Is it a sin to enjoy life?

you'll get some 'spiritual' gifts for Christmas

Such as...?

I believe in all "religions".

Too bad you don't believe in reality.

Just like there can be truth in all science, there can also be truth in all religions. But there's also non-truth in all religions and science.

Science deals with facts, not truths. Religion deals with fantasy, nothing else.

I don't believe in Gods as you see them.

Obviously, I don't see gods. Neither do you. You believe in gods from whatever fantasy conjured from your imagination. Each persons god fantasy is different.

I can have a god fantasy too. But the notion of a supreme omnipotent being is simply too far-fetched to believe and a complete and utter waste of time.

If I saw them as you do, I could never believe in them either.

Actually, all you have to do is use your brain.

God's are 'symbolic' representations of of the self, the forces and things in the universe.

They are a groups or individuals representations from an age of ignorance and confusion. You may choose to join and wallow in those archaic representations, but all that serves to propagate the ignorance and confusion.
Sorry to keep you awake with thoughts of reality, ellion. Take a god pill and go back to sleep.
(Q) said:
you'll get some 'spiritual' gifts for Christmas

Such as...?


I believe in all "religions".

Too bad you don't believe in reality.

Yes I do

I can have a god fantasy too. But the notion of a supreme omnipotent being is simply too far-fetched to believe and a complete and utter waste of time.

That's what I also thought when I was smaller
First you're a child, then a teenager, then an adult, then a giant
Happiness is part of reality - spiritual is not. What else ya got?

That's what I also thought when I was smaller First you're a child, then a teenager, then an adult, then a giant

When will you become a teenager?
(Q) said:
Happiness is part of reality - spiritual is not. What else ya got?

For me, spirituality is just another word for those 'inner things'... just like soul is another word for 'person' and God is another word for our 'higher self' (which you may know if you've read some psychology) 'voice of god' is another word for conscience... you get my point.
For me, spirituality is just another word for those 'inner things

Those so-called 'inner things' are physical in nature and have nothing to do with spirituality. You merely have no understanding of them and have labeled them based on your imagination of what they might be.

soul is another word for 'person'

Person is another word for person, why make it complicated? We function as a result of our physical attributes, not some invisible force. Again, another misunderstanding on your part supported by your imagination.

God is another word for our 'higher self' (which you may know if you've read some psychology

Psychology deals with the brain and its physical functions. Again, more misunderstandings on your part.

Wha exactly t is the "higher self." Please explain how it compares with a "lower self?"

'voice of god' is another word for conscience

If you hear voices in your head, that is most likely a sign of mental instability, perhaps schizophrenia. The conscience functions on a physcial level. Once again...

you get my point

Your point is moot. You are confusing the bio-chemical reactions in our bodies with invisible forces and entities, clearly a matter of ignorance on your part to understand the workings of the human body and choose to indulge your fantasies as reality.
yorda he has admitted his ignorance leave him to wallow in it

My ignorance to gods, spirits and other such hogwash allows me to embrace and understand the physical world.

Unfortunately, I live in a time in which ignorance of the physical world prevails and god fantasies rule humankind.

We will all take our first step forward the day religion is forgotten once and for all.
(Q) said:
Those so-called 'inner things' are physical in nature and have nothing to do with spirituality.

Maybe I don't have the same understanding of the word 'spirituality' as you... actually I don't know if I know what it means. What is spirituality?

Person is another word for person, why make it complicated?

Sorry, that was actually wrong... I meant to say that soul is another word for the 'self'. Why make it so complicated? Because otherwise someone might think that the self and soul are different things. The soul is an old word, which is still used today.

Personality is a creation of the brain. The self however, is not in the body, but it is connected to it. Pretty much like a CD with data is connected to information. The information is not on the CD. When you break it, it doesn't mean that the information (life/consciousness) is forever annihilated, it only means that the connection between the instrument (body) and the information is broken. But modify the instrument, and the information is once again available, because it exists everywhere (nowhere) and it cannot be destroyed.

