Is Evolution Compatible With Christianity

during my spree last night i discovered something. proof and evidence aren't the same thing. i realy don't know why i post this here, seemed apropriate.
It's certainly true. Evidence points towards conclusions. Proof demonstrates them. Was that your discovery?
ConsequentAtheist said:
They can, and do, make Him pervasively unnecessary, leaving the Theist with little more than the God-of-the-Gaps.
Only to the nihilist.

If one considers their existence to be without absolute purpose, meaning, and destiny, well sure one will arrive at the conclusion that God is unnecessary. Of course, Christians do not.

Science is thesitically agnostic: it makes no comments on God. Evolution is not concerned with the nature of God, only the nature of God's work. Of course, one may imply the nature of the creator from that which has been created.

Yet there are those who have no other tool to belittle religious belief and will try to "drive the hammer with the nail" so to speak, i.e. use the inapplicability of the scientific method on "God" to allude to the non-existence of God. Most without loose screws know better though.

You see, this is where things tie in: to have some absolute meaning or purpose assigned to existence there must be an objective reference, God, say. If God does exist, then all existence must be a product of God's Will. As stated above, the nature of the work indicates the nature of the artist.

One may assume that the ultimate expression of this universe so far observed is... humanity?

If absolute meaning or purpose in life is not a necessity then the Razor cliche maye come into play, but as stated before - only for the nihilist.

There is no god-of-the-gaps in Christianity which accepts scientific views on existence (evolution being one).
ConsequentAtheist said:
That is one of the more absurd comments that I've read in a long time. I would never consider attempting such a thing ...

Not you personally - but that seems to be the object of the "we don't need no stinkin' God" thesis.

Me, I don't know either way.



In answer to the topic title, Christianty is compatible with evolution. For example, I would imagine that Jesus looked different to His mother Mary.