Is God real enough for you?

@Cortex --

Wtf does that mean?

"In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming!"

From link
Abstract by: Christopher Michael Langan:
Inasmuch as science is observational or perceptual in nature, the goal of providing a scientific model and mechanism for the evolution of complex systems ultimately requires a supporting theory of reality of which perception itself is the model (or theory-to-universe mapping).

Where information is the abstract currency of perception, such a theory must incorporate the theory of information while extending the information concept to incorporate reflexive self-processing in order to achieve an intrinsic (self-contained) description of reality.

And his crap was debunked already in this thread. So what are you trying to say? That all of science is wrong and you're right? Good luck proving that.
Happiness can be found by loving God and experiencing the Divine.

Or, as was the case with me, loving god and "experiencing" the divine could bring you only misery.
@Cortex --

Either I'm a liar or you're wrong. Given that I know what I experienced, and given that I(even at my young age) have likely had more and more varied religious experiences than you have, I'm going to bet that you're wrong.

You can just keep asserting that you're correct if you want, but until you put your money where your mouth is(after removing your foot from it, of course) they're worth less than the bytes used to store them.
Don't you know that true happiness is a limited commodity between people these days? It's very hard to find.

These days? As opposed to the loveless arranged marriages of the past? As opposed to regular happiness? What's more "true" about it?
Neither is a mistake. Happiness can be found by loving God and experiencing the Divine.
So the only way to find happiness is by worshiping a Judeo-Christian Deity?:rolleyes: What is the " Divine" to begin with anyway? Thirdly what you just said is a phrase I’ve heard all my life and at no point have I even considered it logical thought, it is a logical fallacy if nothing else. Just please for the " love" of whatever extra dimensional force you believe in STOP PREACHING to groups of people who are clearly not buying into your life style! It's your choice how you choose to live life, try not to repeat history and enforce it upon others :soapbox:
My inquiry is into whether the Lord Almighty is real enough for you. How do you distinguish between good and evil?

Two entirely separate questions:

(1) The Lord Almighty is a term you learned. It didn't come to you in prophetic vision (and anyone having visions should check into the ER, STAT). This language, and all the baggage that comes with it, is a ragged old hand-me-down from generations past, who couldn't use it, and neither can we. People today should take a hint and toss this old carcass in hole and bury it. It's played out its haunting of humanity.

(2) Good and evil (or right and wrong, as we commonly call it) are easily distinguished as arising from empathy. Consider Lincoln's quip As I would not be a slave, I would not be a master. Substitute in that phrase any victim and perp to fit any crime you deem appropriate, and you can turn your holy book into mulch. All that superstition, fear, envy, loathing and downright evil (such as visiting the sins of the parents on the children, etc.) does absolutely nothing as far as making anyone a better person.
@Cortex --

The mind, as we humans experience it, is a consequence of having a physical brain. It's an emergent property which is most likely due to our brain's nearly unprecedented ability to construct models of the world around it. No brain equals no mind.

So how does your god have a mind but no brain?

God exists as a Mind and can intercept your personal sized mind. That is how one determines the One.


Sorry, I thought I was replying to a rational person.:huh:

Never mind.
