Is evolution possible or not? I found something.

Is the explanation of How To Get To Heaven at understandable to you

  • The best explanation I've found

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, but the most understandable I've found

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not the most understandable, but concise and thorough

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I couldn't understand it

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • I don't want to know the truth, I hate God

    Votes: 5 71.4%

  • Total voters


Registered Member
I just wanted to know if based on what was written at

if evolution is possible or not AND whether or not it affects the statements of probabilities in the websites below and if so, how does it affect these probabilities:

Feel free to visit my very useful site with the biggest chatrooms and creationist resources at or be patient looking for them there are alot of links. The B3 link is always more updated. Also I would appreciate if my fellow Christians purchased the books and products I off through that site because it is in danger of being shut down. You can view the old site at I'm still working on updating those links.

The WebKing

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Where is the choice that says:

This is the biggest piece of crap I have ever read and everprince is an idiot
Heaven doesn't exist, so this poll is a waste of time

Really though, what a totally dumb poll.

where's your proof?

hi where is your proof heaven doesn't exist? I'm happy you are so enthused and would like to see your scientific and any metephysical evidence. You did do you homework didn't you? By the way, the law recognizes the soul, being that person's body is constantly being replaced by new material and after a short number of years has been enteirely replaced by new material, a person having commited a crime years ago is still responsible although he is not the same person hew was materially. Therefore for a person to remain guilty a parto f him must still be permanent, the only thing that could be is a soul, that which is spiritual, which is permanent. I wonder where souls came from, aer are you ready to tell the world to release all of its prisoners held longer than seven years.

God bless you,


hi where is your proof heaven doesn't exist?
Of course heaven exists, it is a good massage, or a beach in Hawaii. Can you precisely define heaven in such a way that the definition could be subjected to critical scrutiny to determine if it could exist or not. The term ‘heaven’ is a vague concept that differs depending on who you ask. To request a proof or disproof of something so vague and imaginary is essentially meaningless.

By the way, the law recognizes the soul, being that person's body is constantly being replaced by new material and after a short number of years has been enteirely replaced by new material, a person having commited a crime years ago is still responsible although he is not the same person hew was materially. Therefore for a person to remain guilty a parto f him must still be permanent, the only thing that could be is a soul, that which is spiritual, which is permanent. I wonder where souls came from, aer are you ready to tell the world to release all of its prisoners held longer than seven years.
This is gibberish. If you were to load the same program onto two different computers, even though the hardware is quite different the program would remain the same. Before you jump to the concept of a soul you should first consider the neural networks in your brain that form your thoughts and memories. I suggest you consider those patterns as the permanent record that comprises ‘you’, before you overuse your imagination on alleged supernatural fantasies. A computer program is a pattern of bits, the equivalent for a human are the neural networks. You can change the body all you like but if the brain patterns remain the same then the person remains the same.

God bless you,
Why? Isn’t he omniscient?

Therefore for a person to remain guilty a parto f him must still be permanent, the only thing that could be is a soul

I see the point you are trying to make, its a good point. Could it be true that you dont know the science of the human body? You came forth to a conclusion through a lack of knowledge on the topic. Basically what you are saying is; I really dont know much about information transfer and the role of DNA, but since I lack crucial information that would help me make an educated decision on the subject I will come to a conclusion based on my simple intuition.

DNA is ROM. It can be read millions of times over, but only written to once- when it is first assembled at the birth of the celll in which it resides. The DNA in the cells of any individual is "burned in" and is never altered during the individual's lifetime, except by rare random deterioration. It can be copied however. It is duplicated every time a cell divides. The pattern of A,T,C and G nucleotides is faithfully copied into the DNA of each of the trillions of new cells that are made as a baby grows. When a new individual is conceived, a new and unique pattern of data is "burned into" his DNA ROM, and he is then stuck with that pattern for the rest of his life. It is copied into all his cells.

Every location in the memory has a label. Each location is known by its address. The contents of a location is whatever was most recently written in that location. Each ROM location also has an address and a contents. The difference is that each location is stuck with its contents, once and for all.
"The reason that is true is because God is angry with us and
says we are going to Hell because we have to be perfect in whatever we
do, if we are not perfect we are sinning. How can we ever get to heaven
since no one can be perfect? God as you know always sees the
imperfections, and that is why as I said, he is angry."

