Is it possible that a person opposes God for all eternity?

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How do you mean 'for all eternity' ?
And what precisely do you mean by 'oppose' ?
How do you mean 'for all eternity' ?
And what precisely do you mean by 'oppose' ?

Okay, I see your questions, but this thread is aimed more at theists, who are already well-familiar with the terms used.
How could I oppose a god that I don't believe in during an afterlife that I don't believe in.
But under your belief system, doesn't satan do exactly that.
Is it possible that a person opposes God for all eternity?
I would say no. Not an Abrahamic God, because his perfection should overcome any mental or spiritual dullness given infinite time. It should wear down all thickheadedness and not getting it. The Can God make a rock so heavy he can't lift itissue is not even approached unless God set out to challenge himself by making people so spiritually stupid they can resist his overwhelming beauty grace and goodness for all time. But nowhere is it said that God set out to do that.

As far as other Gods, it still seems unlikely, but I don't feel I can offer some sort of deductive reasoning since many gods are not claimed to be so damn perfect as the Abrahamic gods.

I could see however in some indigenous religions - some Native American for example - where you have trickster figures who are to some degree opposed, it seems almost like this is a necessary tension that makes the cosmos. Some pagan religions also - like the Norse gods - also seem to have eternal bad guys. I am not sure you have an eternity to work with here though.
Is it possible that a person opposes God for all eternity?

but we could for a very, very, very, very, very, very long time

we have a very limited potency, and even our displays of stubbornness must eventually submit to the greater grind of eternal time

5 topics of the gita

kala(time), prakriti(nature), jiva(living entity), isvara (god) and karma (action and reaction)

4 are eternal

1 is not

Can you guess which one?
This entity who can oppose the concept of God for eternity sounds like at least a minor deity him or herself.

I would need bathroom breaks, moments of doubt - about my doubt - and greater ability to stop the aging process.
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This entity who can oppose the concept of God for eternity sounds like at least a minor deity him or herself.

I would need bathroom breaks, moments of doubt - about my doubt - and greater ability to stop the aging process.


I don't think a weak concept requires constant minding.
I would say no. Not an Abrahamic God, because his perfection should overcome any mental or spiritual dullness given infinite time. It should wear down all thickheadedness and not getting it. The Can God make a rock so heavy he can't lift itissue is not even approached unless God set out to challenge himself by making people so spiritually stupid they can resist his overwhelming beauty grace and goodness for all time. But nowhere is it said that God set out to do that.

The claims for the Abrahamic god being perfect are pathetic. The Holy Babble demonstrates clearly it is far from perfect.
If after death I find myself yet alive & before the omnipotent, omniscient, omninarcissist, omnisadist, omnichildish god of the KJV, I'd spit in its face.
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