Is it possible to create all the genetic variations just from Adam and Eve?

Lets see 7000 years is ~350 generations (~20 years per generation) is that enough time for humans to cover the earth and form every present breed? lets just pretend hypothetically that there was no evidence against this 7000 year limit, then just see if it is hypothetically possible for a Adam and Eve 7000 years ago to beg the human race.
Alpha the thing about inbreeding is wrong

yes SOMETIMES it causes genetic defects (which could be as benifical as halmful you realise) but humans inbreed animals all the time

to get prize dogs and horses ect they breed close relitives together so that the traits you want breed true

this is an artifical version of natural selection but naturally i cant see it working any differently

instead of the aim to benifit the owner to get breed its to survive to breed

B\W they say that every cheater in the world now is inbreed because there DNA is identical
Btw, Is is necessary that they should be in human form? What can be their real form as per science, if we compare their mentioned qualities with any form existed or existing?
I stand corrected. :)
Methinks this thread has been resolved. It may be possible to create the genetic diversity from two people, though highly unlikely, but it couldn't have been done in 6,000 years or less.
Less actually, if you consider that everything was supposedly wiped out in a global flood.
Kumar said:
Do other ancient religions also mentions somewhat like Adam & Eve?

Yes. Almost all ancient pagan religions from Middle East have a story of exactly like Adam and Eve or similar; (According to sacred documents of those religions that has been dug up by archaeologists) therefore a lot of scholars think the story of Adam and Eve in the bible is stolen from a nearby pagan religion.
It may not be stolen but it can be due to some similarities in every religion at some basic level with just name, form & language change & adjusting to some environmental & regional considerations. Let us now try to relate qualities as mentioned of Adam & Eve or other similars: to any possiblity in science. These may need not to be in human form but can be the basis of human bodies.
I think one of the important aspects of this debate hasn't been touched on. At least in terms of Adam and Eve. If you know your Bible, Eve had two sons. Kinda tough to reproduce eh?
So now even if Adam and Eve really did exist (which by the way is complete mythology) we know they could not have spawned the human race alone as eve only had two sons?
Rhizobacter said:
I think one of the important aspects of this debate hasn't been touched on. At least in terms of Adam and Eve. If you know your Bible, Eve had two sons. Kinda tough to reproduce eh?

Sorry but it is not that simple.

Genesis 5 - (4) "After Seth was born, Adam lived 800 years and had other sons and daughters." (5) Altogether, Adam lived 930 years, and then he died.

Now if Adam lived 930 years how many children could he have?
Well, first of all, lets remember that Eve was created out of Adam, so they both started out with exactly identical genes (except that Eve had 2 X chromosomes).

Also, I think we can accept the hypothesis that God created Adam (and therefore Eve) with perfect DNA. Perfect in the sense that there were no genes in either set of chromosomes that had a negative impact on the organism.

Now I also think we can assume that God expected them to breed and so he made the two sets of chromosomes as different as he could think of to instill a little variety at the start.

So in the first round of children (in fact all the children of Adam and Eve, assuming they remained monogomous throughout their long lives) the only variation between the children (and indeed their parents) resulted from genetic crossover and mutations. But with the assumption that the two sets of chromosomes possessed by A&E were as different as possible, this could result in some reasonable amount of variation between the children.

In the 930 years that Adam lived, he could have had a lot of kids. As they bred together mutations and crossover would actually result in an increase of genetic diversity, i.e. in the difference between the genes of the offspring and those of A&E. Of course, you also had first generation children of A&E (from their golden years) breeding with offspring up to 40-some generations removed from A&E. However, since we know that the original genes were perfect this would not reinforce flaws as inbreeding does today, but in fact restore positive traits that may have been lost in subsequent generations. Of course, the populations that had already migrated far from the land of A&E would feel less of this effect and would be free to genetically drift as much as they liked.

Obviously, the purity of genes that once allowed us to live just shy of a thousand years has long since disappeared, so this trait must have been dependent on having a very large share of the original chromosomal sets. As life expectancy dropped, generations became shorter and the process of genetic drift accelerated, allowing us to achieve the diversity we see today, a scant 7000 years later.

All part of the miracle that is life.
Do you have any evidence of people living that long?
How about the evidence of people living much longer then 7000 years ago.
for your situation they would have the be mutations at a very high level as well as alot of stuff not writen in the bible.
maybe they produced offspring asexually to begin with. What are some some comparable facts of asexual breeding and doin' the nasty the ol' fashion way, in genetic terms; such as defects or anomalies. Does asexual breeding falter in regards to viable offspring, is it similiar to the effects of inbreeding? Just curious.
Well, first of all, lets remember that Eve was created out of Adam, so they both started out with exactly identical genes (except that Eve had 2 X chromosomes).

so maybe that "eve out of adam" thing is a metaphor for asexual reproduction.
(pardon, don't know how to qoute from previous posts yet)
rudeboyjohn said:
Well, first of all, lets remember that Eve was created out of Adam, so they both started out with exactly identical genes (except that Eve had 2 X chromosomes).

so maybe that "eve out of adam" thing is a metaphor for asexual reproduction.
(pardon, don't know how to qoute from previous posts yet)

Isn't it looks like basic 'energy & matter' ? Even first cell as created by nature could not be assumed to be free from all environmental effects, then how can we think, complete purity/virginity in subsequent generations(by additions & variations) of this first cell? :)
Science has never been able to prove that a “first cell” ever existed. It is only assumed.