Is It Better To Earn Money Or Get It Free?


Refined Reinvention
Valued Senior Member
Is it better to earn money or get it free?

Do you feel useful or used?
Well, I've always earned my money which gives you a feeling of pride, yet depression, because there's never enough to cover all of the bills.

And then I just got a 'free' $2000 scholarship, although I guess I probably 'earned' it.

And then there are people who sometimes need free money (welfare) to get through that difficult period of life who genuinely need it.....that aspect makes me feel somewhat useful.

And then there are the people who take advantage of welfare or unemployement money......that is when I feel used.
cool skill said:
Is it better to earn money or get it free?

Better? Better in what way? Better for whom? Better in comparison to what?

But if ye're sucking money from someone else who is working to earn his money, then it certainly is not "better" for them, is it?

Do parasites have feelings? Do parasites have sympathy and compassion for their hosts? Do blood-sucking ticks feel sorry for their victims?

Baron Max
Earning money means you did something in order to get it.
Would you feel better if you sat there, and got the money doing whatever you want?
Or would you feel better if you could not have the money unless you do some sort of task for it?
Let's try this again, shall we??? (And I repeat):

Better? Better in what way? Better for whom? Better in comparison to what?

But if ye're sucking money from someone else who is working to earn his money, then it certainly is not "better" for them, is it?

Do parasites have feelings? Do parasites have sympathy and compassion for their hosts? Do blood-sucking ticks feel sorry for their victims?

Baron Max
What are you talking about?
Either you get it free without having to do anything or you are required to do something to get it.
Take your pick.
If it was free money that was enough to pay the bills, then I would take it. Because being a 34 year old college student who is barely making it month to month, it would probably save me from the ulcer that is slowly developing in my stomach as I write this.

Cool Skill: Where would the free money be coming from? If it was from the mafia or something I guess I wouldn't take it and live with the ulcer.
cool skill said:
Either you get it free without having to do anything or you are required to do something to get it.

No, Cool Skill, money is not like that! Money is a method by which our society determines value. Therefore, if you get/have money, then you have "value" which, by the very nature of the system, means that someone else does NOT have that "value". I.e., money does not grow on trees must come from somewhere.

So please state where this "free money" comes from! If you don't or can't, then ye're living in a dreamworld of fantasy and playtime .....and I ain't gonna' play with you no more!!

Baron Max
The answer probably depends on where you are living. Money has a different value for instance in the USA as it has in some countries of Europe.

In the USA money is security. It has become a total necessity to feel secure. Americans see money as a way to buy security. They are also indoctrinated (mostly) with the feeling of pride in earning their own living.

I was watching the movie 'cinderella man' the other day. The main character was living during the depression in the US. His family was starving. Electricity cut off. No hope left. AND THEN he goes to the wellfare office. Because his pride prevented to ask for a handout. His children suffered for this of course (the selfish bastard). And when he finally starts making money on his own he brings the money back to the wellfare office. I and my wife were laughing at this point. Maybe Americans saw this moment as touching, we just saw him like a total loser. He apparently had a right to get the money. Then there is no shame to ask for it. That is why there is wellfare. There is also no need to give it back. Because you had a right to spend the money. Just pay your taxes when you have money again.

Here is already a difference to notice. I would not reject free money if I had a right to get it. What do I care about pride. It is merely money. It's something to buy food for etc. A good meal doesn't taste better or worse on free or earned money.

Let's face it, mr. normal gets fucked over on a daily basis. Why would he feel guilty about receiving free money?

However, there is no such thing as free money.
Money is money. Nothing is free, including money as spurious just said.

That is my proverb for the day.
I find myself in the fortunate position to answer coolskill's question.

After working very hard in my own business for a number of years and my target always having been to retire early, I actually stopped working 16 years ago and have been living off my legitimate investments since that time. Apart from some occassional paperwork related to my income, I have not done a stroke of paid work in 16 years and I can honestly tell you that 'free money' is where it's at for me.

You can't beat the fact that you don't have to get up at the same ungodly hour every day to go and work in an environment that you probably hate for the next 15+ hours and with the dire knowledge that this is your lot for the next umpteen years of your life, which is slowly eroding away without you even noticing and which can terminate anytime at the drop of a heartbeat.

You can't beat the fact that you can spend on whatever takes your fancy (within subjective reason) without having to wory where the next dollar is coming from. You can't beat the fact that you can do whatever your heart desires at any hour of the day or night to fullfill your intellectual and artistic needs and keep you from dying prematurely from boredom. You can't beat 'free money'.

But of course, we all know there's no such thing as free lunch. Achieving financial freedom takes a lot of hard work, years of time-sacrifice, the acumen to make good and wise investments and a big dollop of luck! I wish you lots of it in your endeavour.
I'd rather be a beach or snow bumm myself. I can't speak necessarily to your life tabb... but if it were me I would much rather work even if I had a good retirement opportunity before retirement age. The problem, I feel, in America is that we work for pennies. Working for money is not the issue. It's how much money that's generally a problem for me. Plus ,for most americans, we generally live outside of our means anyway. I don't...but most do.

To answer the question asked. Both are equally acceptable to me. Neither is better.
analbeads said:
Well, I've always earned my money which gives you a feeling of pride, yet depression, because there's never enough to cover all of the bills.
You just need to make more money.
spuriousmonkey said:
Let's face it, mr. normal gets fucked over on a daily basis. Why would he feel guilty about receiving free money?

Well, getting fucked is one thing, but then getting paid to be fucked makes him a prostitute, also! One is bad enough, but the two together would just be too much to handle for most people! :)

spuriousmonkey said:
However, there is no such thing as free money.

I think ye're right. The very idea, the very principle of monetary exchange makes that statement almost an absolute. At some point, however far up or down the line, someone, somewhere is getting fucked if someone else is getting "free" money.

Baron Max
ReighnStorm said:
To answer the question asked. Both are equally acceptable to me. Neither is better.

Hmmm? Reighn, I would never have believed that of you? Are you sure you don't want to change your mind or, at least, amend that pronouncement?

Baron Max
cool skill said:
Is it better to earn money or get it free?

Do you feel useful or used?
It is by far better to earn money then to get it free.

Just look at the community's of people that get money for free from the government.
J.B said:
It is by far better to earn money then to get it free.

Just look at the community's of people that get money for free from the government.

my dad died when i was 6. my mumj couldnt work.she had to take care of me the house the family herself and pay things off.she couldnt physically work.we got the uk equilavent of welfare she is now a social worker contributing to society. giving people money is an investment