Is God all knowing?

I never said Satan gave them new information, I said that it is possible he had influenced them in a way to look at their knowledge the same way he did his.
I never said Satan gave them new information, I said that it is possible he had influenced them in a way to look at their knowledge the same way he did his.
Yes perhaps. This is what the book of Enoch tells us. However, evil is not about following someone. It is about being the leader. It doesn't hurt for someone telling you that you can be above God but disobediance is our choice and not Satan's.
Originally posted by okinrus
I think your confusing the arch-angels with the men in black.

No, I'm not confusing the two. Perhaps they do the same thing--confusing people. Whomever theorized that archanagels were Satanic meant exactly that and cited several examples which I remembered the one. I'm not saying I believe this to be true, but it could be, I don't know.
Originally posted by okinrus
One of God's angels being satanic is a contradiction.

Can you PROVE the archangels ARE God's? Hey, I don't have a problem with the archangels. I threw this in for discussion. But to your point, there is also some speculation (not mine) that the God of the Bible is Satan.

Now the question arises... is time real. If everything happened, happens and is happening all at the same time and our brain is slowing it down, then God would have made all the decisions at the same time.

I beliweve that there is some higher power that we don't fully know about but I think it is not fully omnicient. I mean, there are ways that you can find out your future though, which gets me, like Ouija boards and such. Who is the ultimate controlling power? Who sees all? That depends on your beliefs, right? It still gets my that someone (like a god of some type) would create evil, then expect his creations (us) to live in an evil world and worship Gad and do good. It doesn't efully make sense.
It still gets my that someone (like a god of some type) would create evil, then expect his creations (us) to live in an evil world and worship Gad and do good. It doesn't efully make sense.
Well, take yourself as example. For the purpose of an analogy, the law will do as "God", and you could be "creation". If you were created by a perfect law, what would stop you from breaking it? And if all your actions were measured against the law, what would make you "good" or "bad"?
If God knew everything and Jesus was so close to God that some religious people find Jesus to be God, Jesus would have known that the world does not have four corners. Jesus would know Earth is not flat. Since Jesus thought Earth is flat, Jesus and God are a fraud.


Originally posted by mgwisni
Does God know everything that we will do for the rest of our lives? If we have free choice, wouldn't that keep him from knowing that. I believe he knows everything there is to know. I don't believe God would have created Satan if he knew he would fall. I don't believe that God would have made Saul King if he had known that Saul wouldn't obey him.

Where did Jesus teach that the earth was flat? And even if he believed it, how is that surprising since he grew up as a typical first century Jew? Knowing God completely does not have to mean "knowing everything God knows", as is evident from the verse:

6"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.