Is GOD really as perfect and flawless as religions say?

Medicine Woman said:
M*W: The original god was the sun. Ancient humans feared it. The sun was the creator of all. Only later people began calling the sun, the Sun of God, the God's sun, the Son of God, etc.

The divine sun, that sun-God Ra is just an aspect of the infinite spectrum of Gods different faces. The sun is a representation of God on material level, just as a lion is the represenation of God on the animal level, but it IS not God. "Jesus" (the self) is the 'most exact' representation of God - He is God himself. The words sun and son are similar in the English language.

When I came to sciforums, I didn't believe in the dying demigod savior myth, but I still believed in god as a force of positive energy. I realize now that this force of positive energy still lives within all creation, but it is NOT god! For lack of a better name to call this positive energy, people still can call it god if they wish. But it's the energy that is real -- NOT a god per se.

I believe in the demigod savior myth, infact, he has been here more than once. If this race would pass away and another human race would come after ours, we and our technology and all that was here would be thought of as a myth, after a long time. In the beginning, the sons of God told the same teaching all over the world in different ways, according to the people and their culture, but now man has created different religions from the same teaching and they think that other religions are from "satan". Because of the crossbreeding, our race was born and it is still possible through natural laws that The son of God is born on earth. The crucifixion represents our divine Self crucified in matter, on the two girders of space and time.

Your description of the positive energy sounds like a description of God, as I see it. So, what's the difference between the energy and God? In all that lives, lives this center which we call our self - It is the only reality, it is 'the way, life and the truth.' God has no complementary half, because he is the unity itself, so we can never find God in this world, it is actually not possible to compare him to anything. How could we, when he has no other side which he could be compared to?

M*W: See my previous response. Yes, "something" did create man and everything else. It was the sun and it was random. Briefly, ice covered the Earth after the Big Bang. We are still Big Banging today -- from the ripple effect of the Big Bang. Then our solar system was formed, and the sun was the center of our universe. The sun melted the ice caps and made the oceans and the oceans warmed making life appear -- plants and lower animals. As time went on, the ocean life developed legs and crawled onto land. Then we came along and worshipped the sun. You say "god is all," I say "creation is all." Everything was created by the warmth of the sun.

The sun didn't create the universe, rather God created it and made the sun shine on earth. What does randomness mean? Is there such thing? Every one of these "random" events are controlled by certain laws. It doesn't sound logical that water animals could become land animals. If it was possible for creatures to develop in oceans, they could also have been developed on earth, separately. Truly, the life on earth developed everywhere about the same time. The water from the oceans blew with the wind to the land, watered the earth, and the sun raised living things in all forms, in which ever way the creative power wanted to express itself. Simply, these 4 elements created a vessel for the 5th element: 'Life' (akasha)