Is god evil

SnakeLord, your patience knowns no bounds. Either that, or you are conducting a study on idiocy and having a blast out of it.

Anyway, rock on. It's fun to see you ridicule the loonies on these parts.
SnakeLord said:
Well, I had no idea he was so sensitive. I shall handle him with kid gloves in future. Send him my apologies in a 'get well soon' card. If he requires it however, I'll happily burn a cow.

False humility :rolleyes:

SnakeLord said:
Apologies, but I fail to see what 'love' has to do with other planets, and why it can't be understood on this one, without focusing on those other planets.

You misunderstand what I mean of things above. You think I mean physical planets but that is because you have received the spirit of the world.

SnakeLord said:
The thing is, my life is full of love, bursting with it- and that's all on this world. Perhaps if you took the time to look, you'd notice this world can provide as much love as you'd ever need, and you need not put your head in the clouds to experience it.

This world will be destroyed by fire. It can hold nothing of value for me whatsoever. Love however is not of this world, it is from above.


False humility

Not at all. I seriously want you to send him a card and apology from me, and I will seriously burn a cow if that's what it takes. What was it you once said to me.. "can't you just trust people and take them at their word?"

You misunderstand what I mean of things above. You think I mean physical planets but that is because you have received the spirit of the world.

I didn't misunderstand, but by saying "what's above", you can only be referring to planets, meteors, gas clouds and similar such stuff. There is nothing else there - no golden cities, no home of angels and dead people.

Btw, what is "spirit of the world"? It's a big rock, it has no spirit.

This world will be destroyed by fire. It can hold nothing of value for me whatsoever.

A) It's doubtful this planet will be destroyed by fire while you're still alive, and as such is pretty meaningless. Either way though, I fail to see why knowledge of it's eventual destruction somehow lowers the value of your life on it.

B) Apparently god made it just for us. As such it should surely have extreme value to you. You should be out there fondling with the grass, and loving every aspect of this planet created for you. How inconsiderate that god goes to all the trouble merely to hear you say it has no value. Sickening. Perhaps it's time he flooded the planet again, and killed all of those that don't appreciate the hard work he put into it. Repent you sinner.

Love however is not of this world, it is from above.

My wife just came in the room, so I showed her your post and asked if she agreed with this statement. She said; "some people", and that was all she could manage. To be honest, I can't manage much more. This statement is so daft and meaningless, there is little one can say to it.
c20 said:
This world will be destroyed by fire. It can hold nothing of value for me whatsoever. Love however is not of this world, it is from above.
if that is the case then why not leave now, instead of waiting?.
Fadeaway Humper: Lol :D Actually though, I must confess that I enjoy it. No idea why, I think god made me enjoy debating with religious nincompoops.

The Preacher: Lol.
Yeah! His work is not done..

He still hasn't answered my questions on the other thread :D
c20H25N3o: False humility :rolleyes:

You misunderstand what I mean of things above. You think I mean physical planets but that is because you have received the spirit of the world.

This world will be destroyed by fire. It can hold nothing of value for me whatsoever. Love however is not of this world, it is from above.
M*W: How silly and immature can one man be? You've won the gold.
SnakeLord: I didn't misunderstand, but by saying "what's above", you can only be referring to planets, meteors, gas clouds and similar such stuff. There is nothing else there - no golden cities, no home of angels and dead people.
M*W: True, true. "What's above" is just a fig newton of c20's imagination.
Snake: Btw, what is "spirit of the world"? It's a big rock, it has no spirit.
M*W: If there is any kind of "spirit of the world," it would be right here in all creation instead of "what's above."
Snake: A) It's doubtful this planet will be destroyed by fire while you're still alive, and as such is pretty meaningless. Either way though, I fail to see why knowledge of it's eventual destruction somehow lowers the value of your life on it.
M*W: You know c20 takes everything so literally. The planet will never be destroyed by fire. That scripture simply means the people of the world (humanity) may undergo a spiritual change so we can understand the interconnectedness of each other. I don't mean to imply there will be a "spirit" involved in our change, I believe it is more like the force of human energy that will cause our mentality to change for the better. I also believe that when this transformation occurs, no one will believe in the myth of christianity. Fortunately, according to world statistics, that may come sooner than those folks think!
Snake: B) Apparently god made it just for us. As such it should surely have extreme value to you. You should be out there fondling with the grass, and loving every aspect of this planet created for you. How inconsiderate that god goes to all the trouble merely to hear you say it has no value. Sickening. Perhaps it's time he flooded the planet again, and killed all of those that don't appreciate the hard work he put into it. Repent you sinner.
M*W: All c20 fondles is his lying bible. Poor wife!
Snake: My wife just came in the room, so I showed her your post and asked if she agreed with this statement. She said; "some people", and that was all she could manage. To be honest, I can't manage much more. This statement is so daft and meaningless, there is little one can say to it.
M*W: Thank God, my daughters give me the same expression! After all, they were raised to be good catholics! When I deconverted, they did, too! Now we can at least communicate on the same level!
the preacher: if that is the case then why not leave now, instead of waiting?
M*W: Here's a list of some doomsday cults for anyone looking to leave the Earth sooner than later:

- Moonies. Unification of Christianity
- Children of God, Family of Love
- Church Universal and Triumphant
- Way International
- Holy Order of MANS
- Church of the Living God
- Rev. Ike
- Branch Davidians, "Waco", David Koresh
- People's Temple, Jim Jones, Jonestown
- Millennial Downists
- Church of Satan: Satanism
- Black Mass
- Fetishes
- Santeria
- Macumba
- Voodoo
- Palo Mayombé
- Umbanda
- Occult
- Religious addictions
- Exorcism
- Freemasonry
- Rosicrucianism
- Ku Klux Klan
- New World Order
- Mind Sciences- Silva Mind Control
- Swedenborgianism
- UFOs - Heaven's Gate
- Marxism
- Gurdjieff
- Ouspensky
- Modernism
- Secularism
- Animism
- The End of the Worldists
- Antichrist
- The Tribulationists
- Armageddon
- Milenniumists
- Rapturists
- The Last Judgmentists
- Mark of the Beast: 666 cult
- Apocalypse
- Harmagedon
- Revelationists
- The Second Coming of Christ Believers
- Noahists
- One World Religionists
- Ecumenism
- The Only One Church of Christ
- The Popeists
- The Federation of Religions
- The Authentic Religion
- Baha'i
- Hare Krishna
- Divination
- Children of God
- Charles Manson and The Family
- UFO's and Raelians
- UFO's and Heaven's Gate
- Apparitionits of Jesus & Mary
- Believers in the Shroud of Turin
- Sadducees
- Pharisees
- Transcendental Meditation
- Theosophy
- est
- Puritans
- Hashshashin
- Order of Solar Temple
- Congregational Assassins
- Rejneeshism
- Nazarenes
- Quakers
- Black Muslims
- Divine Light
- Shakers
- Hamas
- Vedanta Society
- Tannaim
- Moravians
- Fundamentalists
- Krishmamurti
- Eckankar
- Karaites
- Churches of Christ
- Disciples In America
- Bubba Free John
- Sephardim
- Adventists
- Ashkenazim
- Salvation Army
- Mysticism
- Pentecostals
- Self Realization
- Charismatics
- Yoga Ashram
- Kabbala Catholics without Pope
- Maitreya
- Hasidism
- Haskala Cults
- Mormonism
- Kharijites
- Zen Buddhism
- Hanbalites
- Trantrism
- Reconstructionists
- Christian Science
- Mu’tazilites
- Hinayana
- Humanism
- Zionism
- Family of Love
- Kama Sutra
- Israel Unity School
- Esoteric: Jodo
- Worldwide Church of God
- Mind Science
- Nichiren Shu
- Silva Mind Control
- Soka Garay
- Jews for Jesus
- Church Universal
- Vedism
- Brahmanism
- Atheism
- Rama
- Church of the Living God
- Sikhism
- Jainism
- Parses
- Central London Tavernism
- Penitents
- Snake Handlers
- The Family (Charles Manson)
- Jeffrey Lundgren
- Rod Parsley: Breakthrough
- Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God
- Concerned Christians
- House of Yahweh

Theres many, many more, but these are a few of the better known cults. Sorry if I duplicated any.
SnakeLord said:
Right, and then I would ask why you would say:

"Given that God Is Who He Is, dont you think you had better *sshhhh...* "

Why should he *sshhh*? You even said just now that it might have great benefit here on earth, in which case you're now contradicting yourself.
The answer is - Yes, God has a problem with free speach. It's called murmering and God doesn't like it out of us any more than I like it out of my own children. I tell them - "Wrong answer - say, Yes Sir and go clean your room!"
The answer is - Yes, God has a problem with free speach. It's called murmering and God doesn't like it out of us any more than I like it out of my own children. I tell them - "Wrong answer - say, Yes Sir and go clean your room!"

So with many people where do you think resentment comes from? I bet your children deep down think you're an asshole - because you instantly fail on the most important thing there is: Love.

You lower your children to servants, instead of looking upon them as equals. While that is your right, as it is gods, it doesn't win fans - which is what many of you claim god wants.

Tell me David, why did you have kids? Needed a foot stool?

