Is faith waning?

Do you think faith is waning as societies and science advance?

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Ambrose Mason

Obsidian Gael
Registered Senior Member
Do you think that the need for faith [religion] is decreasing as science becomes more and more advanced? Furthermore: do you think that eventually humans will shed this tendency toward belief in religion completely?

The evidence I have seen is that personal security (people feel safe) is inversely proportional to faith.

Historically I think this is the case. Evidence suggests Americans are following this trend.
I'd have to agree with you; people only seem to pray when they're upset or feel threatened in some way.
Science alone could never fulfill the role religion has played in shaping civilizations and modern societies. Historically, religion has been an integral prequel to civilization because of its structural and authoritative nature, which instils in people common mores and ethics, group cohesiveness and continuity, and necessary social hierarchies. These social hierarchies have many faces, all of which stem from an underlying religious dynamic that features a Creator, and a creation. A society which absolves faith and religion must indeed find another source which provides the civil sanctuaries and harmonies that religion provides, and science is not that source.

Instead, we find that in the absence of faith and religion, the only unifying force is the state. Some people are content with worshipping the state, and others are not.
i don't believe that a need for faith relies on a lack of answers, but on a lack of personal direction and sense of belonging. Nature will see to it that our world is never without the unpredictable, so even with exceeding progression in science and understanding there will always be emotional obstacles that are easier satisfied with a religious crutch than self motivation.

edit/add: to reply to your poll topic more spcifically, overall i do not believe it is waning, but it is transforming, albeit slowwwwly...
i don't believe that a need for faith relies on a lack of answers, but on a lack of personal direction and sense of belonging. Nature will see to it that our world is never without the unpredictable, so even with exceeding progression in science and understanding there will always be emotional obstacles that are easier satisfied with a religious crutch than self motivation.

Also a good answer.
You are actually saying that a person of faith has no self-motivation; that they have a lack of personal direction and sense of belonging and therefore needs the “crutch” of religion?

You can honestly say you have the ability to motivate yourself, to find a reason and the necessary strength to do something, without the need of being influenced to do so by another person?
Instead, we find that in the absence of faith and religion, the only unifying force is the state. Some people are content with worshipping the state, and others are not.
You seem to think that whatever this "unifying force" is that it needs to be worshipped? :shrug:
Maybe I'm misunderstanding your use of the term "worship".
Do you think that the need for faith [religion] is decreasing as science becomes more and more advanced? Furthermore: do you think that eventually humans will shed this tendency toward belief in religion completely?


Both. I think it's decreasing but not because of science. I think it's decreasing because people are becoming more prideful, arrogant, and their own gods. This is all prophesied in the Bible. I think it's increasing because people are desperate. They are losing material things and many know that means nothing. If you have your faith and Jesus Christ/God, nothing else is as important. Humans should shed the tendency toward religion. It is manmade. Most will never shed their belief in God/Jesus Christ.
Both. I think it's decreasing but not because of science. I think it's decreasing because people are becoming more prideful, arrogant, and their own gods. This is all prophesied in the Bible. I think it's increasing because people are desperate. They are losing material things and many know that means nothing. If you have your faith and Jesus Christ/God, nothing else is as important. Humans should shed the tendency toward religion. It is manmade. Most will never shed their belief in God/Jesus Christ.

Wow. Hypocrisy is now available in a can.
Do you think that the need for faith [religion] is decreasing as science becomes more and more advanced?


Furthermore: do you think that eventually humans will shed this tendency toward belief in religion completely?


Religion is part of being human and will always be there.
It will, however, change, even giving the appearance of 'no religion'.

Do you think that the need for faith [religion] is decreasing as science becomes more and more advanced? Furthermore: do you think that eventually humans will shed this tendency toward belief in religion completely?

M*W: Yes I do. Science and technology are growing faster than the belief in gods and faith. Religion is declining worldwide.
I voted no because, society and science is not the reason faith is declining. Due to the fact that 3rd world countires are also declining in faith with little to no advances.
Science alone could never fulfill the role religion has played in shaping civilizations and modern societies. Historically, religion has been an integral prequel to civilization because of its structural and authoritative nature, which instils in people common mores and ethics, group cohesiveness and continuity, and necessary social hierarchies. These social hierarchies have many faces, all of which stem from an underlying religious dynamic that features a Creator, and a creation. A society which absolves faith and religion must indeed find another source which provides the civil sanctuaries and harmonies that religion provides, and science is not that source.

