Is Immortality Unethical?

Ethics is an invented human subjective concept. It doesn't exist. So who cares?
faye616 said:
one of the most common reasons that people act morally is the belief that they will one day die and be judged. not all would loose their morality, but most would.

I act morally around those I feel it gives me an advantage to get what I want. I am sure others can agree with me. Being polite and going good might get me things I want.. while acting immorally might bring about things I do not like.
TruthSeeker said:
Ethics is an invented human subjective concept. It doesn't exist. So who cares?

I agree. People do like to be hurt so they claim their are universal laws we must abide by to not hurt others or their feelings.
Yes. But those happen to be purely subjective.

Of course, we can create guidelines to abide by. But we need to understand such guidelines are not intrinsic to the universe.
So do you agree with me that there are no universal laws that all living creatures in the universe must abide by? Perhaps there are laws that vary according to the place in inhabitance (like Earth)? Relative morality? What happens if outside beings (Say in another galaxy) and Earth beings decide to live together on another planet and blend with eachother? What laws apply then? New laws?
There are no universal laws. All laws are constructs of society that we create to make our lives easier, more productive, and for us to get along together. Why do different societies have different moral values, ethical concerns, and thus different morally-derived laws? If there were such a thing as "Universal Law," then why don't predatory animals adhere to them? Of course you can look at monkeys too, or wolf packs, who also live in a society, and they too have a mutual morality although it is not written down. If there were a Universal Law, why did headhunters ever exist?
Valich.. it is essentially the same point I brought up in my last post. It would seem to me that if laws DID exist they would have to be relative... and then the question is how relative are they? How do we define the line that seperates a handfull of laws apply to one group but not another? At some point it boils down to (at best) there be a set of laws for each person and eat living creature, some having no laws at all.