Is it correct to send children to sunday school?

Is it correct to teach children from an early age to belive in 'god'

  • no, it is not correct

    Votes: 13 59.1%
  • its o.k

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • yes, its correct

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • not bothered

    Votes: 3 13.6%

  • Total voters
No to Sunday School and no to religion of any kind being taught at school.

Children should be taught to follow a good code of conduct, ethics and morals, both at school and at home, during the course of their everyday lives. It should be taught just as naturally as teaching a child not to put a fork in the toaster.

Some of you believe that religion is the only way to learn good behaviour. Religious fanaticism should have expelled that idea from your head long ago.

Originally posted by Teri 2
No to Sunday School and no to religion of any kind being taught at school.

Children should be taught to follow a good code of conduct, ethics and morals, both at school and at home, during the course of their everyday lives. It should be taught just as naturally as teaching a child not to put a fork in the toaster.

Some of you believe that religion is the only way to learn good behaviour. Religious fanaticism should have expelled that idea from your head long ago.


I'll only agree to what you say if it has proven to work, like the program or the code of conduct rule. But right now...I don't think there is any but to be taught from the parent or some other guardian. Only if those good circumstances are given, then I wouldn't send my children to church either.
No child should be forced to attend sunday school for the simple fact that they are too impressionable at an early age and do not need to go to any church like atmosphere until ages 10-12 at least, when they can comprehend it and make their own choice about it.
Go 'Sunday' school ...

Or any other school that gets the ankle-biters out of the house for a bit!

And, Sunday is perfect ... Gives ma & pa a bit of peace and maybe
some shag time.

Take care ;)
Originally posted by Adam
If a child is subjected to one religion, they should be subjected to all religions, and must also be subjected to skepticism, atheism, agnosticism, et cetera. Rather than churchy school, send them to the library.
<p>I couldn't agree with you more. There is no one religion or one set of beliefs. That is why I consider myself an agnostic - there simply is not enough time in this life to sort through it all and make an educated decision on what is "right". I think that all religions have their good points, and if you subscribe to one, you're depriving yourself of the beauty of the others.<p>Our world is an incredibly diverse place, and why else are we here if not to experience all it has to offer (good AND bad)?<p>Now to answer the original question of this thread, <p>No, I personally do not have a problem if parents send their children to Sunday school, as long as that is in alignment with the beliefs of the family. I know of a family in which the parents aren't involved with any church, yet they force their children to participate in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (more commonly known as "Mormon"). Why do they do this? Perhaps so that their children will be accepted by the majority of the people here (I live in Salt Lake City, Utah)..?
It's up to parents to instill the moral and ethical values they choose upon their own children. That is what being a Parent is - teaching right from wrong, and continuing the values which prove suscesful to your lives.

If Parents are not the ones to instill morals, then who will be? Government, you may argue... but what if Government teaches morals you do not want your children to have because they offend or conflict with your own morals? Are you going to just step aside, and decide that the powers that be know what is best?

Religion, wether you accept it or not, is still the collectively biggest source of morals on the planet. Many of them have conflicting and contradicting morals from one another. Can a child honestly fathom that deeply yet? Children are more interested early in life, with cartoons, toys, and having friends.

In short, if parents want to send their children to sunday-school to learn religion and morals, it is up to them and not up to anyone to interfear with how they raise their child.
A reply

Is it correct to send children to church or sunday school from an early age, to teach them to believe in 'god' or is correct to have religous orientated or sponsered schools?

I do not have a black or white answer to that question. However, I can provide some input that may shed some light. My father was a baptist minister for about 22 years. Naturally, I was required to attend sunday school and never missed a church service. Although I can not explain exactly why, I NEVER bought into it. Even as a child I could plainly see through the bullshit. It still amazes me that people can actually fail to reject such teachings as immutable truth. Ironically, and perhaps predictably, I gleaned a lot of insight from the teachings of Jesus. Though not in the context that the teachers intended to convey. I guess what I am trying to say is that for some people, religious indoctrination can tranform the mind into a prison of dogma and fear. For others it will provide an opportunity to learn to trust ones own observations and the courage to ask WHY. If it wre not for sunday school and church, I might not today be questioning the why's and how's. I would probably be sitting, slack jawed, in front of a t.v. watching CNN and hating communist.