Is It Right To Execute Others?


The New World Order Has Begun.
Registered Senior Member
In my opinion, it is very right and very needed execution. Only if the person had commited a crime, of course.
Or what if they are going to be victims of a great persecution? Should we euthanize them?

Poor little things...

-Only- Tom Cruise can do that. -Only-. And I think he has made his moral stance known. Or did he not DAZZLE YOU ENOUGH?
I think people should be allowed to execute anyone that they want to execute! Oh, wait .....we can, can't we?

Baron Max
I would say no.... they should simply be caged like animals.

not with television, and books, and clothes, and cups and tools of any kind.

If they are guilty of being beasts, then let them live as beasts.

in such a system, crime would be greatly deterred.

I would say no.... they should simply be caged like animals.

not with television, and books, and clothes, and cups and tools of any kind.

If they are guilty of being beasts, then let them live as beasts.

in such a system, crime would be greatly deterred.


Why not give them books? how are you supposed to make use of their animal brain if they don't have books?

Don't you realize that some of these animals can be useful?
In my opinion, it is very right and very needed execution. Only if the person had commited a crime, of course.

quick response:

What is the real purpose of execution? Punishment and retribution? What is the point really? If you are trying to make them experience the same pain they made someone else endure you wont be able to under the consitution. Death is supposed to be made painless and quick, not really a fitting punishment.
quick response:

What is the real purpose of execution? Punishment and retribution? What is the point really?

The real point of execution is to get rid of those who can't or won't fit the rules and laws of their society. Simple as that. What good are those vicious criminals to any legitimate society?

Baron Max
I would say no.... they should simply be caged like animals.

not with television, and books, and clothes, and cups and tools of any kind.

If they are guilty of being beasts, then let them live as beasts.

in such a system, crime would be greatly deterred.

I wonder, is that for all criminals?
For example, if someone stole a car, robbed a house, was caught with drugs...
Should any person found guilty of breaking a law be given the same treatment (forced to live like beasts with no books, television, books, clothes, cups or tools)?

If so, can you imagine how a person coming out of such incarceration for five years would be?
Do you think that they would be better off and more able to be a "productive" member of society?
Or do you think they would be more of a beast?

Unless, of course, you are talking about life imprisonment for every minor infraction...
Steal a car at 18, go to jail for life.
Get caught with an ounce of weed, go to jail for life.
Is that what your idyllic, noble vision includes?
Killing is wrong with only the rarest and most compelling exceptions. Killing someone who has wronged you is an act of revenge and revenge is the most evil and dangerous of all human emotions.

The problem with it is that you are not punishing the criminal. Most of them are seriously troubled individuals and by killing them you are giving them the peace that has eluded them and thereby doing a kindness. Killing someone only punishes the people who love him. A case can be made for holding someone's parents responsible for his behavior, but not his wife. Not his teachers, his football coach, his shrink, and all the other people who tried to make a good man out of him. And especially not his children.

If you put a man in jail and his children come to visit him they'll be living with an example of why you should try to avoid becoming a criminal. If you kill him they will be overcome with grief and all they will grow up remembering is that you're the bastard who killed their daddy. You'll just end up turning your homeland into a cesspool like the Middle East where a "moderate" is defined as someone who only holds a grudge for six generations.

These days it's become painfully obvious that we have executed many innocent people. Who wants that on their conscience? When you're talking about life and death I will always err on the side of caution. If new evidence comes forward twenty years later, I want to let that 50-year-old guy out of prison, not go weep over his grave and apologize to his big tough angry 30-year-old kids.

I make an exception for a terrorist because his buddies will capture twelve of our people and demand that we trade him for them.
Well, if we keep coddling criminals, we're only gonna' be asking for more of the same from them and those who are emboldened by the leniency. Why should a potential criminal not commit a theft if all we're gonna' do is slap his wrist and maybe send him to see a shrink doctor?

Hell, let's just make a public announcement that no illegal activity will be punished. We can also disband the police depts and tear down the jails and court houses! Shit, I know, we can also give each criminal money so he can try to move somewhere else.

Baron Max
I wonder, is that for all criminals?
For example, if someone stole a car, robbed a house, was caught with drugs...
Should any person found guilty of breaking a law be given the same treatment (forced to live like beasts with no books, television, books, clothes, cups or tools)?

If so, can you imagine how a person coming out of such incarceration for five years would be?
Do you think that they would be better off and more able to be a "productive" member of society?
Or do you think they would be more of a beast?

Unless, of course, you are talking about life imprisonment for every minor infraction...
Steal a car at 18, go to jail for life.
Get caught with an ounce of weed, go to jail for life.
Is that what your idyllic, noble vision includes?

I WAS REFFERING TO THOSE..... whom would otherwise be executed.

if he cant live in society... then let us remove him.

but to kill him... is an act of kindness... especially the way the state kills people.... being painless and all.

a quick painless death.... is not punishment.

for lesser crimes... i would propose lesser punishment..

but that would never include the social club ways of american prisons.

i still recommend cages... no contact amoungst prisoners...

no tv... and no fun of any kind.

in fact, for those who will be getting out, i promote... forced education.

forced reading and learning... and if they dont get good grades... they will have to do more time.

if they work hard... study hard... and develope discipline... then they may in time be released... hopefully as better people.

i have advocated this to my local gov't, but they have not responded.

Killing someone who has wronged you is an act of revenge and revenge is the most evil and dangerous of all human emotions.

What's wrong with revenge? It helps the healing. Also I believe in the eye for an eye + 10-20% for the troubles...
Well, if we keep coddling criminals, we're only gonna' be asking for more of the same from them and those who are emboldened by the leniency. Why should a potential criminal not commit a theft if all we're gonna' do is slap his wrist and maybe send him to see a shrink doctor?

Hell, let's just make a public announcement that no illegal activity will be punished. We can also disband the police depts and tear down the jails and court houses! Shit, I know, we can also give each criminal money so he can try to move somewhere else.

You have a way of twisting people's words to say something they did not say.

Reforming one thing about the way we punish people is not the same as getting rid of it entirely. Or are you a bit too senile to comprehend this?

What's wrong with revenge? It helps the healing. Also I believe in the eye for an eye + 10-20% for the troubles...

Except vengeance is not justice.
If you ask me, life in prison for murder is a more fitting punishment than death for one good reason among others:

Imagine having to live for the rest of your life knowing that you killed someone. You sit in a prison cell every day of the rest of your life, and you remember why you're there in the first place. You're stuck there. For a long, long time. And you know why. Imagine what that would be like.

On the other hand, imagine being put out of this kind of misery. You have to live with the fact you killed someone, but not for long anyway. You might reason that you'd rather die than live knowing you've killed, so in a way you might be glad you're being killed as punishment.

I can imagine which I would dislike more.
If you ask me, life in prison for murder is a more fitting punishment than death ...

But can't you see that by putting someone in prison for life is also punishing all of the innocent taxpayers who have to foot the bill? Why would you advocate that? How can you condone punishing innocent peope for what someone else has done?

(From Fraggle): "I make an exception for a terrorist because his buddies will capture twelve of our people and demand that we trade him for them."

Well, if you can make exceptions, then so can others, right? And so I propose the "exception" that anyone convicted of murder should be executed. Or surely ye're not saying that only YOU can make exceptions, are you???

Baron Max
Why not make prisoners into slaves? At least then they can benefit the economy.