sense.