Is forcing sex on a pornstar the same as rape?

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many of u still think that pornstars allways have the luxury to say no ? The ones is the soft industrie might. but maybe you should take a dieper intrest what goes on behind the scenes of the hardcore and obscure films. Most of those girls have no other way to life. the can't say no and walk off the set. Do you think all those east european strippers allover western europe ccan say no when they are forced to have sex with the customers?

those girls are raped on a daily basis and movies made of this are sold. So does this mean it isn't rape anymore?
Any person male or female that is forced to have sex is raped.
a prostitute can charge you money to have sex but when her client suddenly penetrates her anal and she says no still is being raped.
no means no
This thread is as stupid as some of my past threads, ofcourse they are not raped they choose to do it, theres a door they can walk out of.

many of u still think that pornstars allways have the luxury to say no ? The ones is the soft industrie might. but maybe you should take a dieper intrest what goes on behind the scenes of the hardcore and obscure films. Most of those girls have no other way to life. the can't say no and walk off the set. Do you think all those east european strippers allover western europe ccan say no when they are forced to have sex with the customers?

those girls are raped on a daily basis and movies made of this are sold. So does this mean it isn't rape anymore?
Any person male or female that is forced to have sex is raped.
a prostitute can charge you money to have sex but when her client suddenly penetrates her anal and she says no still is being raped.
no means no

Howmany porn movies use girls from the sex slave trade?, it is a huge minority nearly all are legitimate women in the porn trade. The issue should not be aimed at the general porn industry when it is a people slave trade issue. This is about the illegal sex and prostitution rings and slave trade, using porn as a spin is not wise.

rape is an evil nature behavior, in what that act seek to get a physical pleasure from forcing another to consider him being supported by the reality force upon him, evil nature is who take advantage from reality force to force himself on others less concerned about being by force, evil is who dont justify his acts to be himself, but always act to be by another that he kills

so whatever you have in mind about a pornstar woman that is obviously judgmental, it cant be any issue that justify evil nature being right

is pornstar woman evil nature"? to justify that he is acting for himself love, exhibitionists never hurt anyone they seek a play to be alive like anyothers more lucky in getting a better script, but evil is always about killing another to feel alive,
Rape is defined as forced, unwanted sex. A pornstar usually does not select her sexual partners, and her contract covers issues about allowing her body to be legally traded et cetera. I am certain that if she were to see some male she did not want to film with (have sex with) for whatever reason, she could complain, but her manager would nearly enforce the situation because she is binded by contract. Is she being raped? Does that contract she signed free the male or manager from any responsibility for her discomfort? What would a court say?

Are you feeling guilty for something you did?
this time i agree with you roman, Tiassa when was the last time you scraped someone hit by a train off the road?
1. A cleaner enters a contract, agreeing to clean the caravans in the caravan park of the manager, in return for payment.

2. The cleaner comes across a caravan whose floor is smeared with shit and vomit.

3. If she refuses to have clean this caravan, she will be breaking the contract, and hence will lose her job.

4. This amounts to 'blackmail'. In order to keep the contract, the cleaner must have clean something that they don't particularly want to, in order to keep their job. As they aren't 'willing', it amounts to slavery.

This applies to nearly every job I've heard of except possibly selfemployment.
In my opinion, if a woman is agree to sign a contract as a pornstar, it means
she consents to have sex with whoever she should to. If, at one point, she
doesn't want to have sex with a certain person, and she prefer to quit the job,
but she is not allowed to, then it is a rape. This goes the same for male pornstar.
The willingness to receive the payment is the sign of the consent.
she did voluntarily sign the contract, so isn't that her giving consent legally? aren't there other cases where rights are given up in job contracts?
not really, there arnt that many industries where you cant quit. You can lose pay if you quit with no notice but i dont know very many where they can FORCE you to work. The millarty is an ovious exception but not even the emergency services under normal circumstances can be forced to work. Only in an emergency
this time i agree with you roman, Tiassa when was the last time you scraped someone hit by a train off the road?

It's not like the porn actor was unsure as to what was going where and agreed to cock in orifice unknowingly.

If a MMA decides before a fight that he just doesn't feel like getting kicked unconscious, does he not suffer the professional consequences of breaking a contract saying that he would fight? Tiassa's archaic morals not withstanding, how is that any different?
i asked my law lecturer about this and his opinion was that it depends whats in the contract. If he\she had right of veto the there would be no redress but if the contract said they must fuck whoever they are told then they would be finatially liable. HOWEVER the courts would never force someone to provide service under the contract like they would say a builder who failed to build a house they were contracted to build.

