Is it immoral to refuse to believe?

Frankly you can "believe" whatever the hell you want, voicing an opinon however always comes with some varying level of risk...
heh yes, exactly. Conversely, for my opinion, I am ignored for eternity(or until reparations are given).
our existence does not allow us not to believe or to refuse to believe. By refusing to believe in something we are either suppressing this belief subconsciously and thus covering it up. Or...or we are changing that belief to another one that suits our logic more.

You cannot not believe.

I believe the Knicks will win the game.
I believe the Spurs will lose the game.
John believes the Spurs will lose the game.
Do both John and I believe the Knick's will win the game?

According to your logic, it is not possible for John to both believe the Spurs will lose the game and not believe that the Knick's will win the game. This is derived modally from the assumption that the game can only hold one winner, if the game ties and runs the clock too long to the point of a delay, no one wins, and no one loses. John can understand this chance and not choose to believe in either victory, loss, or neither for the Knicks because he is simply unsure of the result, however, he dislikes the spurs and has an emotional attachment to believing they will in fact lose. I can also complicate this further by stating that John is ignorant of logical reasoning and cannot deduct that the Knicks will win the game and has no reason to believe it. He is not suppressing a belief, nor forming a knew one, he can however NOT believe that the Knicks will win the game. As a rule of thumb, one can pretty much believe anything, there are very few examples of things people cannot believe. One cannot for example believe both A and not A if A is perceived in a unilateral way by the person.
I believe the Knicks will win the game.
I believe the Spurs will lose the game.
John believes the Spurs will lose the game.
Do both John and I believe the Knick's will win the game?

According to your logic, it is not possible for John to both believe the Spurs will lose the game and not believe that the Knick's will win the game. This is derived modally from the assumption that the game can only hold one winner, if the game ties and runs the clock too long to the point of a delay, no one wins, and no one loses. John can understand this chance and not choose to believe in either victory, loss, or neither for the Knicks because he is simply unsure of the result, however, he dislikes the spurs and has an emotional attachment to believing they will in fact lose. I can also complicate this further by stating that John is ignorant of logical reasoning and cannot deduct that the Knicks will win the game and has no reason to believe it. He is not suppressing a belief, nor forming a knew one, he can however NOT believe that the Knicks will win the game. As a rule of thumb, one can pretty much believe anything, there are very few examples of things people cannot believe. One cannot for example believe both A and not A if A is perceived in a unilateral way by the person.

In your example there are 3 beliefs...not two...a belief in A...a belief in B...and a belief in a tie. realize that.
I believe the Knicks will win the game.
I believe the Spurs will lose the game.
John believes the Spurs will lose the game.
Do both John and I believe the Knick's will win the game?

According to your logic, it is not possible for John to both believe the Spurs will lose the game and not believe that the Knick's will win the game. This is derived modally from the assumption that the game can only hold one winner, if the game ties and runs the clock too long to the point of a delay, no one wins, and no one loses. John can understand this chance and not choose to believe in either victory, loss, or neither for the Knicks because he is simply unsure of the result, however, he dislikes the spurs and has an emotional attachment to believing they will in fact lose. I can also complicate this further by stating that John is ignorant of logical reasoning and cannot deduct that the Knicks will win the game and has no reason to believe it. He is not suppressing a belief, nor forming a knew one, he can however NOT believe that the Knicks will win the game. As a rule of thumb, one can pretty much believe anything, there are very few examples of things people cannot believe. One cannot for example believe both A and not A if A is perceived in a unilateral way by the person.

Shit this is confusing it reminds me of those math questions we used to get in school lol
Shit this is confusing it reminds me of those math questions we used to get in school lol

Some people do that a lot ....but it's just a vast amount of words typed on the screen so you'll think they know what the fuck they're talking about! Tiassa, Fraggle and Billy T are notorious for long, involved, bullshit posts to hide the fact that they don't know what the fuck they're talkin' about! :D

Baron Max
Some people do that a lot ....but it's just a vast amount of words typed on the screen so you'll think they know what the fuck they're talking about! Tiassa, Fraggle and Billy T are notorious for long, involved, bullshit posts to hide the fact that they don't know what the fuck they're talkin' about! :D

Baron Max

and you, you seem to love pointing out how other members are full of shit instead of actually contributing to a discussion :D
In your example there are 3 beliefs...not two...a belief in A...a belief in B...and a belief in a tie. realize that.