I guess the same question applies to god.
gendanken said:
He'd much rather have his feet washed by a prostitute to show a love and mercy he denies to those that don't fucking need it.

One just tells oneself one doesn't need love and mercy, and one can be so good at this that one ends up not needing it, or so one thinks.

There are few things, if any, that we couldn't talk ourselves out of.

To admit that one needs something (whatever it is), would be to admit that one is *not* sufficient all by oneself.

My, that must be a horrible realization for someone who thinks himself bestowed with godly properties like omnipotence.
The ideas that God is evil and hell is fun just cover up the frustration.

It's a nifty, simple, little cognitive dissonance, so frequently present in those who think themselves self-sufficient.
One just tells oneself one doesn't need love and mercy, and one can be so good at this that one ends up not needing it, or so one thinks.

There are few things, if any, that we couldn't talk ourselves out of.

To admit that one needs something (whatever it is), would be to admit that one is *not* sufficient all by oneself.

My, that must be a horrible realization for someone who thinks himself bestowed with godly properties like omnipotence.
The ideas that God is evil and hell is fun just cover up the frustration.

It's a nifty, simple, little cognitive dissonance, so frequently present in those who think themselves self-sufficient.

According to this logic, those that actually are either self-sufficient or close to it actually are not unless softened with pity from others.

Would you even believe they are happy?
Point to ponder: if one needs to talk themselves out of something, they need it.
You need to convince or argue a point with yourself? You do so because something stands there to oppose you.

A crackwhore, say, will never need to talk herself out of chastity.
Same logic- what does this say about those that don't need to 'talk' themselves out of those things you mentioned? Love and pity.
gendanken said:
According to this logic, those that actually are either self-sufficient or close to it actually are not unless softened with pity from others.


No. I don't think anyone can ever be truly self-sufficient, that's the thing.

Surely, there are be hermits (for the lack of a better word at the moment) -- but you never meet them, do you? And even if you meet them, then they stay closed and uninterested, so they remain quite unnoticed by you.

gendanken said:
Would you even believe they are happy?

I suppose they can be -- but I think it is an unrelatable hapiness, a happiness that only they can see, it's a happiness that can not be shared with other people who are not such hermits.

gendanken said:
A crackwhore, say, will never need to talk herself out of chastity.
Same logic- what does this say about those that don't need to 'talk' themselves out of those things you mentioned? Love and pity.

That they are therapsids?
But I don't know -- are they happy with who they are? Why do they talk to other people at all?
Pardon delay, Veteran's Day.

No. I don't think anyone can ever be truly self-sufficient, that's the thing.

Surely, there are be hermits (for the lack of a better word at the moment) -- but you never meet them, do you? And even if you meet them, then they stay closed and uninterested, so they remain quite unnoticed by you
Define self-sufficient.

And why the hermits? Bit of a stretch, no?
Self-sufficiency as a state of mind- and it doesn't mean social homicide.
(considering hermits- you don't need to see them to know they're there. The stench of sweat can announce them in the darkest pits of Sheoli....HA!)

I suppose they can be -- but I think it is an unrelatable hapiness, a happiness that only they can see, it's a happiness that can not be shared with other people who are not such hermits
This is the best form of happiness.
All else (mostly) is showbiz.
But I don't know -- are they happy with who they are? Why do they talk to other people at all
Same reason monkeys pick ticks.

You're asking this question becuase you're thinking of hermits, right?
gendanken said:
Define self-sufficient.

Neither wanting nor needing "the look of other eyes", or thinking that one neither wants nor needs "the look of other eyes".

gendanken said:
And why the hermits? Bit of a stretch, no?

I did say " ... hermits (for the lack of a better word at the moment) ... "

gendanken said:
Self-sufficiency as a state of mind- and it doesn't mean social homicide.

I never said being self-sufficient means social homicide.

gendanken said:
“ I suppose they can be -- but I think it is an unrelatable hapiness, a happiness that only they can see, it's a happiness that can not be shared with other people who are not such hermits ”

This is the best form of happiness.
All else (mostly) is showbiz.

While I can understand your position, I do not wish to relate to it. Not anymore. I have had enough to do with self-sufficient intellectuals in my life, and I know better and keep my distance.

gendanken said:
“ But I don't know -- are they happy with who they are? Why do they talk to other people at all ”

Same reason monkeys pick ticks.

Uh. That is a horrendous idea -- to consider all human relations to be nothing else but a version of monkeys picking ticks.

gendanken said:
You're asking this question becuase you're thinking of hermits, right?

Forum preconditioning. There was a lot of talk about hermits "We need the look of other eyes" thread. We were also looking for a better word than "hermit", but that still seemed to be the closest one for what was being discussed as the preferred state of a human mind.