This means that consciousness is not 'created' by the body. It means that when the body becomes advanced enough, the self connects to the body (and thus become conscious)

Wha exactly t is the "higher self." Please explain how it compares with a "lower self?"

The higher self is the voiceless voice which says: don't lie, don't wear masks, be yourself. It always tells the truth, it cannot lie. Even though no one has ever heard it lie, only a few people listen to it. The lower self I would say is the animal self. Bodily desires and such. And the 'neutral' self is the normal personality between the higher and lower self.

Jesus said: he who wants to be my diciple must forget himself (the lower and 'neutral' self), take his cross (body) everyday and follow me (the higher self).

The conscience functions on a physcial level. Once again...

Don't you think I know that? But for me, there is no physical world. Everything is 'spiritual'. The world is not external, it is in my mind. Do you know what the world consists of? Is it atoms? 'Strings'? Go deeper, you'll find something... and in the end you'll find nothing... because the world consists of nothing (mind/self) The physical world is an illusion inside MIND. People study the world, but they do not study the creator of the world, which is the mind.

Ask yourself the question: can you be conscious of something outside your consciousness? If you can't, then it means that also the world which you see as apart from 'you', is in your consciousness. Otherwise you wouldn't be conscious of it, right?
(Q) said:
My ignorance to gods, spirits and other such hogwash allows me to embrace and understand the physical world.
this says to me by ignoring things you cant explain you are more able to to understand and embrace the physical world.
this statement also implies that people such as myself dont understand the physical world or embrace it.

is this what your implying why do you think this?

Unfortunately, I live in a time in which ignorance of the physical world prevails and god fantasies rule humankind.
i would agree, i also think it is unfortunate that you are alive at this time. there is always suicide, embrace death as well as life.

We will all take our first step forward the day religion is forgotten once and for all.
as i have said before i dont agree with religion in general(some aspects serve a purpose), but it was actually you that said i belong to a religion.
dunno... but my mum's brother saw one once

I don't know how big the giants were but I would guess 3m... but guessing is not enough... in any case... if they were 20m... people would have found bones... but the giants lived in sahara... before it 'blew up'... i don't think they lived in any other place... and there weren't so many of them...

i believe they livd on earth millions of years ago.... 30000 years ago, they started to die out... they 'died' because they chose... they chose to go to 'heaven'... they still live there... and what we search for... what we want... the love out there... that is them...

So, that's a 'giant' "no" then?

Just as I thought. What's next week's amusing tale? fairies in the garden?

I mean c'mon, let's cut through the bullshit... You have nothing to substantiate anything you have said. As a result I wonder why you bothered saying it.
SnakeLord said:
So, that's a 'giant' "no" then?

Just as I thought. What's next week's amusing tale? fairies in the garden?

I mean c'mon, let's cut through the bullshit... You have nothing to substantiate anything you have said. As a result I wonder why you bothered saying it.

Tee-hee! 'cos it's fun... and I really believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yorda and Elion,

I think that what (q) is trying to say is that your beliefs, as you have expressed them, seem to have some similiar general characteristics that we see in Christianity, Judaism or Islam. For a couple of examples, you seem monotheistic as they are (well, I know, don;t mention trinity yet), you involve morals and ethics in your system. Compare it to post-enlightment deism, while this type of deism is also monotheistic, no morals nor ethics are involved.
Thus, your principles seem like they are generalized derivatives of Christianity, Judaism or Islam.

Also, about those giants, you seem to be drawing this from Genesis 6.1 (and possibly the Book of the Watchers and 1 Enoch), about the "sons of gods" (or bnai elohim - lit sons of the gods, or of the heaven court, these same words are also used to refer to the stars in the sky). It also describes "giants" ("nephilim" ).
We see these giant elsewhere in the Tanakh, at um 13:33 (a derivative of the same hebrew word being used to describe them)

Num 13:33 And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, [which come] of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.