Even if there are 3 beliefs, my example is where the person does not believe in any of the 3 because he is unsure. Reread what I wrote.

Baron Max you are on the wrong website, if you are going to just be childish go to another forum.
Mod Hat - Not exactly ....

Mod Hat - Not exactly ....

Baron Max said:

Pointing out where others are full of shit IS contributing to the discussions! ....LOL!

Not exactly, Max. There are a few things to consider ...

(1) A proper Shit Inspector should be full of shit considerably less than the rest of the field.

(2) Shit Inspectors don't just run around getting excited about shit, they actually clean it up by providing real, substantive information.

(3) An anal fixation does not a Shit Inspector make.​

I have no moral objection to your shit obsession, Max. I've known people to be obsessed with worse things. But you're not contributing shit to any topic you've been playing your little game in.

Part of the point of calling bullshit on one another is challenging the reality it presents. In order to reasonably challenge the shit you think you see, you need to provide some better counterpoint than simply being rude and ridiculous. In this way, your obsession with shit can contribute to the topic.

Also, since it's apparently shit, could you, like, you know, splatter less while you play around with it? Thanks much.

• • •​

On a note completely unrelated to the shit above, I feel it necessary to point out that there are no ties in American professional basketball. Maybe somewhere else, but ... ah ... no, not in the NBA. Sorry. I know, I know. Anyway, carry on, carry on ... 'cause nothin' really matters.
I have no moral objection to your shit obsession, Max. I've known people to be obsessed with worse things. But you're not contributing shit to any topic you've been playing your little game in.

I'm asking challenging questions of the membership ....much like Myers was doing at the Univ of Florida, right? And you posted that he wasn't doing anything wrong, and the "cops" should have let him speak. So....?

I guess it amounts to something like .....are you going to uphold your high ideals and let me speak, or are you going to be like those UF "cops" who tazered Myers? :D

Anyway, carry on, carry on ... 'cause nothin' really matters.

Yeah, it really don't matter, does it? We bitch n' moan, whine and complain, but in the end, it don't make no fuckin' difference ......and ya' know, it never really has made a difference. Hard work and effort makes a difference, not a bunch of idealistic words.

Baron Max
Mod Hat - Response

Mod Hat - Response

Baron Max said:

I'm asking challenging questions of the membership ....much like Myers was doing at the Univ of Florida, right? And you posted that he wasn't doing anything wrong, and the "cops" should have let him speak. So....?

It's funny how you like to compare yourself to various people and groups, Max. Wasn't it just last week you compared yourself to the Palestinians?

Unlike Mr. Myers, you are not putting forward any useful thesis. Mr. Myers actually put forward the thesis that Mr. Kerry had won the election, and wanted to know why the Senator did not challenge the Bush victory. You, on the other hand, are just trying to be a prig.

Get over it, and respect the topic instead of just feeding your hatred.

And like I've advised you before: if you don't like my rules, start a topic about it in the appropriate place. In the meantime, stop polluting topics and stop being ridiculous.

Easy enough? Good.
Mod Hat - Response

It's funny how you like to compare yourself to various people and groups, Max. Wasn't it just last week you compared yourself to the Palestinians?

Are you saying that one can't take a pro or con position on any topic on sciforums? That everyone must be totally, completely honest in everything that they say or post?

Unlike Mr. Myers, you are not putting forward any useful thesis.

So we can't ask questions of the previous poster about what they've posted? We all have to have a firm and studied conviction about all topics prior to making any posts on sciforums?

You, on the other hand, are just trying to be a prig.

I think Socrates asked a lot of questions, didn't he? Do you consider him a prig?

And are you permitted by the sciforums to call me such names?

And like I've advised you before: if you don't like my rules, ...

Sorta' sounds like the Chief of Police in Seattle, huh? Weren't you just complaining about that very attitude on another thread about police? ...LOL!

It's hard to be a cop, ain't it, Tiassa?

Baron Max