Is God limited or limitless?


Registered Senior Member
Either limited or limitless!

If limited, where are his limits?

If limitless, then what are the conclusions of this?..
limitless, if he wasnt, he wouldnt be omnipotent, or god. hed be a lying fraud. to answer that question, he might not be omnipotent, but thats a discussion for a thread entitled: "is god really omnipotent" o no, thats this one. i say god is limitless since he wouldnt be much of a god if he wasnt
I would go with limitless also but as i was writting this post an old riddle came to mind. If God can do anything can he create a rock that he couldnt move? if not then that would be a limit and if so then he would be creating his own limit. Food for thougt.
If no limits, then no boundries, no center, no qualities, no existence apart from everything, no thought, desire, or motivation.
spidergoat said:
If no limits, then no boundries, no center, no qualities, no existence apart from everything, no thought, desire, or motivation.
I was with you for the first three but where are the limits in existence, thought, desire or motivation. Two of the four are feelings and I would think that my thoughts and existence were limitless. If there is another way to look at it that Im not seeing please, enlightin me (hopefully i spelled that right)! :D
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Firstly define what you mean by God.

If god is a panthesist being then the limit could be considered the limits of the universe, and if the universe is infinite then this god would be infinite.

Whether your idea of a god is limited or not depends entirely on the nature of your fantasy and what properties you want to attribute to this creation.

limitless. This means we can't understand him because we have limits
To exist, there must be somewhere you don't exist, otherwise the idea has no meaning. Opposites depend on each other. Thinking is a movement from one idea to the next. If God is limitless, he would have no thoughts. Knowing everything at once precludes the possibility of thought. To desire, you must lack the object of your desire, again, this places a limit on God. How would he desire anything except by limiting his own ability to bring it about instantly? And motivation- towards what goal can he be motivated? A limitless God already knows to outcome of everything, already knows the Goal will be reached, already knows the obsticles will be overcome, he's just going through the motions. If you could do anything, what would you do? Well, first I would experience every pleasure I could, but after a while I'd get bored, and wish for a surprise. So, in an example from Alan Watts, I would then find myself as a being with limits, I would masquerade as one of the many phenomenon we know today; trees, flowers, people, animals, etc...
Enigma'07 said:
limitless. This means we can't understand him because we have limits
M*W: Funny thing, when I left Christianity, the limitations of my knowledge and understanding about Jesus went away. Then I pursued the study of the Rabbi Jesus, and I have a much greater understanding of him now than when I was told what to believe.
The God that has existed since the dawn of time is limitless, whatever s/he/it may be. But I'm sure there are those out there with god-like powers (like our creator, hehe) that are limited such as we will be in a good many years.

- N
limitless, if he wasnt, he wouldnt be omnipotent, or god. hed be a lying fraud.
Not so. First, he cannot be omnipotent as the very concept is self contradictory. Second, in order for him to have lied to us, we'd have to have a claim to such omnipotence by him and we do not. The bible makes this claim, but the bible has been proven false & unreliable. Furthermore, there's no reason to assume the creator of the universe (if there was one) would be omnipotent (or even nearly so).
i say god is limitless since he wouldnt be much of a god if he wasnt
How so? The only requirement for God is to be able to create the universe.
limitless. This means we can't understand him because we have limits
How do you figure? That's not a logical argument, it's non sequitur.
I'm only going to say that I'm amused by this topic.

That, and ... Suffer the little children ... and see them run!
Being human, we can't know what it's like to be limitless, we can only fuddle around with our words and thoughts.

Every description of a limitless being is both right, wrong, both, neither or all of those at the same or different time, or not.

If you say the Bible is the word of God and that only through Jesus Christ can you obtain eternal life then you are limiting God. But you aren't limiting God too because God is limitless. So, you must then be limiting yourselves.

I like the idea of having a limitless God because then I'm always right, and not right, and.... :bugeye:
Being human, we can't know what it's like to be limitless, we can only fuddle around with our words and thoughts.
Fuddle around? Heh. We can't know what it's like to be limitless because it's not possible.
Every description of a limitless being is both right, wrong, both, neither or all of those at the same or different time, or not.
Or maybe it's just wrong.
If you say the Bible is the word of God and that only through Jesus Christ can you obtain eternal life then you are limiting God. But you aren't limiting God too because God is limitless. So, you must then be limiting yourselves.
Well, I try to limit myself to reality when discussing truth...
I like the idea of having a limitless God because then I'm always right, and not right, and....
There can be no limitless God, therefore you'd simply be wrong.
On omnipotence:
God is a male image, this is even reflected in the Adam and Eve story. That is certainly a kind of limit.
I believe I have spectral evidence that god measures his own abilities in the D20 system used by popular role-playing game Dungeons and Dragons. At present, he could be considered roughly level ten trillion. He only has to kill sixty billion more orcs before he gets another level up though, and can duel wield without any penalty to his offhand weapon.
There can be no limitless God, therefore you'd simply be wrong.
The truth of the matter is you really don't know. No human does. I could just as easily be something entirely different from right and wrong. In fact, I must be, since this is infinity we're talking about.

There really is no point of arguing about limitlessness that I can see other than that it's humorous and I enjoy trying to describe things which can't be described.
The truth of the matter is you really don't know.
The matter has been proven. Complete limitlessness and existence are mutually exclusive. I therefore conclude that yes, I do know.
I could just as easily be something entirely different from right and wrong. In fact, I must be, since this is infinity we're talking about.
Since when? We are not talking about infinity. We are talking about God & omnipotence.
M*W: Funny thing, when I left Christianity, the limitations of my knowledge and understanding about Jesus went away. Then I pursued the study of the Rabbi Jesus, and I have a much greater understanding of him now than when I was told what to believe.

That's because a person will most allways learn more when they study a matter for themself than if someone gives the the answer.
Logically Unsound said:
i say god is limitless since he wouldnt be much of a god if he wasnt

If limitless, then, who else is there? and whose god is it?