Is it me or is this site in its death throes?


Valued Senior Member
I don't want to be downer, but SciForums seems to be,well, dying. The level of participation doesn't appear very healthy.
There is no full time moderation here. James R does weekly or fortnightly chaffing; only few people participate with requisite energy and seriousness.
I don't want to be downer, but SciForums seems to be,well, dying. The level of participation doesn't appear very healthy.

I dont know about the quantity of posts but the quality has improved... less woo bein alowed... an improper religious posts are bein more closely monitored.!!!
I don't want to be downer, but SciForums seems to be,well, dying. The level of participation doesn't appear very healthy.
Rigor Mortis, possibly...?
Honestly, Bowser, "Dump on Trump" seems to be the current "soup du jours"!
Lacking in Science, but chock full of the profuse ad hominems that a few Members (and Moderators) prefer to proffer in lieu of actual Honest, Earnest and Intelligent discussion.
Rigor Mortis, possibly...?
Honestly, Bowser, "Dump on Trump" seems to be the current "soup du jours"!
Lacking in Science, but chock full of the profuse ad hominems that a few Members (and Moderators) prefer to proffer in lieu of actual Honest, Earnest and Intelligent discussion.

...bargaining stage of grief?
I know several prominent members have either left or otherwise gone "lurker" due to the increased woo-woo and other "anti-science" that has proliferated in recent years... it became impossible for many of them to hold a decent conversation when you have certain... people... who will twist themselves into pretzels to avoid answering questions, ignore presented evidence, refuse to support their assertions, and otherwise argue dishonestly and in bad faith...

It is no small wonder, to be fair - after all, if one constrains him or her self to arguing the facts and reality, in good faith, they are severely handicapped against someone who has no problem outright lying or otherwise being dishonest... so why would they stick around and subject themselves to that?
I know several prominent members have either left or otherwise gone "lurker" due to the increased woo-woo and other "anti-science" that has proliferated in recent years...

Youv'e identified the prollem... why not fix it wit ponts an bans.???
I don't want to be downer, but SciForums seems to be,well, dying. The level of participation doesn't appear very healthy.
Bowser, is your own site up and running? What's the traffic like there?
You seem to me to be very chatty, that's a good thing on general discussion forums. So, I don't suppose you would have trouble finding somewhere else if this place dives. I think some here mistake this site with having something to do with science.

All I am at liberty to say is... there is a plan (possibly?)
Your not just saying that to make people stick around, right? I like the ''there is a plan'', but not the ''possibly?'' part. There is also a plan to have nuclear fusion power stations one day.
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Bowser, is your own site up and running? What's the traffic like there?
You seem to me to be very chatty, that's a good thing on general discussion forums. So, I don't suppose you would have trouble finding somewhere else if this place dives. I think some here mistake this site with having something to do with science.

I wasn't being a dick, I've just noticed a reduction in participation. If SciForums was strictly a science forum, it wouldn't have subforums that delve into ethics, religion, politics, etc. MY alternative forum is YouTube, but I've been coming here for years, possibly before you were born.
It's you. I think you just don't like the direction it's going.
I was watching tumbleweeds over the weekend. If there's a new direction, it appears to be a losing proposition. Again, I'm not trying to be a dick.
All I am at liberty to say is... there is a plan (possibly?)

How about this plan... dont get rid of any of the forums here... just get rid of the people who wont foller the rules.!!!

You know who they are... perma-ban all 7 in one fell swoop then Sciforums will be fixed.!!!