Is It Better To Earn Money Or Get It Free?

Non-Logical-Idea-Guy said:
giving people money is an investment

Then why don't the "stockholders" have a voice in how the money is spent? So, see, it's not a investment, because that implies a willingness to invest ...which the taxpayers may or may not have, because they have no voice, no vote in the decisions.

I'm sorry about your family, but what of the rest of your family ...couldn't they help? Why did it have to be the government?

Baron Max
spuriousmonkey said:
However, there is no such thing as free money.

I never saw that movie, nor would. What the guy did makes no sense to me either.
I would like to understand the psychology of those who would not choose to take free money.

tablariddim said:
we all know there's no such thing as free lunch.
Speak for yourself.
Sounds like a false statement to me.
Not just that, Isn't the whole concept of "there's no such thing as a free lunch" obviously illogical?

You seem to be in a pretty good posiution. I'm not in such a great position, but if somebody were to ask me for food, I would give it to them if I am able to. And I would not want anything in return. I don't know who made up that phrase or why anybody would buy into it.
spidergoat said:
It's communities, not community's.
Who cares. Nobody nitpicks grammar. Everybody screws up on grammar. I'm sure you have. Otherwise, you will eventually. It is bound to happen.

Non-Logical-Idea-Guy said:
morally its better to earn it, realistically its better to get it.

My question is not necessarily about practicality. It's feeling better. OR feeling better about yourself.

It's not better if I walk up to you, and give you $1000? (that I obtained legititmately through legitimate business dealings or working)

For example, I either tell you to take a week off to do whatever you want, or do work for the week. Either way, no matter which you choose, you will get $1000 at the end of the week.
Which one would make you feel better?
What about a year?
What about 10 years?

Say I will give you a million dollars in 10 years, and pay it to you on a weekly basis for the period of 10 years.
Would you feel better by spending that 10 years doing certain work?
OR would you feel better being free to do whatever you want? (Including making more money if you want to.)

Either way, you get paid equal weekly amounts totalling one million dollars in 10 years.
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"Say I will give you a million dollars in 10 years, and pay it to you on a weekly basis for the period of 10 years.
Would you feel better by spending that 10 years doing certain work?
OR would you feel better being free to do whatever you want? (Including making more money if you want to.)

Either way, you get paid equal weekly amounts totalling one million dollars in 10 years."

I would take it, live off of some of it, invest some of it, and put the rest to good use. I'm a firm believer in 'what goes around comes around." I would do the type of work that is emotionally fullfilling and mentally stimulating (and rewarding as well): work at a soup kitchen for the homeless, teach people how to read, etc... I know I sound like a bleeding heart liberal, but I would love to do something like that. I guess that's why I'm going to nursing school. All I know is, I would feel better being free to have an option like that.
Baron Max said:
Then why don't the "stockholders" have a voice in how the money is spent? So, see, it's not a investment, because that implies a willingness to invest ...which the taxpayers may or may not have, because they have no voice, no vote in the decisions.

I'm sorry about your family, but what of the rest of your family ...couldn't they help? Why did it have to be the government?

Baron Max

my family= dead

i dont mean a literal investment
i mean the government giving an money to someone in hope they will then pick themselves up and contribute to society and help the country, its the people who con the system that bugger it all up
cool skill said:
Is it better to earn money or get it free?

Do you feel useful or used?
Of course getting it free. Because then you don't have to do anything in return. :D
Baron Max said:
Hmmm? Reighn, I would never have believed that of you? Are you sure you don't want to change your mind or, at least, amend that pronouncement?

Baron Max

Why Baron Max would you not believe that? What...because I'm black I'm supposed to want to get money for free and live off of it the rest of my natural life. don't think that most black people don't want to make their own honest living. Is that it!? :D

Before you answer Baron...I'm just being sarcastic for the above reply.... But feel free to answer if you want to.

Like I said before neither is better. Both are perfectly acceptable. Leaning more on the working side of course for me. :rolleyes:
Non-Logical-Idea-Guy said:
i mean the government giving an money to someone in hope they will then pick themselves up and contribute to society and help the country, its the people who con the system that bugger it all up

So how can one tell the difference? Do the good guys all wear white hats, and the bad guys wear black hats?

And who is to make that determination?

And I would also ask why the government should care that someone "picks himself up"? Or really, more importantly, why should the taxpayers have to foot that bill? ...don't they already have a difficult enough time holding themselves up? Government money does NOT grow on trees, ya' know?

