Is it possible to become spiderman


Registered Member
I have been pondering this with friends and i was wonder if it would be genetically possible to become spiderman.
I believe that it would be, but i have no proof to back this up sadly.
I have had many numerous discussions with co-workers and they feel i am crazy.
I would just like some different opinions

it's easy to get bitten by a spider
it's possible to change your genetics by radiation,altaugh this will proberly be a bad thing (like cancer)

Unles your name is Peter Parker and your a New York city reporter your changes are verry slim.
with this genetic research the goose will one day actually lay the golden egg.
as to your question, quite possibly.
R-109 said:
I believe that it would be, but i have no proof to back this up sadly.

Belief is often enough to do many, many things. It's a proven tool that's been used throughout human history to "move mountains". So a little thing like making a "Spiderman" should be a snap with a strong enough belief.

Baron Max
I never read the books but I saw the movie. In there he was bitten and with the bite a transgenic spider 'injected' spider DNA in him that somehow spread through his body altering his physical characteristics.

Some notions of this complex process may not be far fetched at all, for instance the occurence of horizontal gene transfer (the exchange of genes between different species).

see of instance this:

I didn't do a thorough search. I just googled horizontal gene transfer and looked if anything interesting popped up immediately. Feel free to continue to search for yourself.
Certainly it is possible, there are already goats that produce spider silk protein in their milk.

However, most of the abilities of a spider do not translate well to the scale of humans.

Spiderman rocks.
damn spidey, whats with all the avatars? i liked the thingies that floated around in circles the best. what were those anyway? bees?
I don't know about becoming a "spiderman" but the idea of genetic engineering a human with super strength or speed or reflexes isn't to far out of scientific realm. Spider senses or web slinging probably is a little far out.
You been listening to too much scientific propaganda. You can't swing from skyscrapers, but a human being could do lots of that stuff. Gymnasts swing around and do stunts all the time. There are these guys in France that practice jumping buildings. They jump down stairwells and stuff with no rope. Nothing but their hands and feet to stop them from dying.

Did you know that webbing move that spiderman makes was a social engineering kind of thing? They wanted little kids to run around making that motion when they played. It was good for them. It spurred their physical development.
i was wonder if it would be genetically possible to become spiderman.

So, in essence, one takes on the characteristics of a spider after been bitten by a genetically altered spider.

I suppose the fact that the spider is genetically altered might be an argument as to why all spiders don't posses that ability. But why would a spider take on the power to mutate genes, from the venom once used to paralyze or kill, no less? If that spider catches a fly and bites it, would that fly suddenly mutate into a superfly and trash the spider with its new found superpowers?

That could be why they have to go around looking for humans to bite, at least there's a chance for a quick dine-and-dash.
guess these spiders have found a new way of reproducing then, if they can pass on genes this way? Spiderman could quickly be turned into a horror series: Peter Parker starts to develop uncontrollable urges to bite people...
spidergoat said:
Certainly it is possible, there are already goats that produce spider silk protein in their milk.

And that would be the origin of your username? ;)
Yes, with crystal skulls.
You should ask a spidergoat how he become a spider and a goat :p
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Is it possible to become spiderman? reply

i was wonder if it would be genetically possible to become spiderman.

So, in essence, one takes on the characteristics of a spider after been bitten by a genetically altered spider.

I suppose the fact that the spider is genetically altered might be an argument as to why all spiders don't posses that ability. But why would a spider take on the power to mutate genes, from the venom once used to paralyze or kill, no less? If that spider catches a fly and bites it, would that fly suddenly mutate into a superfly and trash the spider with its new found superpowers?

That could be why they have to go around looking for humans to bite, at least there's a chance for a quick dine-and-dash.

As mentioned in wikipedia, the spider biting peter parker was about to die -quote "accidentally absorbing a fantastic amount of radioactivity, the dying insect in sudden shock bites the nearest living thing, at the split second before life ebbs from its radioactive body" so practically a radioactive spider as such could only gather enough energy to genetically modify a human by being in its dying circumstance, as per the words of stan lee. :cool: ;)