Is it a sin to enjoy life?


Registered Senior Member
According to the Christian religion at least?
I was reading some parts of the bible, when I saw:
John 2:15 - 17
Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world--the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life--is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.
It seems that if we love anything of these world, then the love of God is not in us. Yet, does this mean on some level we cannot truly enjoy or sample the world? What extent is the line of love drawn in this circumstance?
A human can't ride two horses or stretch two bows; and it is not possible for a servant to serve two masters, unless he honours the one and insults the other. No one drinks old wine and immediately desires to drink new wine.

Love without attachment. See God in everything. If you love the world, you are a slave to your 'material' desires. The law of the spirit is radiation, giving, selflessness. The law of matter is drawing inward, cooling off, paralysis. If man obeys that law, he gives his spirit to the matter, and the law becomes alive - "satan" is born. The properties of matter are converted into spiritual behaviour such as egoism, 'coldness' and 'hardness'. By obeying matter, humans crucify their divine self into space and time.

Every law in its right place is divine. If matter stays in matter, as matter, it's function is divine, it holds the world together. Man is able to combine these two laws consciously. His actions can be only 'giving', and on the other hand his body is material and lives by those laws.

"It doesn't matter" if people sin. After sin comes suffering, then comes wisdom.
Do not love the world or the things in the world.

One could almost be convinced that religion is the common cause of all things bad with the world today from that one statement.

Just think of all the good that would arise if we embrace the world and eschew religion. Instead of serving an imaginary being, we would serve mankind.
(Q) said:
Just think of all the good that would arise if we embrace the world and eschew religion. Instead of serving an imaginary being, we would serve mankind.
yeah but then the church leaders couldnt exploit the gullible sheeple
and would have to get a REAL JOB! ;)
Yorda said:
See God in everything.
If you love the world, you are a slave to your 'material' desires.
that doesnt make sense,
if you see god in everything,wouldnt that include this world?
then by loving the world youd love god also.
A human can't ride two horses or stretch two bows

Have you never been to the circus?

it is not possible for a servant to serve two masters, unless he honours the one and insults the other

Master and servant to none.

See God in everything

See the world, its right in front of you.

If you love the world, you are a slave to your 'material' desires.

Far better than to be a slave to your imagination.

"It doesn't matter" if people sin. After sin comes suffering, then comes wisdom.

So, I should go around killing and looting in order to attain wisdom?
scorpius said:
that doesnt make sense,
if you see god in everything,wouldnt that include this world?
then by loving the world youd love god also.

It depends on what you mean by the world. And there are many ways to love. If you love your neighbour, you love God. Real love doesn't need to take anything, it only gives. If you always "give", you love God (your higher self, the hawk which whispers the truth)

Loving a pretty girl is magnetic love, it always needs to "take". Without the magnetic love power between a man and a woman, they would have no love for each other. Because it's not they who love each other, it is their bodies which love. They love the magnetic connection. The bodies love each other because they seek God, the unification between the two poles, the wholeness of the self.

If you want to love God in a girl, you have to forget that she is a girl. See the human (God) in her. She's not a girl, it's the self (God), which has clothed itself in a female body.

To love eating is similar. If we love eating, we don't love God, we love the food because of our body. And we don't really love the food (God) itself. Loving food means that you honor it and give your body healthy food. Things should be only used for what they were designed for. We should only do the things that we are designed to do.

There are many mothers who think they love their children. But when their children do something evil, they say: 'Is this why I made you, that you would do this for us?' This means that the mother doesn't really love the child, she only "loves her" because she loves herself.

In all that we love, we love ourselves (God), and when we know ourselves, we love everything. Because we are one with them. The things that we "think" we don't love, are the things that we haven't found in ourselves yet.
(Q) said:
A human can't ride two horses or stretch two bows

Have you never been to the circus?

No. But I think you get my point, as I get yours...

See God in everything

See the world, its right in front of you.