Watchers talks about their heads reaching up into the clouds.

As for the bnai elohim, they become men of renown ;

Gen 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare [children] to them, the same [became] mighty men which [were] of old, men of renown.

Notice however, that the "giants" and the men of renown are separate groups, not the same.

Hopefully you are aware that ;

- No archeological evidence nor remains of these giants has ever been found.
(despite the fact that these would be some BIG bones, and that we have moch older human reamins from the fertile crescent and the middle East)

- No more is said of the "men of renown". No where is Moses nor Abraham nor David nor Solomon nor any other specifically claimed to be descended from them.

- Right after this is the begnning of the global flood story. We assume from Numbers that the giants somehow survived, but the implication is that our "man of renown" drowned in the flood. Nor is Noah claimed nor even implicated to be one of them .

- The book of the watchers and the book of Enoch tell of the punishment that was metted out to the bnai Elohim for thier mating with human women. If I recall, a good # of their offspring suffered a similiar fate. Those that didn;t perished in the flood.

- Enoch is quoted fom in 1 NT epistle (Jude), directly referenced in a couple othersr(1 James and/or 1 Peter) , and alluded to by almost every NT gospel.

- copies of 1 Enoch were found among the Dead Sea Scrolls.

To summarize, there is no evidence at all, even if you take these stories as real history (which isn't always sych a good idea), that Moses was one of the offspring of the bnai Elohim of Gen 6.

In fact ,the truth is even stranger. Riddle me this. When was the first time that the Torah was read aoud to the people of Judea ? Why is the Exodus story particular relevant to the Hebrews of that time ?

Answer that question, and you will understand much better the purpose of Exodus and the character Mosche,
Fortuna said:
Thus, your principles seem like they are generalized derivatives of Christianity, Judaism or Islam.

Actually I believe more in the Eastern religions. But like I said... for me, there is truth (and lies) in all religions.

Notice however, that the "giants" and the men of renown are separate groups, not the same.

Oh, yeah, I love talking about the 'sons of God'. The giants, men of renown, nephilim, anak and the sons of God are all the same.

When they mated with the primitive humans, this human race was born. Some of the offspring inherited (for example) their father's great size and their mother's egoistic nature. This interbreeding caused a lot of misunderstandings...

- No archeological evidence nor remains of these giants has ever been found.

A long, long time ago, there lived giants on earth! How long is that? I would guess millions of years.

Like I've said, I believe they lived in the place where Sahara desert is now. 5000 years ago that was a good place to live in. Few of the offspring inherited the great size (like Goliat in the Bible), but there weren't many of them. Maybe they'll find bones some day. Maybe they've already found, but hidden them. Don't know anything about that.

Have you heard of the Greek "myths"? They also tell of giants and also those mutations which only had one eye. They really existed, you know... but you don't have to believe it!

- No more is said of the "men of renown". No where is Moses nor Abraham nor David nor Solomon nor any other specifically claimed to be descended from them.

This whole human race is descended from them. And I know it sounds really 'stupid' to you.

There were a lot more information about that ancient giant race and their wisdom, but humans have destroyed most of them, because they always wanna be 'best'! In the pyramids...

The Zodiak is one thing that was created by them...

Please, gimme a little more questions about the giants... don't you wanna know something?
Yorda said:
they lived in the place where Sahara desert is now.

Villain Elder: According to ancient texts, this desert was once a lush, green forest. When people began battling for control of Mana, the forest withered away...
Please, gimme a little more questions about the giants... don't you wanna know something?

That seems utterly pointless given the fact that the minute it comes down to substantiating or supporting your claims with evidence, you cannot provide anything. Don't you see the problem with that?

So when it comes down to reality, you don't "know" anything, but are merely making it up as you go along. That's nothing to be proud of.