Is it wrong to have sex for fun, knowing it might possibly lead to an abortion?

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So are you saying that you value the pleasurable experience more than you value your own life?
Of course not. I value the pleasurable experience more than I value the (small) risk to my life. And since that risk can be minimized with work, I am comfortable with it.

You make the same decisions every day. Do you ever drive anywhere? If so, you value the easy transportation provided by the car more than the risks that transportation poses.
Of course not. I value the pleasurable experience more than I value the (small) risk to my life. And since that risk can be minimized with work, I am comfortable with it.

You make the same decisions every day. Do you ever drive anywhere? If so, you value the easy transportation provided by the car more than the risks that transportation poses.

OK, Great!

Would you also risk someone else’s life for your own personal pleasure? Or would you draw the line there?
Would you also risk someone else’s life for your own personal pleasure? Or would you draw the line there?
Again, depends on the risk level.

Would I take a very small risk with someone else's life? (i.e. doing a skydiving demo) Yes.
Would I take the same risk with someone else's life that I would take with my own? No. My personal tolerance for risk is far higher than the tolerance I have for putting someone else at risk.

1) Would you ever intentionally choose to have sex (if you are a male) with a female knowing that she could become pregnant, and knowing her and the circumstances, knowing that she would likely have your son or daughter killed by having an abortion? Again just because sex is fun?
In practice, this happens all the time. Even if contraception is being used, there's usually no guarantee that it will be 100% effective. For example, condoms have a 1-2% failure rate.

Are you advocating that people ought only to have sex for the purposes of procreation?

A child could die?
Child? I thought you were talking about abortion early in pregnancy. There's no child then, just a bunch of cells or a foetus.

2) Would you ever intentionally have sex with another person knowing that you could give them, or they could give you, a potentially deadly virus like AIDS? Just because sex is fun?
AIDS isn't a virus. Perhaps you're referring to HIV. But then, these days, HIV isn't deadly either, if you have access to appropriate treatments to control the virus.

Again, in practice, this probably happens more often than you'd think. Refer to comments on condoms, above, for example.

But, as has already been pointed out, there are some problematic assumptions in your scenarios. One is that you're assuming that the only reason for the sex is to "have fun". Another problem is that it seems like there's an assumption that you're somehow keeping the possibility of pregnancy or transmission of HIV a secret from your sexual partner. That is, the assumption appears to be that you're going into the sex with deliberate intent to deceive your partner.

The first scenario is also loaded in its assumption that you would know in advance that the woman involved would "likely" have an abortion. The assumption appears to be that women view abortion in a similar way to contraception - that they take it lightly and that the decision whether to abort is one made without much consideration.

Another problem is the assumption of a male-dominant position in this sexual interaction. Where is the woman's agency and choice in this hypothesized sexual activity?

In practice, this happens all the time. Even if contraception is being used, there's usually no guarantee that it will be 100% effective. For example, condoms have a 1-2% failure rate.

Are you advocating that people ought only to have sex for the purposes of procreation?

Child? I thought you were talking about abortion early in pregnancy. There's no child then, just a bunch of cells or a foetus.

AIDS isn't a virus. Perhaps you're referring to HIV. But then, these days, HIV isn't deadly either, if you have access to appropriate treatments to control the virus.

Again, in practice, this probably happens more often than you'd think. Refer to comments on condoms, above, for example.

But, as has already been pointed out, there are some problematic assumptions in your scenarios. One is that you're assuming that the only reason for the sex is to "have fun". Another problem is that it seems like there's an assumption that you're somehow keeping the possibility of pregnancy or transmission of HIV a secret from your sexual partner. That is, the assumption appears to be that you're going into the sex with deliberate intent to deceive your partner.

The first scenario is also loaded in its assumption that you would know in advance that the woman involved would "likely" have an abortion. The assumption appears to be that women view abortion in a similar way to contraception - that they take it lightly and that the decision whether to abort is one made without much consideration.

Another problem is the assumption of a male-dominant position in this sexual interaction. Where is the woman's agency and choice in this hypothesized sexual activity?

Thanks for your comments James!

As for me, I am married and I am faithful to my wife. So my wife and I do not really have to worry about these things.

As I mentioned to you recently, my brother Kevin, died from HIV/AIDS. I have to go to a graveyard to talk to him and he never talks back to me. I really miss him!

One website states that over 30 million people are currently infected with HIV/AIDS and rising.

I have multiple relatives that have had children outside of marriage. Because of failed contraception methods.