Instead, we find that in the absence of faith and religion, the only unifying force is the state. Some people are content with worshipping the state, and others are not.
M*W: I've been on this earth a long time, and I have never met a person who worships the state. Not a one!

Regarding the rest of your post... total bullshit.
Science alone could never fulfill the role religion has played in shaping civilizations and modern societies. Historically, religion has been an integral prequel to civilization because of its structural and authoritative nature, which instils in people common mores and ethics, group cohesiveness and continuity, and necessary social hierarchies. These social hierarchies have many faces, all of which stem from an underlying religious dynamic that features a Creator, and a creation. A society which absolves faith and religion must indeed find another source which provides the civil sanctuaries and harmonies that religion provides, and science is not that source.

Instead, we find that in the absence of faith and religion, the only unifying force is the state. Some people are content with worshipping the state, and others are not.

By worshiping the state"", do you mean people will believe whatever they
are told to ?


Do you think that the need for faith [religion] is decreasing as science becomes more and more advanced? Furthermore: do you think that eventually humans will shed this tendency toward belief in religion completely?


first, it's not time yet that people forget relegion, as for me, and as for many other muslims, (i don't mean the fanatics), finds many things in quran, that are actually true, and prooved by science already, alot of stuff, (i'm not going into this context)

also, i'm usre one day, humans will forget relegion
also according to my relegion propecies, as one of the judgement day signs, that relegion will be forgotten, and no more used or remembred,

also, at this time, and also in this next century, it's true we're making great advancement, but in this century, we will face many natural disasters and problems, also most efforsts are focused on going green and trying to save our planet, so, i don't think it's time yet to forget about faithe & relegions.
"Worshiping the state" is exactly what the German people were required to do in under Adolf Hitler. It was either that or a concentration camp stay.
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The younger generation is somewhat a-religious. Perhaps they are what they'd call "spiritual" but not religious per say. I think IF the word develops more security and fairness then people will lean towards Eastern religions like Buddhism due to their interesting and deeper philosophies. Also, religions like Christian are able to remake themselves more "Eastern" if that indeed becomes the case. If the word has more war then I expect a rise in fundamentalism. Each people taking to their own indigenous faiths.
Do you think that the need for faith [religion] is decreasing as science becomes more and more advanced? Furthermore: do you think that eventually humans will shed this tendency toward belief in religion completely?


No. Religion is a tool. It is useful to people who are hurting. It is useful to people who want control.

I suppose that eventually all questions will be answered, but I really think we'll be extinct before then...unless things change. One key change is the removal of religion. But, that won't happen becuase of what I first said. If people could only put their beliefs aside for the greater good of humanity, I can't see how their gods would not be pleased at creating a world society that is free of war or poverty. Right now we are at each other's throats, and more than 75% of the cause is differences in religious superstitions. There's enough compatibility in religions to live in peace, but no one has enough faith in their god to trust that peace is good, and let their god deal with their differences.

But, no, they have to be frickin champions of their faith and come to the defense of their god. I say let the gods come and defend themselves. Let's all live in peace and unity, and if the gods don't like it, let them show themselves so we can come back into faith and worship. I'd rather die by the hand of a god, knowing the error of my ways than to believe in something that there is no proof of. I'm a better Christian (ethically) now than when I professed my faith in God and called myself a Christian.
Yes I do think that religious faith is in decline and non to soon if you ask me I see churches closing here in Canada on all most a daily basis. Take the Catholic religion for example with all the pedophile priests and such the only people that continue to attended on a regular basis are the old people. And by Old I mean 50 plus the younger people are slowly realizing that it is not a god nor a faith in a god that will help you out of a tight spot. It is relying on ones self and sometime family that will help you out of a tight spot. There is not after life and there is no heaven nor hell if there was one it would have been discovered by now.