Is GOD on sciforums?

Theists should make up their minds. Do atheists wish there was a God or wish there wasn't?
Since there is no evidence God does any thing there is the alternative. They don't care if he does or doesn't.
Your question suggests the possibility that God does not include this forum in his plan because he is unwilling or unable.
To the religious, it is blasphemy to suggest that any act of man can exclude the oversight of God and his all-encompassing plan and it is blasphemy to declare that there is no God.
Therefore, by asking a question, you have alienated yourself from the religious and, if they are right, God.
Therefore, by asking a question, you have classified yourself among those that deny God.
Therefore, you have already answered your own question in the negative.
So since it is your opinion that there is no God on sciforums, is it your opinion that there is no God or that God exists but is weaker than the science discussion on this forum?
Classification of your exact choice of blasphemy will help us figure out if your model of God's alleged inability to function on sciforums has empirical support.

Shorter: Scientists use the phrase "arguing like a lawyer" as a pejorative because lawyers build strong-sounding cases by substituting things that sound good, like analogies, for logic. That doesn't mean the "lawyer" is wrong, but that he has reached a conclusion on evidence that might not motivate a person governed only by logic to reach without more evidence. And it's fun.

Shorter still: As a rule of thumb, most papers which have yes-no questions in the title are answered in the body of the paper in the negative.
For me god ; when I was in grade 6; in religious class; we had that way back when ; was someone in a flying saucer; why I said that; I was twelve at the time; I have no idea.

My parents were very conservative and had never watched any nor talked about anything about this subject.
For me god... was someone in a flying saucer;
A Sunday School teacher asked her class to draw a picture of their favorite Bible story; one child drew three people in an airplane. The teacher asked what story it represented and the child answered, "Adam and Eve flying from the Garden of Eden." The teacher asked who the third person was at the front of the plane. "That's Pontius, the pilot."
A Sunday School teacher asked her class to draw a picture of their favorite Bible story; one child drew three people in an airplane. The teacher asked what story it represented and the child answered, "Adam and Eve flying from the Garden of Eden." The teacher asked who the third person was at the front of the plane. "That's Pontius, the pilot."
Pontius, that snake.
Pontius, that snake.

Pontius Pilot was a politician. He saw nothing wrong with Jesus. However, he knew that the people in power, whose support he needed for his career ambitions, had a different attitude toward him. He weighted his own future in terms of the truth that would harm him, and the lie that would gain him favor. He was not the snake but he did have a snake bite.
Theists should make up their minds. Do atheists wish there was a God or wish there wasn't?
A strict atheist doe's not care whether there is or there isn't, the strict atheist just get's on with their lives not worrying about if when we die we go to a better place. God is your fears.

The moral of the story, you will find out one day for sure when you die.