Is it me or is this site in its death throes?

If you're bored, here's a cultural mystery you can help solve.

(P.S. Anyone else noticed SciFo being extremely slow in the last couple of days? Pages seems to take forever to load.)
Bowser, is your own site up and running? What's the traffic like there?
You seem to me to be very chatty, that's a good thing on general discussion forums. So, I don't suppose you would have trouble finding somewhere else if this place dives. I think some here mistake this site with having something to do with science.

Your not just saying that to make people stick around, right? I like the ''there is a plan'', but not the ''possibly?'' part. There is also a plan to have nuclear fusion power stations one day.

..... but I've been coming here for years, possibly before you were born.

I am yet to figure out which part of sweetpea posts gives away his age. I too have commented on his age in the past...
If SciForums was strictly a science forum, it wouldn't have subforums that delve into ethics, religion, politics, etc.
That's true. Wonder why the original owners decided on the Sciforums title?
MY alternative forum is YouTube,
I meant the ''Speaks Sumo'' thingy. Google doesn't show it any more.
but I've been coming here for years, possibly before you were born.
Long enough to have a family of socks?

You know who they are... perma-ban all 7 in one fell swoop then Sciforums will be fixed
You got a list? I swear sometimes even the bots have socks here.
The exact number an names may vary a bit from other people who have a list... but yes i have a list... an will post it wit a Sciforums administrators Ok.!!!

So long as it isn't anything illegal (hit list, sex trafficking list, etc)... why wouldn't you be permitted to post it?
James R might have a diferent opinion so i will wait for his or some other administrators permission.!!!
I would be astonished and dismayed if you got permission.

Regardless of James' answer, it would be in extremely bad taste for any member to post such an arbitrary persona non grata list publicly. And I'd report it to get it pulled down.
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I would be astonished and dismayed if you got permission.

Regardless of James' answer, it would be in extremely bad taste for any member to post such an arbitrary persona non grata list publicly.

Well we know that thers a plan in the works an i suspect that some blood is gonna be spilled... so who knows... dependin on the plan... James R might appreciate a list.!!!