Is God evil or Good


Originally Posted by jpappl
This is wrong. Confusing science with scientists.
There are scientists, who because they are human and have egos sometimes really big ones. They want to cling to their position because they don't like to be proven wrong and they may have some financial stake in the status quo. . ”

Ok you have a very good point here, I am talking of science when I should be talking about scientists. Science is the method – nothing wrong with that. The scientist are the ones who cant see their fallibility.

Agreed. Scientist are just like any others. Some are more egotisitical, some are more ambitious etc. I know many. Most of whom take their jobs very seriously and do not see themselves as the sole holders of the truth. They do know that additional information may or will change things.

So I agree that there are those types but I wouldn't agree that it is the majority. If it was we would still be holding on to flawed ideas from 100 years ago.

Originally Posted by jpappl
But how can you say science will never change ? . ”

I am saying that it does change, but scientists cling to today’s truths as if it won’t.

Some do. Humans make mistakes and one of the hardest things for many people is to admit mistakes. Especially if they have invested a lot of time into the belief.
In theory yes...

No, not in theory, that's the way the process works.

but then if every scientific theory has been made sure to be correct, how are the huge changes to mainstream the scientfic world view over the last 200 years possible?

Because theories DO get falsified through observation and experimentation. In other words, the process works.