Is God a mighty king sitting side by side within the universe he did not create?

Alan McDougall

Alan McDougall
Registered Senior Member
The question for this discussion is "Does God exist side by side with matter and energy, or is god the creator that sits like a mighty king on his heavenly throne

1) Holy King but not creator of all things

2) Creator of all of existence or:-

3) Existence = god, god= Existence
If existence is God, then we might as well throw out the concept and all the associated baggage, and go with existence just being existence and not a personality.
but what about the meaning and order within existence?
Order is an attribute of many inanimate things. Salt crystals and diamonds, for instance. Meaning isn't an aspect of the entire thing, but only of parts of it (intelligent life).
The question for this discussion is "Does God exist side by side with matter and energy, or is god the creator that sits like a mighty king on his heavenly throne

1) Holy King but not creator of all things

2) Creator of all of existence or:-

3) Existence = god, god= Existence

4) God doesn't exist. In this case you can imagine it with any option listed above depending upon the context of imagination.
Except our consciousness.

i don't believe that.

i think that our conscious is partially isolated right now, but not fully.

i think that is an aspect of sin, restored communion, and the mark of the beast.
Consciousness must be isolated due to the speed of light. We cannot be conscious of anything more than a limited range of the universe. Otherwise thought would take impractically long.
Consciousness must be isolated due to the speed of light. We cannot be conscious of anything more than a limited range of the universe. Otherwise thought would take impractically long.

but it doesn't exist in a vacuum. it's somewhere in between.

i think it's a spiritual manifestation...there's a window there that's partially shut.

i think that upon restored communion the window will be reopened, and if one was the take the mark, it would be shut.
Instant communication over vast distances has not been shown to exist. Quantum entanglement doesn't allow for the communication of information.
They have been proven to be reacting to the movements of those around them, not communicating instantly.
4) God doesn't exist. In this case you can imagine it with any option listed above depending upon the context of imagination.

Quoted for Emphasis.

Are people really so unimaginative that we have to fall back on "God did it" whenever we don't understand something?
They have been proven to be reacting to the movements of those around them, not communicating instantly.

i wouldn't suggest that it has to be instantaneous, with birds or with us, but somehow, they all know where to go and when. they're in tune with each other and with the universe, and i suggest that one day, we will be too.
Quoted for Emphasis.

Are people really so unimaginative that we have to fall back on "God did it" whenever we don't understand something?

i fall back on god did it, even when i do understand something.

Bit of a mix of the three. Of course, adding a plural to "god".
I believe that the gods indirectly created the universe, and did not guide it. Physics takes care of itself, after all.
But I also believe that their existence metaphysically maintains the universe's existence, and that their presence can be felt in all matter and energy.
i wouldn't suggest that it has to be instantaneous, with birds or with us, but somehow, they all know where to go and when. they're in tune with each other and with the universe, and i suggest that one day, we will be too.

Remember God is omnipresent so god will have no difficulty in communicating his/her/its will to the people concerned
i wouldn't suggest that it has to be instantaneous, with birds or with us, but somehow, they all know where to go and when. they're in tune with each other and with the universe, and i suggest that one day, we will be too.

It's a Democracy, just like we enjoy. The most birds that turn in one direction determine which way they all go.