Is god evil


It's all greek to me
Registered Senior Member
you xians believe your god to be a god of love but it is also a god of evil and I dont mean because of all the evil deeds in the bible, but that it is written in isaiah and samuel that god has created evil and it dwells inside him. and i quote "Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things." and I quote "1st Samuel 16:14/15 But the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him.
: And Saul's servants said unto him, Behold now, an evil spirit from God troubleth thee."
so man is not to blame for evil, but god is.

this is pretty damning dont you think.
pavlosmarcos said:
you xians believe your god to be a god of love but it is also a god of evil and I dont mean because of all the evil deeds in the bible, but that it is written in isaiah and samuel that god has created evil and it dwells inside him. and i quote "Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things." and I quote "1st Samuel 16:14/15 But the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him.
: And Saul's servants said unto him, Behold now, an evil spirit from God troubleth thee."
so man is not to blame for evil, but god is.

this is pretty damning dont you think.

Given that God Is Who He Is, dont you think you had better *sshhhh...*
Come to know His grace, it is infinately greater than his anger :eek:
If you think I am lying, check out Jesus' message in the bible.


SnakeLord said:
god has a problem with freedom of speech?

Ok post your complaints to God. Not me. Address them to God right here. Your personal complaints. God listens.


What is a "Xian"?

Is death evil? If a lot of people die? Then why does God let it happen? - Because it is not evil. What if an asteroid collides on earth and kills millions of people; We wouldn't call that evil, would we? And the people wouldn't suffer because they would die instantly. God wants us to understand that nothing lasts in this world and he doesn't want us to love material things, because they always perish and then makes us sad.

The death of material things is a natural thing, and God acts through nature. Many of these massmurders that God made are actually "natural" things, I believe. God creates light, the light casts a shadow. God creates good, the good casts a shadow. The good can't be without the evil, but for God there is no evil or good, because they are in balance. Evil comes from man's ego.

Sadness and evil things makes us realize happiness, love and truth. Without duality we can't understand. We must have a ground to jump, but we mustn't use the ground for more than a platform under our feets. We mustn't become slaves of material desires. What does it matter if "I" (my body?) don't feel good? Why would I make a difference between good and bad, between these divine creations?
SnakeLord said:
god has a problem with freedom of speech?

He sure does. A lot of gods don't like being spoken against. Zeus will strike you down. ;) Or maybe Christians will argue that you have real freedom of speech. You either can speak your mind, or.. ;)
anonymous2 said:
He sure does. A lot of gods don't like being spoken against. Zeus will strike you down. ;) Or maybe Christians will argue that you have real freedom of speech. You either can speak your mind, or.. ;)

The bible tells us to be bold before the throne of God. I tell you this, when you kneel before that throne and your very soul is trembling, it is a real blessing to be allowed to be bold with God, to know that His grace is sufficient for you even though you are nothing more than a son of dust. That he much prefers you to stand and call Him Father


c20H25N3o said:
The bible tells us to be bold before the throne of God. I tell you this, when you kneel before that throne and your very soul is trembling, it is a real blessing to be allowed to be bold with God, to know that His grace is sufficient for you even though you are nothing more than a son of dust. That he much prefers you to stand and call Him Father



Bold? Are you sure about that? As for kneeling before that throne and my very soul is trembling, you bet. If Christianity is true, and I am wrong, then I will be "freaking out" to say the least. One can make that argument about other religions though. If you die and stand before Osiris, well, ;)

It's still the "carrot and the stick". If Christians can't convince people with the "love of God", they try the "wrath of God" or vice versa. What mental manipulation. :) Didn't Paul said that love is not jealous? But you think God is love and jealous. I'd agree more with Paul that love is not jealous. If you TRULY love someone, you don't threaten that one with eternal damnation if that one doesn't do what you want.
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c20H25N3o: Ok post your complaints to God. Not me. Address them to God right here. Your personal complaints. God listens.
M*W: ...but will God reply, or will that be you calling yourself "The Lord?" Since you have failed to do it, let God show himself and prove his existence to the rest of us.
Ha. Encore. BAHHHAHHA!!

c20H25N3o is a kneeling, trembling, faggoting little Christian.
Who would have thought? Good, now I know why.

The bible tells us to be bold before the throne of God.
Yes, especially when you have nothing to be bold about.

I tell you this, when you kneel before that throne and your very soul is trembling,
Read enough stories about bloodletting in Jericho, killing children, oh I don't know, a hairy Palestinian Jew randomly showing up at your doorstep after you saw him slaughtered three days ago- is it any wonder your tiny behind is trembling?

it is a real blessing to be allowed to be bold with God, to know that His grace is sufficient for you even though you are nothing more than a son of dust.
Speak for yourself.

I'm made of pearls, vodka, and 24 karat blood..

That he much prefers you to stand and call Him Father
He'd much rather have his feet licked so he could kick you in the eyeballs.
He'd much rather have his feet lick so he could kick your face in.

He'd much rather have his feet washed by a prostitute to show a love and mercy he denies to those that don't fucking need it.
Is it just me or has anyone noticed that c20H25N3o has a problem of NEVER EVER addressing the topic but just going off on some tangent totally unrelated to the discussion at hand? I'm beginning to find it annyoing..
me too, he keeps telling stories with no point and preaching, and worse of all he keeps psychoanalising people.
unfortunatlly he's a bitter man ( a bit of psychoanalising this end) his wife has left him and taken his daughter, he's been in a lunatic asylum, his father hated him, his mother recented him, I bet he was bullied at school.
sad sad, no wonder he has a imaginary friend it's the only person who likes him.

all this was take from his posts.

just found this and thought it relevant to the topic

God's Questionable Nature. True love always has the best interests of others at heart. The God of the Bible clearly does not fit into that category. Will Christians claim that it is in the best interests of most of humanity to end up in hell? I would like to ask Christians, "What's in it for God to send most of humanity to hell?" What kind of divine, perverse, celestial satisfaction says, "They are just getting what they deserve?"