Baron Max
ReighnStorm said:
Why Baron Max would you not believe that? .....
Like I said before neither is better. Both are perfectly acceptable.

Well, Reighn, it just dropped my estimate of and my respect for you some, that's all. I hadn't expected it from the way I'd pictured you from your previous posts "mental imager" must be broke! :)

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Well, Reighn, it just dropped my estimate of and my respect for you some, that's all. I hadn't expected it from the way I'd pictured you from your previous posts "mental imager" must be broke! :)

Baron Max
In more detail please?? Why has your respect (gag) dropped because I'm not money hungry. Or because I say that free money is OK. When I think of free money my mind was thinking along the lines of something like the Lottery and such, not so much in the way of "government money".
And how do/or did you picture me from my previous post?
I confused.... :bugeye:
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Baron Max said:
So how can one tell the difference? Do the good guys all wear white hats, and the bad guys wear black hats?

And who is to make that determination?

And I would also ask why the government should care that someone "picks himself up"? Or really, more importantly, why should the taxpayers have to foot that bill? ...don't they already have a difficult enough time holding themselves up? Government money does NOT grow on trees, ya' know?

Baron Max

its called community helping each other
cool skill said:
Isn't the whole concept of "there's no such thing as a free lunch" obviously illogical?


It's a metaphor used in business circles. The concept of something for nothing, is anathema in the business world, it has nothing to do with feeding a visitor to your house who is hungry.
Non-Logical-Idea-Guy said:
its called community helping each other

That may be what it's called, but what it IS, is people in the community being FORCED to help people that they would NOT ordinarily help! Big difference, wouldn't you say?

Baron Max
tablariddim said:
..., it has nothing to do with feeding a visitor to your house who is hungry.

Yeah, that's true .....but what if that hungry person is brought to your house by a group of politicians who DEMAND that you feed him?

And that's essentially what's being done in our communities ...the politicians are using our hard-earned tax money to provide for people who don't want to work for their own fuckin' money!

Baron Max
A society should always have a certain amount of funds to be able to take care of its members that sometimes find themselves unemployed or unable to work for certain reasons.

Seeing as that mechanism does exist and that it is desirable, it is inevitable that some are bound to abuse the system, therefore, it is the fault of the system itself that enables proffessional scroungers to take unfair advantage of it. Government should revise its management policy as regards welfare, as obviously there are too many loopholes that are open to abuse.

The thing is, that as a proportion of society that do this, it is probably quite a small number and government should always be geared up to handle the extra outflow of funds without it having to effect the ordinary tax payer in any case. Lots more money is squandered by government in other spheres of the economy, defence being the main culprit.
Baron Max said:
That may be what it's called, but what it IS, is people in the community being FORCED to help people that they would NOT ordinarily help! Big difference, wouldn't you say?

Baron Max

communities are FORCED to do loads of things these days so lets not even go down that road
Non-Logical-Idea-Guy said:
communities are FORCED to do loads of things these days so lets not even go down that road

So a few more things being forced upon us won't be a big deal?? ..and then a few more after that?? Ooh, and a few more after that, too???? :)

Ye're right, however, it's something that we, as citizens, shouldn't talk about. We should just do whatever we're told and give whatever the government wants us to give.

Baron Max
cool skill said:
Is it better to earn money or get it free?

Do you feel useful or used?
If we take the prevailing moral dogma as our standard, then earning is preferable than acquiring it without effort.

Now I can see the advantages of earning things, rather than having them be given or stolen, but I often wonder if my preference is not part of my prejudice.
A prejudice acquired through years of cultural mind-bending.

Truth is I can’t see any real difference between any strategies of attainment.
Some methods, simply, hide their use of others, while others are more obvious.

We are all selfish, even when we believe we are the most unselfish, and we use one another, even when we sacrifice ourselves.
Difference is in the degree and the method.

Seems like some methods of usage are deemed “noble”, while others are deemed shameful, as a way of ensuring balance.
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analbeads said:
And then I just got a 'free' $2000 scholarship, although I guess I probably 'earned' it..

Wow, good job. You must be really smart.

I think it's better to make your own money. I mean you earn your own scholarship, but I mean like when kids live off their parents money...well yeah. There not learning anything by that. It's not doing them any good. I really think people should work.