The OP/ thread title actually poses three questions:
Title: Do you think faith is waning as societies and science advance?
OP 1: Do you think that the need for faith [religion] is decreasing as science becomes more and more advanced?
OP 2: Furthermore: do you think that eventually humans will shed this tendency toward belief in religion completely?
To the first: no. People tend to follow Chesterton's quote:
"When people stop believing in God, they don't believe in nothing — they believe in anything."
If it's not god it's pyramid power, crystal healing, feng shui, horoscopes or whatever else is available.
To the second: not really. People tend to be people despite whatever gadgets (or education) you give them. There seems to be (for a good number of people*) an innate need to believe
To the third: um, maybe. If we lose that we may not be "human" any more. Of course, in that case, we'll just redefine what "being human means".
* And I often wonder what "those of us who don't feel this need to believe" use as a "substitute" for the desire to believe. Do we have a "bit missing"? Are we "more evolved"?