God, as described here, is obviously a jackass. If he wanted us to be perfect then he should have made us perfect.
Being angry at your own creation because it turned out no better than you made it to be is infantile... nor does it speak well of his ability.

Re: where's your proof?

Originally posted by everprince
Therefore for a person to remain guilty a parto f him must still be permanent, the only thing that could be is a soul, that which is spiritual, which is permanent.

Every part of us is directly or not related to sustaining the brain, so our body is basically a vehicle for our brain, which contains our consciousness. The brain cells are the only cells in our body that are permanent. They don't regenerate themselves. If one dies, it's dead and will not be replaced. That's why old peoples' short-term memory is often malfunctioning. The brain also happens to contain the personality and behavior of the person, which is believed by some to reside in the soul...
Re: Re: where's your proof?

Originally posted by BloodSuckingGerbile
. The brain cells are the only cells in our body that are permanent. They don't regenerate themselves. I

Are you sure about that? It's hard but possible for a person to regenerate brain has been proven..... Just mentioning this. As for heaven i agree with CRIS on that one - heaven is a vague could mean anything for anyone.... a vacation in hawaii is good idea of heaven for me or living in hawaii with victoria secret models in the samw house is pure heaven:D heaven is what you make of it;) and why should god be mad with us....if he exists anyways.

1) He/she gave us free will
2) He/she doesn't moderate our behvior personally and the only people he/she supposedly talks to are crazy guys on the end of the street with signs on them saying "The world is about to end".

i believe in god but i see him/her as a free willing happy person who should be proud of us and disappointed at the same time. I mean if god did jump start the universe then why would such a powerful being spend so much time caring about us when he/she has a whole Universe to look after.:rolleyes:
Cris - On definitions of heaven

Doonesbury, 12 November, 1972; one of my favorites and among the most controversial of Trudeau's strips, for obvious reasons.

As long as we're noting definitions of heaven ... :p

Tiassa :cool:
What did everprince find?

regardless, not only is evolution possible but we have even seen it occur as recently as the 80's among a group of finches on the galapogos islands.
Evolution is a FACT.
Just because you purposely ignore it doesn't discredit it in the slightest:rolleyes:
Dr. Lou

Just because you purposely ignore it doesn't discredit it in the slightest
This is a point that has been voiced many times before. In the religion forum I believe we've had more evolution debates than any other topic, and this point is constantly raised, and constantly ignored. I offer you sincerely sarcastic congratulations; you are the latest in a long line of Sciforums posters to point out the obvious to no avail.

Tiassa :cool:
Some notes on brain cells.

By age 90 brain mass will typically have dropped by 20%. There appears to be an overall loss of neurons as aging progresses. However, it also appears that it is not the number of neurons that is important but the number of connections between them and it has been shown that new connections can are being formed all the time, at least for those that keep their brain active and stimulated. Like most things human, exercise leads to better health. It has also been shown that neurons that remain can and do take over functions that are lost (1). However, from my own life experience (I am 50) I am now suffering from slight loss of some memories, but then my mother who is 89 seems to have a sharper memory but spends much of her time completing math and crossword puzzles as a hobby, she is also very socially active and works on various local committees.

(1) Reference: Susan Greenfield (Professor of Pharmacology at Oxford University).
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
Just because you purposely ignore it doesn't discredit it in the slightest
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored."
-Aldous Huxley
The best explanation I've found
No, but the most understandable I've found
Not the most understandable, but concise and thorough
I couldn't understand it
I don't want to know the truth, I hate God

These are ridiculously bias choices. Dont you think you(Everprince) could have added a choice for- No it is not right or perhaps- I totally disagree?

No instead you chose to insult anyone with an opposing view by making it look as though they are deficient in comprehension or somehow in denial. I couldnt understand it or i dont want to know the truth are not good choices. Are those the only legitamate opposing choices in your opinion???

