Is frequency of earthquake tsunamis increasing?

Not only are we measuring them more often, the media learned a couple years ago that reporting these results in big ratings. Now you're gonna hear about every one for a while.
Thanks for all your informative replies. Luckily I live at the top of a hill by the seaside, so I'm not too worried personally. Is there anyone who lives in a potentially high risk area? If so, do you take any precautionary action?
Not particularly earthquake tsunamis, but I noticed that past one month there are quite many BIG natural disasters. Can't remember the order and the exact time, but these happened within past ONE MONTH: flooding in Turkey, flooding in Philippines, tsunami in Samoa, earthquake in Sumatra, another earthquake in Sumatra, then typhon in Philippines, typhon in Japan, landslide (or mudslide?) in Italy, then flooding in India. Possibly there are some more. I am also wondering, why?