The all-knowing God of the Bible could easily have in the beginning created the heavenly city of New Jerusalem, the final destination of Christians as told in the book of Revelation, and only the people who out of their own free will would have chosen to become Christians, thereby bypassing all suffering, including the creation of hell and the unnecessary and unjust suffering of animals. Some Christians will claim that for some reason known only to God, life has to be lived out. Considering the millions of babies that have been aborted, such a notion is patently absurd unless the majority of Christians will claim that all aborted babies will go to hell.

Would any Christian couple choose to have a child if they knew in advance that the child would end up in hell? Surely, most would not, but that is exactly what the God of the Bible has done.

Since Christians reject all naturalistic arguments regarding the Resurrection, and often to a lesser degree other claims of miracles as well, following is a competing supernaturalistic hypothesis that bypasses that objection:

1) God is evil and the Devil is good. 2) Supposedly fulfilled prophecies are true. 3) Claims of miracles are true, including the Resurrection. 4) An evil God takes pleasure in deceiving mankind, i.e. causing fulfilled prophecies, miracles and the Resurrection of Jesus, and will eventually send all humans to hell.

My hypothesis is simply a role reversal between God and Satan. Second Corinthians 11:14 says "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." First Peter 5:8 says "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour."

The New Testament says that the Pharisees acknowledged that Jesus had supernatural powers to heal people, but that his powers came from Beelzebub. My hypothesis follows that same kind of reasoning. Christians and even some skeptics will find fault with my hypothesis, but it was the Pharisees who first came up with a competing supernaturalistic explanation for Jesus’ powers, not me.

(with thanks to askepticalapproach)
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§outh§tar said:
Is it just me or has anyone noticed that c20H25N3o has a problem of NEVER EVER addressing the topic but just going off on some tangent totally unrelated to the discussion at hand? I'm beginning to find it annyoing..

Please report me.


c20H25N3o said:
The bible tells us to be bold before the throne of God. I tell you this, when you kneel before that throne and your very soul is trembling, it is a real blessing to be allowed to be bold with God, to know that His grace is sufficient for you even though you are nothing more than a son of dust. That he much prefers you to stand and call Him Father



"Question with boldness even the existence of God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear."

Thomas Jefferson, (1743-1826) 3rd American president, author, scientist, architect, educator, and diplomat. Deist, avid separationist.

I sadly have a brother like you, he says ( he seem to hate everyone) if it was'nt for his fear of god he would kill, I have no fear of god/gods, killing anyone never entered my head.( makes you wonder where the hate comes from, does'nt it)
Ok post your complaints to God. Not me. Address them to God right here. Your personal complaints. God listens.

C20: It wasn't a complaint, it was a question. You can usually tell what a question is because it ends with a question mark, which looks like: ?

As you have now been informed as to what a question looks like, do you think you could possibly answer it?
SnakeLord said:
C20: It wasn't a complaint, it was a question. You can usually tell what a question is because it ends with a question mark, which looks like: ?

As you have now been informed as to what a question looks like, do you think you could possibly answer it?

God has no problem with freedom of speech or choice. After all He gave you both and both are connected. You are correct to say that everything is permissable for you. However not everything that is permissable is beneficial for you.
Denying Jesus is most definately not beneficial for you in the Kingdom of Heaven. It may have great benefit to you of the earth because then you are not persecuted as I am whilst I walk among you. As for me I will turn the other cheek for I know where my Saviour is at. This battle is not of flesh and blood.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places, EPH 6:12.
God has no problem with freedom of speech or choice. After all He gave you both and both are connected. You are correct to say that everything is permissable for you. However not everything that is permissable is beneficial for you.
Denying Jesus is most definately not beneficial for you in the Kingdom of Heaven. It may have great benefit to you of the earth because then you are not persecuted as I am whilst I walk among you. As for me I will turn the other cheek for I know where my Saviour is at. This battle is not of flesh and blood.

Right, and then I would ask why you would say:

"Given that God Is Who He Is, dont you think you had better *sshhhh...* "

Why should he *sshhh*? You even said just now that it might have great benefit here on earth, in which case you're now contradicting yourself.
SnakeLord said:
Right, and then I would ask why you would say:

"Given that God Is Who He Is, dont you think you had better *sshhhh...* "

Why should he *sshhh*? You even said just now that it might have great benefit here on earth, in which case you're now contradicting yourself.

Well whilst everything is permissable not everything is beneficial and running your mouth off against the Maker of Heaven and Earth is probably not beneficial. I was like a friend nudging a friend in school who didnt know the teacher was watching him mucking about. It was an act of 'love' which you repeatedly fail to discern because your mind is of this world and not above.


Well whilst everything is permissable not everything is beneficial and running your mouth off against the Maker of Heaven and Earth is probably not beneficial.

Well, I had no idea he was so sensitive. I shall handle him with kid gloves in future. Send him my apologies in a 'get well soon' card. If he requires it however, I'll happily burn a cow.

It was an act of 'love' which you repeatedly fail to discern because your mind is of this world and not above.

Apologies, but I fail to see what 'love' has to do with other planets, and why it can't be understood on this one, without focusing on those other planets. The thing is, my life is full of love, bursting with it- and that's all on this world. Perhaps if you took the time to look, you'd notice this world can provide as much love as you'd ever need, and you need not put your head in the clouds to experience it.