Oh one thing which he mentioned, if a male porn star symple couldnt perform due to overwork or whatever then the courts would find the contract was unduly harsh and void it. The same as a contract which said a footballer MUST kick 10 goals a game
Try being relevant

Roman said:

Tiassa, when was the last time you were punched repeatedly in the face by a 200 lb martial artist?

Asguard said:

this time i agree with you roman, Tiassa when was the last time you scraped someone hit by a train off the road?

Either of you are welcome to explain those points.

Haven't we all had to do unpleasant work in the past? Well, what constitutes unpleasant?

Scrubbing a restroom is certainly unpleasant. I've had to do that. How about you?

Paperwork is unpleasant. I've done mounds of paperwork before. How about you?

Penetrating another human being's body with our erect penises is usually fairly pleasant. Can we agree on that? Or have you never experienced it?

How about being penetrated?

To go back to Repo's point:

Repo Man said:

I don't understand the distinction. I've had many unpleasant jobs that I really didn't want to do. If I refused to do them, I would lose my job. That didn't violate my human rights, because if it were distasteful enough, I had the choice of quitting.

We've all done unpleasant work at some point in our lives. But I don't think algebra homework, product inventory in specialty retail, sorting mail, or cleaning a pizza joint restroom are reasonable comparisons to the flesh trade.

If you do, I'm curious as to why? Roman, you're willing to be smarmy and trite. Asguard, you're willing to puff your chest. But neither of you actually address the point.

The question at hand—Is forcing sex on a porn star the same as rape?—is quite clear. What I hope to discover by the question is whether Repo's comparison to mundane work is based on experience or pure smoke.

The answer to the question I asked is quite clear:

Repo Man said:

That would be never, your point?

And the point is simple. Asguard, imagine for a moment, if you will, a nightmare. When you get to the hospital, pace up and down for hours, gnash your teeth in frustration, and finally, after all the scraping and prodding and forensic examination, your partner is discharged. You take her home and do your best by her. Will you comfort her by saying, "I know how you feel. Someone has hurt you, taken something from you. One time, when I was in school, this kid came and hit me in the face and took my favorite action figure."

It is not that Repo is not allowed to have an opinion. The question is one of validity. As I responded to him: "It's no wonder you're looking at sexual intercourse as the violative equivalent of having to listen to a disgruntled customer."

One is certainly entitled to hold such an opinion. That fact does not, however, in any way validate the opinion.

Now, add to that the fact that the contract is unenforceable, and the only thing left to defend the rape is contempt for prostitutes and porn stars.

Guess what, kids? They're human beings, too. Get used to it.
tiassa, i hate to tell you but i dont actually concider a porn stars work as bad as some jobs i will probably have to do in my life. I would let 100 guys fuck me not to lission to another call like the women who found her husband hanging from the shead roof but thats just something i have to deal with and somehow learn to live with.

Im CHOSING to sign up for this knowing there are parts of the job which scare the shit out of me. Being a porn star is no different. If we were talking about sex slaves thats one thing, but we arnt, we are talking about men and women who CHOSE this life, just like strippers, just like cops, just like im chosing the ambulance service.

As i said the courts would never actually force a porn star to "perform" but that doesnt mean they wont award finantial redress for breach of contract.

Lastly i think your highly biased, please dont take this the wrong way but i have been feeling this for a while my friend. I dont think you are gay and i think you are doing both yourself and your partners a disservice by sleeping with them. I wish bbcboy was around because we could ask him but i will try to dig up one of his old threads where he said he liked nothing more in the world than a group of hot young men pissing on him, or giving blowjobs. I suggest you ask some of the girls here if they enjoy being fucked, i know what they will tell you. You shouldnt feel guilty for wanting to fuck someone, yet for some reason we all do, we all wonder if our partner is just pretending to like it. Its a fact of life that i spent years trying to accept and in the end i just realised that the guilt is cultural and compleatly wrong. Doesnt stop me feeling that way but i can cognativly push it aside because i know its wrong. Women like sex, gay men like sex, lesbians like sex. It doesnt matter who you are. Both the prostate (in the case of gay men) and the G'spot and the clitoris enjoy that sort of stimulation. In the case of women there body is DESIGNED to be penitrated.

Feel free to delete this if you want
I dont think you are gay and i think you are doing both yourself and your partners a disservice by sleeping with them.

Hahahahaha! stamp for funniest unwitting comment of the month...GOLD!
I agree with the rest of the no-rape crew. That's her job. Do it or get fired. End.
There are a lot more dangerous or unpleasant works around.

Tiassa is just a very weird person with some unusual morals, we could leave it at that.
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