Is God evil or Good

Alan McDougall

Alan McDougall
Registered Senior Member
Is life is sustained by death (evil god) The main piece of evidence here is biological matter and the food chain. All life dies biological life decays, erodes, fades, and becomes diseased and ill if it does not sustain itself. To sustain itself nearly all life, except the least living elements of life, kills and eats other life. If not this, then it consumes biological matter at the expense of other living beings; the fight for food is also a case of living beings being required to outdo each other merely to survive.

If life was created, and not simply the result of undirected unconscious evolution then this is surely the worst possible way to have created life. It appears very much that life cannot survive without causing suffering for other life.

A god could not have created a more vicious cycle if it tried: tying the very existence of life with the necessary killing of other life is the work of an evil genius, not of an all-powerful and all-loving god, that could choose if it wanted to sustain all life immediately and forever with manna from heaven. However, it seems such an all-powerful good god does not exist


]Alternatively, god created evil for a purpose we cannot comprehend. [/B]
On the other hand, evil comes from the creation (us) and not the creator. I can’t buy this as it makes god out as an imperfect fallible creator

On the other hand, there could be two fundamental gods. 1. = Evil dark hating vengeful unforgiving author of death, a god or light purity and love

The God of my understanding, is a god of goodness, mercy, forgiveness light hope and infinite love

On transgression or evil call it what you will, I definitely differentiate here. For example, a poor boy steals a loaf of bread for his starving family equated to the evil of a Hitler. Surely, a merciful God cannot view the consequences for these two transgressions in the same light.


The correct alternative of course is that good and evil don't objectively exist and the function of all life forms on Earth is to collect energy and persist.
Alan McDougall,

Is life is sustained by death (evil god)

Death is the final, natural process of a material form.

If not this, then it consumes biological matter at the expense of other living beings; the fight for food is also a case of living beings being required to outdo each other merely to survive.

Material existence can be a brutal one, that's for sure.

If life was created, and not simply the result of undirected unconscious evolution then this is surely the worst possible way to have created life. It appears very much that life cannot survive without causing suffering for other life.

On the contrary.
The living entity is not allowed to become complacent, and will eventually seek liberation from this brutal merry-go-round.

A god could not have created a more vicious cycle if it tried:

The medium is nature.
It is the blend of nature and the urge to enjoy with deteriorating intelligence that creates the extreme.

tying the very existence of life with the necessary killing of other life is the work of an evil genius, not of an all-powerful and all-loving god, that could choose if it wanted to sustain all life immediately and forever with manna from heaven. However, it seems such an all-powerful good god does not exist

God knows this not our home, so what would be the point of giving us a false sense of hope?

Alternatively, god created evil for a purpose we cannot comprehend. [/B]
On the other hand, evil comes from the creation (us) and not the creator. I can’t buy this as it makes god out as an imperfect fallible creator

"Evil" is the absence of good, the same darkness is the absence of light.

On the other hand, there could be two fundamental gods. 1. = Evil dark hating vengeful unforgiving author of death, a god or light purity and love

Why unecesserily confuse things?

The God of my understanding, is a god of goodness, mercy, forgiveness light hope and infinite love

Then go with it.
Try and see your questions from that POV.

On transgression or evil call it what you will, I definitely differentiate here. For example, a poor boy steals a loaf of bread for his starving family equated to the evil of a Hitler. Surely, a merciful God cannot view the consequences for these two transgressions in the same light.

"As a man sows so shall he reap" or words to that effect :)

Alan McDougall,

Death is the final, natural process of a material form.

Material existence can be a brutal one, that's for sure.

On the contrary.
The living entity is not allowed to become complacent, and will eventually seek liberation from this brutal merry-go-round.

The medium is nature.
It is the blend of nature and the urge to enjoy with deteriorating intelligence that creates the extreme.

God knows this not our home, so what would be the point of giving us a false sense of hope?

"Evil" is the absence of good, the same darkness is the absence of light.

Why unecesserily confuse things?

Then go with it.
Try and see your questions from that POV.

"As a man sows so shall he reap" or words to that effect :)


Life has to exist on earth by the awful eat or be eaten reality of all living things on earth, surely a creator could have come up with a better solution for sustaining life, why not create a life form that is as animate but still able to create energy directly from the sun similar to plant like but able to move like animal life does :)
Life has to exist on earth by the awful eat or be eaten reality of all living things on earth, surely a creator could have come up with a better solution for sustaining life, why not create a life form that is as animate but still able to create energy directly from the sun similar to plant like but able to move like animal life does :)

It depends on the desire of the individual soul.
If we talk God, then we must talk soul.

If an evil god was all powerful, it could pretend to be good and we couldn't tell the difference, could we?
Survival of the fittest results in unfit individuals more than 50% of the time.

Look at any family tree and see how many people have no offspring, and how many more have no grandchildren. The tree is constantly pruned.

If you want descendants, religion is a good idea.
I can't provide the statistics, but I would bet that religious families on the whole have more children than non religious families.

A lot of religion is economics. Don't waste your time or money.
Be Family centred.
i believe there's a way to live a life without suffering and death. i don't think we're equipped to do that at the moment, but the possibility is still there. we can't see the big picture. god can, and he can give us a glimpse to inspire sincere hope and trust.
Is life is sustained by death (evil god)

Here's where you make your first mistake. A god of death is not necessarily an evil god. Look at the ancient cultures and their gods (which, interestingly, are my gods as well); gods of death and the darker forces of nature aren't bad or evil, they're simply a necessary part of the circle.
Nature is largely indifferent to man, and thus so are the gods that personify it. They serve a purpose that is more functional than benevolent. At the same time, it is not malevolent either.
On transgression or evil call it what you will, I definitely differentiate here. For example, a poor boy steals a loaf of bread for his starving family equated to the evil of a Hitler. Surely, a merciful God cannot view the consequences for these two transgressions in the same light.

Surely not. The poor boy and the starving family are a result of your merciful god as he sees fit to feed the fat Christians of some parts of the world while ignoring the starving Christians on the other side of the world.

Perhaps, he just spends way too much time trying to find your car keys when you lose them.
we can't see the big picture. god can, and he can give us a glimpse to inspire sincere hope and trust.

Oh yes, the "big picture" which includes the murdering of tens of thousands of innocent children every single day who your god sees fit to starve to death while he sits idly by chatting with YOU over tea and crumpets.

Now, there's a "glimpse to inspire sincere hope and trust" LOL!
Oh yes, the "big picture" which includes the murdering of tens of thousands of innocent children every single day who your god sees fit to starve to death while he sits idly by chatting with YOU over tea and crumpets.

Now, there's a "glimpse to inspire sincere hope and trust" LOL!

we're all cogs in the murder machine Q. god has given me a glimpse of that and of a better way, and it wasn't over tea, it was over blood.
Is life is sustained by death (evil god)

Life and death are just part of the same process, death is only evil in your mind.

I assume you are of Christian persuasion, so I will ask, how you believe you can get to heaven without dying; if death is the gateway to heaven then death must be a good thing, no?

I also cannot see how Christians describe the death of Jesus as a bad thing, if it was not for his death he could not have been resurrected nor entered heaven..

So good and evil are about your perception of events and not the actual events themselves. It is therefore your idea of (or perception of) god the will render god good or evil.