I think this says a lot about your view on opposing viewpoints. Nice try, but next time learn how to properly conduct a poll, or else keep your speculations to yourself.
Originally posted by MooseKnuckle
These are ridiculously bias choices. Dont you think you(Everprince) could have added a choice for- No it is not right or perhaps- I totally disagree?

No instead you chose to insult anyone with an opposing view by making it look as though they are deficient in comprehension or somehow in denial. I couldnt understand it or i dont want to know the truth are not good choices. Are those the only legitamate opposing choices in your opinion???

This is the exact point that I was trying to make in my original reply, but mocking Everprince's total absence of intelligence took precedence.

I mean, did anybody actually read the malarkey that was on the links he posted. I took surf over some of the pages and I was laughing my ass off for hours, here is a good example:
This is the funniest thing I have read in a while; it is off the webking page.

After looking at that site I conclude that it is not a good idea for Creationists to answer questions that should be answered by evolutionists.

They do not have the extensive education needed to understand the concepts properly, so all they are doing is giving what they "think" is the right answer.

dude, not all creationists are ignorant of what is taught by evolutionists or scientific evidence touted to support evolution, creationists are not less human or able to understand evolution and not all creationists started out as creationists,

bye prejudiced monkey,


the best site on the net!

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do not judge monkey

Originally posted by MooseKnuckle
The best explanation I've found
No, but the most understandable I've found
Not the most understandable, but concise and thorough
I couldn't understand it
I don't want to know the truth, I hate God

These are ridiculously bias choices. Dont you think you(Everprince) could have added a choice for- No it is not right or perhaps- I totally disagree?

+++ no because the poll was just something to get peoples attention, I don't really care what people vote lol, it matters to me that people disagree but that isn't useful information to me, ok so what people disagree, what am I supposed do? Hey God can you change reality to suit your creation's inncorrect beliefs, cuz u know we can't have people disagreeing with you so lets make them right! +++

No instead you chose to insult anyone with an opposing view by making it look as though they are deficient in comprehension or somehow in denial. I couldnt understand it or i dont want to know the truth are not good choices. Are those the only legitamate opposing choices in your opinion???

+++ no I'm not insulting anyone I just don't care, it wasn't a serious poll, and um, yeah so if I'm trying to tell people they are in denial that makes it an insult???? That is not logical, why? By your logic if you did meet someone who was in denial that 2 plus 2 is five and told them or implied they were in denial that that was an insult, AN INSULT IS WHEN YOU TEL SOMEONE SOMETHING TO HURT THEIR FEELINGS - damn, you don't even know the definition of simple words and your saying creationists are not educated enuf about evolution to answer questions about it, ok buddy +++

I think this says a lot about your view on opposing viewpoints. Nice try, but next time learn how to properly conduct a poll, or else keep your speculations to yourself.

+++ keep my speculations to myself? what speculations insane monkey? I asked questions monkey boy not speculations! man u guys are dumb

by the way monkey bias as you are using it isn't wrong, from your logic if someone believes something they are to biased to make a comment, that would mean you are biased as well and cannot make a correct judgment either. If you are using the old definition than state your evidence, otherwise, you are making an insult and speaking carelessly. Oh and I love your do not judge philosophy, to bad you don't obey it yourself (by telling me to keep my "speculations" to myself). Try not contradicting your implied beliefs in your next reply.

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What is your deal with calling people monkey?? Its not funny in the least, plus your the idiot not me.

-Syn INSULT, indignity, affront, slight refer to acts or words that offend or demean.


Thats so cute. I feel like I just recieved a definition from a 5 year old kid.

yeah so if I'm trying to tell people they are in denial that makes it an insult

Yes it does. You are demeaning their capacities for reason. This is an insult.

By your logic if you did meet someone who was in denial that 2 plus 2 is five and told them or implied they were in denial that that was an insult

You can prove 2 plus 2 is four. But by saying someone is in denial for not believing in a fairytale is ridiculous. I usually dont get rude in my responses, but in this case you have provided crap and also have the nerve to call me dumb.

Look at the thread....who is being argued with the most.....YOU!!!!!
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