Is God a mighty king sitting side by side within the universe he did not create?

The question for this discussion is "Does God exist side by side with matter and energy, or is god the creator that sits like a mighty king on his heavenly throne

1) Holy King but not creator of all things

2) Creator of all of existence or:-

3) Existence = god, god= Existence

I propose to put this question to all theistic, in the world.
Will be an interesting discussion to follow. :thumbsup:
The question for this discussion is "Does God exist side by side with matter and energy, or is god the creator that sits like a mighty king on his heavenly throne

1) Holy King but not creator of all things

2) Creator of all of existence or:-

3) Existence = god, god= Existence

2) Creator of all of existence or:-

God is the Creator of the universe. He is not a part of this universe. He interacts with His creation, but He is not His creation and His creation is not Him.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
2) Creator of all of existence or:-

God is the Creator of the universe. He is not a part of this universe. He interacts with His creation, but He is not His creation and His creation is not Him.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

How do you know this??, if God was not the creator of all things then god is just a mighty being amonst other mighty beings. If what you say is true, then god could commit suicide etc
How do you know this??, if God was not the creator of all things then god is just a mighty being amonst other mighty beings. If what you say is true, then god could commit suicide etc

Why would my reply lead you to your conclusion about God committing Suicide?

Apart from that. I have never really thought about God willing himself into non- existence. Being God and therefore perfect would eliminate any reason for him to end His own existence. Interesting thought though. It is rare that i find interesting thoughts expressed in here.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Why would my reply lead you to your conclusion about God committing Suicide?

Apart from that. I have never really thought about God willing himself into non- existence. Being God and therefore perfect would eliminate any reason for him to end His own existence. Interesting thought though. It is rare that i find interesting thoughts expressed in here.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

If God is not the cause and creator of all existence then he is not infinite and eternal like existence must be. He is reduced to only part of existence and subject to it, rather than the prime mover
If God is not the cause and creator of all existence then he is not infinite and eternal like existence must be. He is reduced to only part of existence and subject to it, rather than the prime mover

Well as i said i believe God is the Cause / Creator of all existence.

He is not a part of it. When i say all existence i mean all that exists apart from God Himself.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Well as i said i believe God is the Cause / Creator of all existence.

He is not a part of it. When i say all existence i mean all that exists apart from God Himself.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

How about this:

Author Recoverer

I can't say with one hundred percent certainty, but what makes sense to me is that at first one vast perhaps infinite being existed all by himself (not really a "him").

Eventually this being figured out what much of himself was about, and learned to use the creative aspect of himself to create other beings.

Since nothing existed but himself, he used parts of his own being to do so.

Therefore, everything including us are little pieces of God trying to figure out what it is all about.

Since everything happens within God, he is aware of the numerous ways in which his being manifests.

He has enabled different parts of himself to take part in the creative process.

Because he found out about love, he respects our autonomy. This doesn't mean that he approves of when we harm others. Because his way represents the most beautiful, wonderful, and loving way there is, hopefully, each of us eventually finds the same way.
How about this:

Author Recoverer

I can't say with one hundred percent certainty, but what makes sense to me is that at first one vast perhaps infinite being existed all by himself (not really a "him").

Eventually this being figured out what much of himself was about, and learned to use the creative aspect of himself to create other beings.

Since nothing existed but himself, he used parts of his own being to do so.

Therefore, everything including us are little pieces of God trying to figure out what it is all about.

Since everything happens within God, he is aware of the numerous ways in which his being manifests.

Then your beliefs are in tune with the "New Age" movement.

Because he found out about love, he respects our autonomy.

If we are what you believe "everything including us are little pieces of God" then we are no more autonomous as our intestines are independent of out brains.

This doesn't mean that he approves of when we harm others.

If we little pieces of God then we would be God hurting Himself.

Because his way represents the most beautiful, wonderful, and loving way there is, hopefully, each of us eventually finds the same way.

If we are all pieces of God then we have no need to find anything because being part of God we would know all there is to know.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Then your beliefs are in tune with the "New Age" movement.

If we are what you believe "everything including us are little pieces of God" then we are no more autonomous as our intestines are independent of out brains.

If we are all pieces of God then we have no need to find anything because being part of God we would know all there is to know.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

If we little pieces of God then we would be God hurting Himself.

Does it mean if I am new age that what I post might not be true, the bible and the Quaran are full of mistakes and contradictions
If we are all pieces of God then we have no need to find anything because being part of God we would know all there is to know.
No, no. It does not have to be like that. Interesting you would use science's idea of what the pieces are. It's much more like the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing. And then sometimes it does. And remember this is God's body, not our bodies. So there can be many, many hands.
Please allow me to post here my idea of god and his enemy


Here is the part of my essay where I bring in evil and duality of light and dark etc.

I am the strange mysterious enigma rapped in a paradox encompassed in an ever-changing paradigm always moving toward an understanding of what puzzles all. The greatest light is my ultimate aim and time is my enemy. I am Truth

However, if I do not hurry to fight darkness, IT will come suddenly no to stalk the land with fear and hate. I put on the armor of the absolute and prepare to battle the evil brute. I illuminate the darkness through which I travel, searching out the monster ever before me.

GOD apposing Satan etc
If we little pieces of God then we would be God hurting Himself.

Does it mean if I am new age that what I post might not be true, the bible and the Quaran are full of mistakes and contradictions

I said you where new age because you stated a belief that all things are part of God. And refining that down means we are God.

And of course i do not believe in this new age belief. I think it is wrong, indeed i believe it is blasphemous. I believe in God the Creator and we are the created. There is a separation between the Universe and God.

And you can make whatever statement you like about the bible. That is your free willed decision. And as Christian i do not believe in the quran anyway so there is no point mentioning it in reply to my post.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
No, no. It does not have to be like that. Interesting you would use science's idea of what the pieces are. It's much more like the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing. And then sometimes it does. And remember this is God's body, not our bodies. So there can be many, many hands.

It annoys me that you use a biblical saying that is about concealing from third parties ones works of charity to support the new age doctrine that is all about massaging the vanity and pride of men by telling them they are God.

new age is the same to me as satans deception in the garden of eden.

satan = you will be as God

new age = you are God

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
The question for this discussion is "Does God exist side by side with matter and energy, or is god the creator that sits like a mighty king on his heavenly throne

1) Holy King but not creator of all things

That makes it sound as if matter and energy are God's equal as in they are omnipotent, omniscient, and infallible.
Please allow me to post here my idea of god and his enemy


Here is the part of my essay where I bring in evil and duality of light and dark etc.

I am the strange mysterious enigma rapped in a paradox encompassed in an ever-changing paradigm always moving toward an understanding of what puzzles all. The greatest light is my ultimate aim and time is my enemy. I am Truth

However, if I do not hurry to fight darkness, IT will come suddenly no to stalk the land with fear and hate. I put on the armor of the absolute and prepare to battle the evil brute. I illuminate the darkness through which I travel, searching out the monster ever before me.

GOD apposing Satan etc

Teaching that God and satan are both God is another abominable teaching. God is the Creator, satan was created by God. satan wanted to be God and worshiped as such. Dualism is the religion of satan. and you have just worshiped satan by raising his darkness to the level of Gods Light.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days