Science (embryology) teaches that a new human life begins at conception. So an abortion clearly kills a new male or female human life. This is self evident. I call it a child, you may call he or she anything you want to. It is obviously a separate human life from the mother.

How is it possible for people to ever think it is OK to kill there own child? I feel like it would take a depraved, self deceived mind to even conceive of such a thing.
I have multiple relatives that have had children outside of marriage. Because of failed contraception methods.
Wait. What?

When did we start talking about marriage versus not marriage? I thought we were talking about diseases?

Science (embryology) teaches that a new human life begins at conception.
Life is pretty ubiquitous. And much of it is a lot more self-sustaining than a fetus. Every cell in your body is alive, and more are being created all the time. So every time you wash your hands you're killing life.

So an abortion clearly kills a new male or female human life.
No. A fetus is not a person.
And it is not sexually dimorphic until well into its development.

I call it a child, you may call he or she anything you want to. It is obviously a separate human life from the mother.
Not obvious at all.

How is it possible for people to ever think it is OK to kill there own child? I feel like it would take a depraved, self deceived mind to even conceive of such a thing.
That must be very hard for you.

Worry not though. Your feelings do not impact others, as long as you keep them to yourself.
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First of all, I am sorry to hear about the death of your brother. If you mentioned it to me recently, I must have missed it, so sorry about that.

As for me, I am married and I am faithful to my wife. So my wife and I do not really have to worry about these things.
I thought this was a general question, not something to do with marriage. Also, some people do have extramarital sex. Also, abortion within marriage is something that happens, too.

One website states that over 30 million people are currently infected with HIV/AIDS and rising.
It's close to 37 million. In roughly half of those, the virus is inactive, due to suppression using modern medicines. The rate of new HIV infections is dropping, however. In the past 7 years, it has decreased 18%. Obviously, there is still work to be done.

I have multiple relatives that have had children outside of marriage. Because of failed contraception methods.
You probably don't know about the ones who had abortions.

Science (embryology) teaches that a new human life begins at conception. So an abortion clearly kills a new male or female human life. This is self evident.
Conception is certainly the time that already-living cells come together to form a new, genetically complete, human being.

I call it a child, you may call he or she anything you want to.
Call it what you like, but a foetus, or a single fertilised zygote, is very different from a human child after birth. The child has a complex brain and nervous system, limbs, sensory organs, etc. The zygote does not.

It is obviously a separate human life from the mother.
No. It is completely dependent on its mother until birth. Indeed, it is physically joined to the mother via the placenta.

How is it possible for people to ever think it is OK to kill there own child?
Beats me. Some people are disturbed. What has child killing got to do with abortion?
In the way we live our lives sexually with others...

1) Would you ever intentionally choose to have sex (if you are a male) with a female knowing that she could become pregnant, and knowing her and the circumstances, knowing that she would likely have your son or daughter killed by having an abortion? Again just because sex is fun?

A child could die?

ok so the girl you see has some genetic problem and if she has a child it will be terribly disabled and suffer a horrible painfull life and die before it gets to about 15 years old.

do you tell her she is disgusting and should never have sex because she is a terrible person and should be shamed of herself ?

({[note to mods, this person sounds like a troll]})
Jeffrey Dahmer drilled a hole in a mans head and poured acid into it in hopes of making a sex zombie.

Theodore Robert Bundy was an American serial killer, kidnapper, rapist, burglar, and necrophile who assaulted and murdered numerous young women and girls during the 1970s and possibly earlier. After more than a decade of denials, he confessed to 30 homicides that he committed in seven states between 1974 and 1978.Wikipedia
Another of these larger-than-life American characters, then. :D
No it doesn't


Darwinian progenitor sanctification of the nature of reproduction would likely yield a higher return value.
it stands to reason.
contrasting with the wild killer inside the human animal that declares it must eat animal flesh.

real pro-lifers would be vegans.
anyone else is a moral & religious fraud
Lots of things are "just morality".

"Just morality" is what we use to decide between right and wrong.
I should have been more specific. No one has a right to life if that life depends on using another person's body without consent. A unique human life probably does start at conception, but that's not the relevant part.
It kind of does, if human life means a life form with unique human DNA.

Well it sort does not

I agree the two common(?) perceptions (arguments) are conception and birth

Reality. a dead ovum does not mix with a dead sperm to BINGO produce life. Both have potential only if alive at the time of mixing

Life in essence has been a continuous, repeat continuous, process since it started

Since the concept is complex it is easier to view life as a stop (mum and dad) start again (kids)

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