Is it racist or prejudice to insult your own race?

You are not American enough Chi and stop saying that . Honky and redneck don't go in the same sentence with buddy . Dill weed does , or Dingle berry , or even Jag off . Red Neck has something to do with unions I believe . The guys that would come and rough up the union organizers I think ? It has taken on a different imagery in peoples brains for some reason . I don't know ? Like the stigma of K-Mart shoppers and blue light specials

Lol I had no idea, I just thought redneck was a term for white people. Plus I was only joking as if i would say any racist things in seriousness all people are the same to me my daughter is mixed race so me being racist would be kind of silly.

Lol dingle berry has a racial connection? I thought that was an american insult for stupid people (Don't ask why i thought that) Dill weed? I thought that was a Herb for cooking lol.

K-mart is like Wal-Mart right? We don't have them over here but im pretty sure Walmart bought out one of our big supermarket chains not long ago.

Nigga is a slang term popularized in hip hop. It's different than saying nigger. Black people dont say nigger without a comedic undertone. I would think your smart enough to know that as for calling a fellow jewish person raghead or whatever, just hope that another jewish person listening it doesent catch wind resulting in a clean uppercut to your chin. White people dont call themselves honkey, chinese dont call themselves chinks, if you choose to be racist towards someone else its basically insuslting who you are as a person which is more specific than a curse word which is why it causes more anger.

LOL I call my own family members jewish ragheads, I say it purely for jokes because I find it funny to use racist comments from outsiders against my own people.

I say "Nigga" to my baby mother and she has no problem with it (She is black). My black friends call me "Nigga" and i dont care i know they just mean it like when they call me "Blud".

If black people let me use the word nigga why would non black people care if i use it.

I have the nigga stamp of approval and im allowed to use it.

Lol I had no idea, I just thought redneck was a term for white people. Plus I was only joking as if i would say any racist things in seriousness all people are the same to me my daughter is mixed race so me being racist would be kind of silly.

Lol dingle berry has a racial connection? I thought that was an american insult for stupid people (Don't ask why i thought that) Dill weed? I thought that was a Herb for cooking lol.

K-mart is like Wal-Mart right? We don't have them over here but im pretty sure Walmart bought out one of our big supermarket chains not long ago.


Yeah K-mart came before wal-mart . O.K. here is some gossip for you . First time out of my mouth . Andy McDowell the actress is a K-mart shopper . Yeah way !! After she made Ground Hog day too . Some more gossip for you shhhh---- now keep it quite I shop at Wal-mart and K-mart
For example if I were a black man and I were to call another black man a nigga would this be seen as racist?. Would I be allowed to refer to my fellow niggas as niggas?.

So is it ok to jokingly insult your own people? or do we be PC and say "no even insulting your own people is racist"

You're beanplating a strawman of political correctness, quite obviously for the purpose of indulging in a lot of racial slurs.

It's pretty simple: racism is the belief that one race is inherently superior to another. If you express something that conveys that, you're being racist. If you express something that does not convey that - even if it uses hot-button words or addresses race topics - it is not racist. Black people calling one another nigga is not racist because it is clearly an instance of the slur being subverted. Likewise for non-black people who use it in what is evidentaly the same way.

If black people let me use the word nigga why would non black people care if i use it.

I have the nigga stamp of approval and im allowed to use it.

That's not how it works, really. In the first place, your personal black acquaintances don't speak for Niggas, writ large - just because it doesn't bother them, doesn't mean that it won't bother every other black person on the planet - and there are a considerable number of them who reject the whole project of reclaiming the word "nigger" and just never, ever want to hear it uttered again. In the second place, it's not a question of stamps of approval at all - if you can use it in a non-racist way, then it's not racist. The second you use it in a racist way, it is racist, no matter what your niggas do or don't say about it.

Thing is that it's a difficult word to use in a non-racist way, even for actual black people. For ignorant people with chips on their shoulders about political correctness, it's a fucking minefield.