Is it possible that a person opposes God for all eternity?

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we have a very limited potency, and even our displays of stubbornness must eventually submit to the greater grind of eternal time

But would that not be a denial of free will then?

It seems to me that having free will implies also being forever able to oppose God - and hence the notion of eternal hell ('hell' being the situation of opposing God).

If at some point, even if in the far off future, someone who now fiercely opposes God, stops the opposition, would this not be because his free will was interferred with and overridden?
And if a person's free will is interferred with or overridden, would this not mean that God is injust?

5 topics of the gita

kala(time), prakriti(nature), jiva(living entity), isvara (god) and karma (action and reaction)

4 are eternal

1 is not

Can you guess which one?

If I would have to go by my current understanding (without regard for what scriptures say), I would have to say all but God might be merely temporary.
I would say no. Not an Abrahamic God, because his perfection should overcome any mental or spiritual dullness given infinite time. It should wear down all thickheadedness and not getting it. The Can God make a rock so heavy he can't lift itissue is not even approached unless God set out to challenge himself by making people so spiritually stupid they can resist his overwhelming beauty grace and goodness for all time. But nowhere is it said that God set out to do that.

Interesting approach!

But, related to what I say above to Lightgigantic: Is God's perfection (and what it can achieve in a human) not a denial of man's free will?

Also, consider the popular Christian notion of eternal hell - that it is forever possible to oppose God, the souls in hell oppose God for all eternity.
Is it possible that a person opposes God for all eternity?

Since the human life-span is very finite, this is an absurd proposition. Let's keep in mind this is a science forum. If you have a point, please get to it because your OP is lacking in anything resembling it.
Good idea. Since the thread is, thus, redirected and restated, this one is closed.

Please PM me with questions or concerns.
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