Is God limited or limitless?

If you think or believe god (your God) is limited, where do you limit him to make room for you and others? Where does He vanish and anything else begin?

If you think or believe your God is limitless, then what are the conclusions of his being limitless? Who else is there apart from such a God and whose God is it from then on???

What does the term God mean for you after you consider his limitedness or limitlessness??

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If you believe God is unlimited, you must believe God is:

1. The source of all good <i>and</i> evil
2. You
3. George W. Bush
4. A square circle
5. The smell of fresh cat shit
6. A P-Diddy fan
7. A terrorist
8. Gay
9. "Gigli"

Etc., etc.

I'm not disagreeing with you... just saying... :)
go out side and sit under a tree, look around then shut your eyes and still that raging mind. Breath deeply and silently "feel" the answer to your question.

Concepts of Allah or God are just mere intelectual creations. If you can feel the depth of the universe as you sit under the tree you are feeling the truth.

As soon as you stop asking the question the answer comes.
And if you're good, you can take the tree with you, wherever you go. Or more correctly, you realise it's there all the time, you just have to remember.
Quantum Quack said:
Concepts of Allah or God are just mere intelectual creations.

Comprehending that Allah is not a god out there, but is only a noun that refers to the Limitless, unseparated Whole beyond comprehension, is a valuable comprehension.

Shahi-dAllahu ‘anna-Huu laa ‘ilaaha ‘illa Huwa: "ALLAH bears witness that there is no god, only HU". (the Koran)
The totality of infinity existing as one total existentiality, the limitless one we've come to know as Allah-is the infinity we refer to as omnipotence.

That existence is determined and futures are made, means not that Allah ceases to exist but that, our future is the outcome of rules and although there may or may not be a choice of action as such (where the future of some like me inevitably believe, as in, the must be believers as you say), could also mean that Allah, all-knowing, all-encompassing, determining all, has already calculated what you should do, but do you do it if you stray from the right path? No.

There may exist certain outcomes that are infinitely uncalculable, QM might contain proof of such, but where Allah is limitless, He should be infinitely accurate in calculation, however if an infinitely accurate measurement is taken of an infinitely unknowable phenomenon, then the question becomes, can there be an irrationality incapable of mathematical expression that is not contained by nor a perfect corresponce of infinity?
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Existence may span indefinitely but infinity would be finite on some higher order. Each dimension has a unique order to define every other on.

Although the infinities of each dimension have but one correspondence, that is, the infinity of that dimension, the dimensions of higher order correspond to the lower dimensional infinities in more ways than one. For example, a circle, which is finite, is a two dimensional correspondence of an infinite one dimensional line. A circle corresponds to a one dimensional infinite line in two ways, a circle, and an infinite line, whereas in one dimension, an infinite line corresponds to an infinite line (ie infinite set of points) and nothing else.

But if this is true, what must be proven is whether or not infinity can end in some highest dimension. According to physicist Michio Kaku's book, "Hyperspace", the universe consists of a total of eleven dimensions. Assuming that this is true, and that eleven dimensions are the maximum order sufficient for infinity to be finite, then we would have an argument for the possibility of an intelligence of highest order to comprehend infinity.