I see it, but I see God behind it as it's origin. Why do you wash the outside of the cup? Don't you understand that the one who made the inside is also the one who made the outside?

If you love the world, you are a slave to your 'material' desires.

Far better than to be a slave to your imagination.

Being slave to our imagination also means that we are a slave for our body.

"It doesn't matter" if people sin. After sin comes suffering, then comes wisdom.

So, I should go around killing and looting in order to attain wisdom?

No, you shouldn't "try" anything. Just take everything that life offers you. When you're happy, be the same way as when you're sad, and when you're sad, be the same way as when you're happy. Go through heat as you go through coldness. If you lose your leg while walking outside, keep walking.
WMA said:
According to the Christian religion at least?
I was reading some parts of the bible, when I saw:
John 2:15 - 17

It seems that if we love anything of these world, then the love of God is not in us. Yet, does this mean on some level we cannot truly enjoy or sample the world? What extent is the line of love drawn in this circumstance?

If you so much as love a chocolate bar then 'God' is putting you to the
wayside. Yes, that's exactly what it means.
People should desire material for the good spiritual things they are able to do with it. They shouldn't lust after it, though.
I see it, but I see God behind it as it's origin.

No, what you "see" is nature, what you imagine is gods. Big difference.

Don't you understand that the one who made the inside is also the one who made the outside?

Exactly my point. Nature was made by nature. Evidence exists to support that. No evidence exists to support gods.

Being slave to our imagination also means that we are a slave for our body.

You missed the point entirely. We are not slaves to anything or anyone, imaginary or otherwise. It is the concept of master/slave we must irradicate in order to move humankind forward and exit the dark ages.

We all evolved from the earth and are therefore equal. It is not our races which divide us, it is our religions.
Make no mistake, if you enjoy life you are going straight to hell. See how much you enjoy that-sinner! :D
Saint said:
I love sex,money,food,beer etc...........I must be very sinful?????????

No, you're not sinful at all. In my religion, you do what you want, and then you come to heaven. My religion is the religion without name. All-inclusive. But this means that it's not a religion anymore, it's just life.
Yorda said:
No, you're not sinful at all. In my religion, you do what you want, and then you come to heaven. My religion is the religion without name. All-inclusive. But this means that it's not a religion anymore, it's just life.

you do what you want?

can I kill people? if not, why?
what is the moral guideline of your religion?
is moral important?
encapsulated in that gnostic matter-hating ideal of John's is all that is bad with literalist religious indoctrination.

those WORDS--cause that's ALL they are. some words writ down yonks ago, and others similar act as a straighjacket for the gullible and unfortunate who willy nilly get such ideas instilled inside their heads. What happens is it cuts you off from exploring Nature. for ecstatic experience...from PLAY with Nature. all of that is labelled demonic by your literalist dogma. so you lead sorry lives lookin over your shoulder, and worrying about 'hell'....

truly as sad as can be
can I kill people? if not, why?

You've seen that people kill each other, so you can do that. But if you're gonna kill, be prepared to take the consequences, the higher self (God) punishes us for what we do. Sooner or later. He does not forget.

Whatever we send out in the world, comes back 3 times stronger. Doing evil things is like punching a wall, the wall hits you back... or actually... you just hit yourself.

what is the moral guideline of your religion?

I have no religion. I just choose what's good and discard what's not. It doesn't matter where I get my source of energy.

is moral important?

ye... be a good boy and you'll be happy, be a bad boy and you'll suffer.
Of course we're all equal.

And yet in another thread you claimed Moses was born of the 'divine race?'

I have no religion. I just choose what's good and discard what's not.

But you do have a religion - you believe in gods.

Unfortunately, as can easily be seen, your beliefs contradict one another yet you still entrench yourself within the contradictions. Your only way to explain them is to add to them, building one contradiction upon another. Any reasonable individual can see right through the facade.

If we were meant to live a contradiction, why reason?