Is God Rational?

But only with faith of how they think the universe should work.
On the contrary, politics necessitates a very provincial outlook. There is something very immediate about the prospects of not having access to resources or utilities.
If you can't qualify the value (ie, make clear what added value it brings) of it, why describe it as quantum?
That's exactly why I called it a quantum. It's a matter of "yes" or "no". It's either on one side of the line or the other. There's no way to determine "how far" over the line it is.

Again, There's a quantum leap from "nobody agrees with me" to "somebody agrees with me".

If 2 or 100 people agreeing with me brings no necessary advantage to the notion of reality, why bring it to the discussion?
I didn't. You did. I said that somebody agreeing with me makes me more confident in my perception of reality. You're the one who tries to turn that into a vote.
Please explain in 50 words or less how you ferreted out such a question from my post #384


Rational is singular, therefore how can you understand it? You can't, you can just have an opinion. No one thing the whole world can agree is rational or irrational, so how can we know. Rhetorical question.

Here's another video, for your irrational reason you don't like YouTube:


how can someone think god is rational? even if it was proved there was a god, why would anyone worship or look up to such a thing that allows this and more suffering? that it allows the worst people to power as well as the evil and undeserving? why?

it's strange. it's like you come into this universe wondering where the hell you actually are because it's so insane and full of corruption, degeneracy, suffering, evil etc galore. it boggles the mind and you want to believe it's just a nightmare, that it can't be true but it is. it's strange in that whenever you suspect something unspeakable, there is a part of you that wants to believe that it can't be that bad, that people can't be that horrific or that evil and you find out that it's worse than your own mind can imagine. it is beyond frightening.

it's as if this universe is hell or evil dressed up with some good just to fool you into thinking it's all normal. i had this sense a long time ago when i was very young that i came from a place where evil was inconceivable or believed it could not exist because it's not a healthy state and here it is. why? what is this place? and you can't stop it which vexes you even more as if there is some evil power that's cackling in evil laughter.

even when i give some change or a dollar to a homeless person, there is always another one after endlessly and there is so much need out there and you feel like it's all futile.

sometimes i think it's best if the universe didn't exist at all. that way there would be no suffering.

there is that strange irony life in this universe shows you and that non-existence can even be the better blessing. i agree with some of the comments and honest/rational observation in that it would be more ethical and humane to put those people out of their misery instead of existing in suffering, loneliness and pain.
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how can someone think god is rational? even if it was proved there was a god, why would anyone worship or look up to such a thing that allows this and more suffering? that it allows the worst people to power as well as the evil and undeserving? why?

What do you suggest as an alternative? Like for instance, suppose I come to be stacked to the hilt with desires that are not compliant with how God perceives things. What do you suggest as a better alternative than being relegated to an inferior world with a temporary identity, amongst other similarly misaligned personalities?

it's strange. it's like you come into this universe wondering where the hell you actually are because it's so insane and full of corruption, degeneracy, suffering, evil etc galore. it boggles the mind and you want to believe it's just a nightmare, that it can't be true but it is.
And yet, a popular notion arises that this is our permanent abode, and everything before us is best served in facilitating a comfortable existence for ourselves here.
IOW for every part of this world that establishes misery, there is at least one part that establishes illusion and enables us to carry on.

it's as if this universe is hell or evil dressed up with some good just to fool you into thinking it's all normal. i had this sense a long time ago when i was very young that i came from a place where evil was inconceivable or believed it could not exist because it's not a healthy state and here it is. why? what is this place? and you can't stop it which vexes you even more as if there is some evil power that's cackling in evil laughter.
"We have seen the enemy and he is us"

I imagine animals in our slaughterhouses have a similar perspective.

even when i give some change or a dollar to a homeless person, there is always another one after endlessly and there is so much need out there and you feel like it's all futile.
Would giving every homeless person a dollar solve the need? Would giving everyone a home solve the need?

sometimes i think it's best if the universe didn't exist at all. that way there would be no suffering.

And if cessation of existence is not an option?


dealing with existence here is like this. it can be so unbelievably bad and atrocious, you feel as if you could pass out from incomprehension or going to have a brain anyeurism. otherwise, just eerily gutted in having to accept the awful abject truth.

i view the master's laugh as the demiurge the gnostics described as the god of this domain/universe that let's some good to fool overall that it's good when it's really not.

a wolf in sheep's clothing. not the true god but assumed to be based on localized power; no different than any dictator that brainwashes as well as have it's minions and victims in captivity.

but you see people sometimes question that obviously something is off or doesn't add up such as how can a god that purportedly love or care for us allow so much evil or be forced to exist in a predatorial system etc.

the setup is quite perverted too. you have a base/foundation of evil so that right there puts good on a more vulnerable footing and indicative that it's not on it's home turf. then some hope and good must exist in order to damage, betray or cause despair as well as it's really disheartening when good is exploited and it can even abjectly under these universal laws/conditions. that gives pleasure to evil as well as strokes it's ego.

to us, this universe is considered omnipotent or all there is and so would a power want to keep that belief or delusion going as well as justify it.

his near death experience mirrors the corruption behind nature and what many assume to be the real god is not the true god. he notes that the demiurge that has direct power over this universe and therefore assumed to be the true god is more patriarchal, immoral, cruel, megalomaniac etc whereas the actual true god is more a pure, gentle, fair and loving energy and beyond this scope etc.

he said the demiurge's main mission is to prove that evil is as superior or superior to good because that's what he is. i was like, wow, because that really resonates with what i've picked up about nature here in patterns and it really is as if that evil is very jealous of good and tries to either mimic it, overtake it, pervert it or destroy it.

you realize this dynamic (i think he said 2/3 light and 1/3 dark but i think more accurately that it's the other way around) because the world is always more troubled or has those more suffering than those who don't consistently overall) through life experience in that you always have to be aware of the bottomline, the dark or the worst case scenario which is usually pretty bad as in you can always count on bad here but good is often more vulnerable, ephemeral, sometimes seems even illusionary to trust. not that it inherently is but it can be used as bait and the fact that it's a part of existence, not foundational in this current formula/design. you can liken good as a guest, not the hometeam.

evil likes innocence to trust so it can betray and exploit. it is one of the most disgusting aspects of nature here.
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Our Souls don't need to evolve. That is the deception that is why you can't win this game. We don't need pain in Suffering to learn. If you don't learn your lessons the first or second time another hundred or thousands more times you still won't learn. Someone Defined Insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the same thing. THIS GAME IS RIGGED AND DUALITY IS PRIMED FOR FAILURE WE DON'T NEED TO BE HERE!

i agree with this statement. god or this universe is not rational. usually you come into this existence whole/pure/original and the rest of your life is just further deterioration, fragmentation or just dealing with the onslaught of assaults and damage physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally and trying to maintain or survive.
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