Is it morally Ethical to tell others what is morally correct?

possably but where does "common sence" come from. Maybe the reason you think its common sence is that you have had an ethical upbringing.

For instance its common sence to me that the goverment should keep out of peoples sex lives and that gays and lesbians should have the same rights as everyone else. To Sandy and Kadark its common sence to opress them. How should this be resolved? Using the formal principles of ethics maybe
I think you start with the basics. We all must respect each other. But we don't have to agree. I don't think Sandy or Kadark think they are oppressing homosexuals. I think they just do not like the practice of homosexuality.
So I think we can deal with each other from a point of mutual respect and tolerance. I don't think that homosexuals have the right to change the defination of marriage. But they can have civil unions with all the rights of marriage. Personally, I think it is very, very stupid to do so...but just my opinion. Becuase then you have to deal with divorce or disunion and all that goes with it.
joe my point wasnt to get what YOU think is ethical but to show that "common sence" isnt nessarly ethical. Its only ethical if the person using it is an ethical person. For instance Hitler would have thought it "ethical" to exicute all those people, the Nazi doctors would have said THERE jobs were ethical. However they breach ethical priniples
I have always been amazed that some folk think they are the ultimate arbiters of what is and is not ethical. So what does one need to be become a ethicist and is it ethical to do so?

So you're saying if you see a man beating a dog or raping a woman or torturing a child, you feel that it would be unethical to say/do something?
Not at all, I would be obligated to help those less fortunate. You stop he act of violence, what is wrong with that?
joe what she is saying is that your making an ethical decision that what they are doing is wrong. This is overuling someone ELSE's view of what is ethical
I disagree with the premise. It has been my experience that wrong doers know what they are doing is wrong in a majority of cases. But many are not diciplined with their emotions.
This is from a book on the cartwright inquiry and doctor Green

Now if you have made it this low down my post congratulations:p
Seriously though this incident made me sick not because people died, people DO die in medical resurch but because there was no informed concent to the resurch. The women didnt even KNOW they weren't being given the standed treatment. Whats worse NO ONE spoke out about it and DELT with the situation. Not the other senior doctors who felt it wasnt there place to invove themselves in another doctors work. Not the journor doctors or nurses who Dr Green intimdated and NOT the hospital administration when it was reported to them

These women didn't know that they could die from the treatment. Now that is unethical, but how could so many doctors remain apathetic ? Isn't the first rule Do no harm ? (they should limit the harm they do)..
it was a VERY unethical "study", they didnt know they were even taking part or that they even HAD an abnormal papsmear
I disagree with the premise. It has been my experience that wrong doers know what they are doing is wrong in a majority of cases. But many are not diciplined with their emotions.
People with a great deal of discipline over their emotions have killed incredible amounts of people. Cold killers are often good at repeated efficient killing.
My point was, and I did not express it well previously, that people generally know right from wrong, with the exception of psychopaths. In the case of the psychopath there is no guilt.