Is it ok to hate your parents if they did wrong to you?

My morals say she woudnt deserve punishment... she woud deserve help.!!!
Again, if someone is living in fear and has trouble handling those emotions, then by all means, get them help. If they react to that fear by murdering people, then lock them away so they won't murder again.
Again, if someone is living in fear and has trouble handling those emotions, then by all means, get them help. If they react to that fear by murdering people, then lock them away so they won't murder again.

If she was in grate fear of her abuser... didnt receive any mental help an then murdered her abuser... do you thank she deserves punishment.???
If she was in grate fear of her abuser... didnt receive any mental help an then murdered her abuser... do you thank she deserves punishment.???
Yes, because she murdered someone, and that's a crime, even if you really, really hate someone.
The one exception is insanity. If she is truly insane, then she's not responsible for what she does. In that case she should be confined so that she cannot kill anyone else; no punishment.
You wouldn't love a rapist or murderer.
And from what people have said here, many wouldn't hate a murderer, either. But again, all those things - hate/love, stopping rape, and killing people - are very different.
cluelusshusbund said:
If she was in grate fear of her abuser... didnt receive any mental help an then murdered her abuser... do you thank she deserves punishment.???

The one exception is insanity. If she is truly insane, then she's not responsible for what she does. In that case she should be confined so that she cannot kill anyone else; no punishment.

Ok... so after bein confined an finaly does get mental health treetment... an after 6 mounths she loses the hate for her father... has forgivness for what her father did to her an her mother... an thers no dout in you'r mind that she fully realizes that killin her father was wrong an woud never behave like that agan... woud you be Ok wit her not bein confined anymore.???
Ok... so after bein confined an finaly does get mental health treetment... an after 6 mounths she loses the hate for her father... has forgivness for what her father did to her an her mother... an thers no dout in you'r mind that she fully realizes that killin her father was wrong an woud never behave like that agan... woud you be Ok wit her not bein confined anymore.???
Well, no - she's insane and can kill again. I'd extend every kindness to her, but also make sure that she is never free to go on another murderous rampage.

Insanity is a serious mental illness, and insanity so profound that a person cannot stop themselves from murdering is the most serious form of insanity. They must be kept apart from society for their own good.
Well, no - she's insane and can kill again. I'd extend every kindness to her, but also make sure that she is never free to go on another murderous rampage.

Insanity is a serious mental illness, and insanity so profound that a person cannot stop themselves from murdering is the most serious form of insanity. They must be kept apart from society for their own good.

Ok... anuther hypothetical:::

Say sombody starts behavin more an more weird... an then one day they start hittin people in a store wit a base ball bat an kill 3 people... hes determined to be mentally ill an locked up... an after a week he has a terrible head ache an they do a scan an find a growth in a part of his brain which caused his bad behavior... they operate... an now hes back to his old self... woud you be Ok wit him bein turned loose.???
Say sombody starts behavin more an more weird... an then one day they start hittin people in a store wit a base ball bat an kill 3 people... hes determined to be mentally ill an locked up... an after a week he has a terrible head ache an they do a scan an find a growth in a part of his brain which caused his bad behavior... they operate... an now hes back to his old self... woud you be Ok wit him bein turned loose.???
Depends. Can a doctor verify that he won't kill again due to the removal of the tumor? And stake his license on it? Then I'd say he's probably OK to be released.
Even if she plotted... an then killed him... i dont thank she deserves punishment for it.!!!
Premeditation and Self Defense are two separate scenarios. If it were simply self defense i wouldn't want to see the girl punished. However if she did plan it out in advance, and struck first..then it becomes a grey area for me. One part of me says: "That f***er deserved it. I'm glad that scumbag of a human being is dead." while the other part of me says " No matter how much sweet satisfaction that girl may get out of ending her torturer's life..she has become weaker by taking a life, instead of moving on to live her own." The latter i know, is a very hard road to travel.
Depends. Can a doctor verify that he won't kill again due to the removal of the tumor? And stake his license on it? Then I'd say he's probably OK to be released.

Yes... an even stake his license on it... lol... you'r tuff as nails Bill :)

Some people woud want the person to serve a full sentence in prison... even tho the cause of ther "crime" was beyond ther control.!!!
Premeditation and Self Defense are two separate scenarios. If it were simply self defense i wouldn't want to see the girl punished. However if she did plan it out in advance, and struck first..then it becomes a grey area for me. One part of me says: "That f***er deserved it. I'm glad that scumbag of a human being is dead." while the other part of me says " No matter how much sweet satisfaction that girl may get out of ending her torturer's life..she has become weaker by taking a life, instead of moving on to live her own." The latter i know, is a very hard road to travel.

From a legal standpont it coud come down to which side has the best lawyers... ho-hum... but to me the more interestin issue is viewin it from a moral standpont.!!!

Even if the girl was no longer in danger she may still feel morally justified to plot an kill her abuser... an she has a right to feel that way... even tho killin her father will likely make her life even worser... ie... prison... sinse she plotted the "murder".!!!

Im glad the abuse stoped one way or anuther... but i dont see her father as a scum-bag (i suspect he was also in need of mental help) any more than i see the girl as a scumbag for killin him.!!!

Im still surprized when i hear people agree wit stuff like this:::

After bein raised in a home whare "her father, who has been sexually assaulting her since the age of 10 and violently abusing her mother since the day she was born”... the 17 year old then plots an kills her father... an those in judgment determine that sinse she plotted the murder shes sane... an therfor deserves prison.!!!
Even if the girl was no longer in danger she may still feel morally justified to plot an kill her abuser... an she has a right to feel that way... even tho killin her father will likely make her life even worser... ie... prison... sinse she plotted the "murder".!!!

I agree with you, as an individual she would feel, and in my mind, have all the justification and right in the world to murder her father. But just because it's justifiable for one individual in an extreme circumstance, does not mean that it can be justified across the board, or be the first response. Laws have a precedence to exist for a society to function, but Law does not necessarily dictate Morality.
Is it ok to hate your parents if they did wrong to you?
For example, irresponsible father who is a gambler or an alcoholic who never cares for you.
Or a father who rapes his own daughter and so on.

Is it justifiable to hate such parents?

First, you should ask yourself did my parents really do me wrong? Sometimes perception isn't reality. In the cases you give as examples, those are legitimate wrongs. But hate, is not free. Hate is costly. It eats away at ones soul. I think a wiser course would be to first ensure your safety and the safety of others who might be at risk and bring criminal charges if applicable. Then I think it would be wiser to find a way to forgive your parents and heal your wounds. Understand our parents are not perfect, they are humans too and subject to all the frailties and imperfections thereof. But forgiveness doesn't mean setting yourself up to be victimized again. You need to protect yourself. You don't have to like your parents, but you can still forgive them.
I agree with you, as an individual she would feel, and in my mind, have all the justification and right in the world to murder her father. But just because it's justifiable for one individual in an extreme circumstance, does not mean that it can be justified across the board, or be the first response. Laws have a precedence to exist for a society to function, but Law does not necessarily dictate Morality.

Murderin ones father is not justifiable in a society in which i wish to live;;; some more stuff i dont thank is justifiable... is to punish that girl who was raised in a house of horrors whare she was molested/tortured from age 10 to 17... watched her mother bein violently abused on a daily basis... an even after she comits murder by killin the "monster"... is still considered sane.!!!