Is it correct to send children to sunday school?

Is it correct to teach children from an early age to belive in 'god'

  • no, it is not correct

    Votes: 13 59.1%
  • its o.k

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • yes, its correct

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • not bothered

    Votes: 3 13.6%

  • Total voters


Club Ninja
Valued Senior Member
Is it correct to send children to church or sunday school from an early age, to teach them to believe in 'god' or is correct to have religous orientated or sponsered schools?

Your views please! :D
There is nothing wrong if you truely believe they are going to hell if they don't.
I have no problem with it. Whether people like it or not, children aren't capable of making the sorts of decisions about god and what's right and wrong. That's the role of the parent. If the parent's ideas of right and wrong are in line with the ideas of a church, then wouldn't it make sense to have those ideas reinforced at a church. Most importantly, Sunday School explains to children what is going on in the church that their parents are attending.
Despite what people think, the mere act of going to sunday school and perhaps even learning something does not sear the brain, keeping any other knowledge or thought away. When the child gets to maturity, they are perfectly capable of deciding for themselves whether they will continue in the church, find one which more closely resembles their own ideals, or not go to any at all.
well, i know in schools in Australia teach christianity in government schools. Being that AUstralia is a fundamentally christian country.. but i have always thought all religions should be offered at school, even a non relgious class.... let children make their oen decision....
I guess you see Oz differently than i do then agent... i know very few people who are actively christian, and if you ask most people if they believe in god they'll usually have to stop and think about it, then generally answer something along the lines of "i dunno".

I was never taught any christianity in my government school... were you? i remember being sent to sunday school by my parents about three times... i didnt like it much, and they never made me go any more.... I'm quite grateful for that :)
If a child is subjected to one religion, they should be subjected to all religions, and must also be subjected to skepticism, atheism, agnosticism, et cetera. Rather than churchy school, send them to the library.
"Subjected to one religion?"

You make it sound like torture. Children do not have the capabilities to make these decisions, Adam. I know how much you hate that people "follow" instead of striking out blindly with nothing but what they've fashioned themselves, but SURELY you cannot expect a 8-12 year old to be able to make the sort of rational decisions that an adult is capable of.
It is the parent's responsibility to provide a good moral education to a child. At the very least it should be their own. Then, when the child is ABLE to make their own fully rational decisions (at adulthood) they will be capable of either reaffirming that education, or rejecting it for something better.
I was not taught any one religion as a child. I was handed a library card by my parents. I asked questions and read things, and found that every formal philosophy or religion I could find was either limited and insufficient or completely ridiculous. I kept a few good ideas from some and discarded the rest, and went on to try figuring it all out for myself. If I can do it, everyone else can. I do not ask of anyone else that which I can not do myself.
I had to say "NO". I was raised as A very strict catholic. As soon as I was cognizent (sic) of my own mind, I researched other religions. I found too many unanswered questions. I now consider myself the ultimate religious skeptic. No one has been able to convince me of the existence of anything. Hell, even Atheist,s haven't been able to convince me of "nothingness".

Northwind should have a field day with this one.
Anvil's away!!!
i personally believe that children should not be subjected to one religion, they should be subjected to everyone or none not one! (does that make sence?!) this means if they are subjected to one religion at an early age they are brainwashed, they are not capable of making decitions about religion at such an early age.
This thread is not if god exists but if children should be subjected to religion before they are capable of thinking for themselfs. :D If you subject them to religion you are more or less teaching them to believe in something that there is no proof of, teaching them to be illogical, am i not correct? I personally believe there is no god or devine force controlling everything- i belive in nothing but science.
I don't see the point of sending children to schools that brain-washes fantasies and lies. Children should be taught what is real in the world and that not everything has an answer, yet. This will allow them to think rationally for themselves. Then they can decide if they wish to study religion or not.

Too many children are force-fed religion at an age where their minds are impressionable. Of course, at that age, role models also become an important factor. If Mom and Dad believe in religion and attend church, the kids will most likely follow in their footsteps.

The fantasy cycle is never broken. Very sad.

Did a sunday school teacher run over your pets once?

I personally went to Sunday school, and I think it gave me a good foundation for when I did begin to grow up and start asking questions. I hardly consider myself "brainwashed". Maybe I was lucky, and was in a sunday school where we were taught what the church believed in and why and answered our questions to their ability. It sounds like some of yours tie you down to a chair and beat you with rubber hoses until you join. Maybe I just got lucky. Either way, I found my own way after I grew up.

(Q), I suppose that means that perfectly good people who follow a religion are evil and should be purged from the earth, whether or not they are law-abiding, good people. that somehow trying to instill the moral code into their child is terrible. Why? Shouldn't we be teaching our kids right from wrong? Is it incorrect to teach a kid that punching someone is wrong? Is it incorrect to teach a child not to stick a screwdriver into an electric outlet? Don't both have the same weight, really?

It is the parents responsibility to teach these sorts of things to a child so that they can survive, prosper and become actually capable of making their own decisions at one time. I'm curious how you will be raising your own children.

This thread is not if god exists but if children should be subjected to religion before they are capable of thinking for themselfs.

Should children be subjected to their parents moral values and beliefs of the nature of the universe?


I personally went to Sunday school, and I think it gave me a good foundation for when I did begin to grow up and start asking questions.

I find that very hard to believe unless the questions were a direct result of your rationality questioning the religion.

It sounds like some of yours tie you down to a chair and beat you with rubber hoses until you join.

I was lucky. I never had to attend Sunday school.

(Q), I suppose that means that perfectly good people who follow a religion are evil and should be purged from the earth, whether or not they are law-abiding, good people.

You said that, I didn't. I would rather see religion purged from the Earth, not people.

that somehow trying to instill the moral code into their child is terrible. Why? Shouldn't we be teaching our kids right from wrong? Is it incorrect to teach a kid that punching someone is wrong? Is it incorrect to teach a child not to stick a screwdriver into an electric outlet? Don't both have the same weight, really?

Here is the flaw in your argument. Religion is not required to instill morals, teach right from wrong, abhor violence, or dissuade self-destructive tendencies.

It is the parents responsibility to teach these sorts of things to a child so that they can survive, prosper and become actually capable of making their own decisions at one time.

Exactly, and parents do not require religion to teach those values.

I'm curious how you will be raising your own children.

With rationale, logic, reason and critical thinking. And without religion, thank you very much. ;)
Ok i don't know if any of you care but i went to a catholic primary school

i also went to a public school for grade 6 when our school closed down

i have to say that i much prefered to go to the catholic school because the teachers were better

i am not a catholic anymore because i am sick of the hipocracy in the church so i am now agnostic but i don't think my parents did the wrong thing in sending me to learn about there belifes.

They have never critisided me when i stoped going to church and they agnolage that its my choice what i belive in

I have to say that i am glade my parents are caholic and not funamentlis because they are MUCH more tolerant of different belifes

Was spelling one of those things your Catholic school was better at teaching? (j/k) ;)


Seriously though, if parents do not trust their children to choose the right path once they grow up enough to be capable of such choices, then their only recourse is indoctrination.

Catch 'em early, catch 'em young. And once they grow up with the bullshit and it ingrains itself deeply enough, they'll never be able to get rid of it even if they wanted to. How doting and caring... :rolleyes:
Why did most of the people post is it not correct? It is what the parents what their children to believe in. Is being 'correct' (although we don't really know) always the 'right' thing to do? I believe if it's positive to their life, to learn about people, respect and all that, then it would be for the better for them. And plus, going to Sunday school is a very good foundation for the children to be good. Well despite all that religious crap, as someone already said, they will be mature and capable enough to believe in God or not, to go to church or not. But I would send my children to Sunday school, or have them enrolled, teach them good morals. If I have the time to do so myself, I would rather not and teach them. As long as it's positive. I've been raised going to Sunday school and it made me a better person. Positive effect. But I hope you basically get what I mean. I see nothing wrong with it.

Believing in God has no negative effect really in your life, it actually helps you to become better. These bullshit churches, I would say, even though they use power and such, it is positive for society, many people are good people because of church. But I don't believe in Catholic how you have to kiss the bishop's ring and crap, I believe religion is twisted with human thoughts who use it the wrong way. But as long as those are not abused...religion is good.

To be able to believe in life is good, then later you solely choose what you want to believe in.
Originally posted by ratbat
I had to say "NO". I was raised as A very strict catholic. As soon as I was cognizent (sic) of my own mind, I researched other religions. I found too many unanswered questions. I now consider myself the ultimate religious skeptic. No one has been able to convince me of the existence of anything. Hell, even Atheist,s haven't been able to convince me of "nothingness".

Northwind should have a field day with this one.
Anvil's away!!!


Atheism is not the conviction that there is no god, it is simply the lack of belief in a god. And it applies to everyone. Christians are atheistic about the Hindu gods, and vice-versa.

*target acquired, Anvil straight up the patootie*
Children only think that they'll go to hell because they aren't told otherwise. Children believe their parents. If children knew the full picture, they probably wouldn't want to go.

Religious People - They choose to believe what they are told to believe