Is eeryone happy with the Big Bang? I'm not.

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What I meant to say, Alex G., is that Science prefers the simple answer because the simple answer is generally the correct one.
Citation needed.

If given the choice between two models of equal predictive power then you pick the one which assumes the least. However, if presented with a very complex but accurate model compared to a very simple but very inaccurate model then the complex model is taken to be superior.

Newtonian mechanics is simpler than GR but anyone doing serious gravitational research uses GR. Electromagnetism is simpler than electrodynamics which is simpler than quantum electrodynamics but all particle collider analyses use quantum electrodynamics. The notion of the 4 elements being Earth, Wind, Fire and Water is simpler than the periodic table but no one does chemistry using them as a framework.

As more experiments are done models become more advanced and complex as they are extended to describe more. Every now and again someone comes up with a unifying principle which reduces the complexity a bit but the trend is generally an upwards one. The simplest answer to "Why did that happen?" is something like "God did it" but you won't get far in science if that's your reply to such questions.

If you can provide a model with the same predictive/descriptive power as mainstream cosmology but which is simpler then great. The issue is you can't, despite my repeated requests, so at present the application of Occam's razor leads to people siding with the big bang model since presently no other model can explain as much as it can.
I think it was Einstein who said that a theory should be as simple as possible but no simpler.

Newtonian gravity is much much simpler than GR but there are things it simply cannot accurately describe and so if someone is doing extremely precise gravitational experiments they must use GR, else they will reach false conclusions. Electromagnetism is simpler than electrodynamics, as electrodynamics includes special relativity, but if you're doing high velocity electromagnetic experiments you need to use electrodynamics. Electrodynamics is simpler than quantum electrodynamics, as it doesn't include quantum effects, but if you're considering high velocity particle interactions then you need to include quantum effects.

Its easy to come up with a wordy explanation for things like galaxy rotation rates or universe expansion rates because you're avoiding the details. Dark matter was included in astrophysics because when you work out the details no current gravity model can explain the observations. Yes, not including dark matter in your model certainly gives a simpler model than if you included dark matter but you end up with incorrect predictions, your model is too simple.

Its an historical fact that models get more complex as time progresses. Typically an old model is replaced by a new one which includes the old one as a special case. Electromagnetism is a special case of electrodynamics, which is a special case of quantum electrodynamics. Newtonian mechanics is a special case of relativity, which might be a special case of a quantum gravity model (currently unknown).

I asked you to provide a quantitative working model because until you do there's no reason to think you can actually model anything real. Would you believe me if I said galaxy rotation curves are due to invisible pixies pushing stars about? I doubt it, you'd ask for me to show I can actually apply this model to a real system, else I could just be making stuff up. That's why I asked you to give details, your claims might seem more legitimate 'science' than invisible pixies but that's only because you use physics buzzwords. Buzzwords do not a model make.

Intellectual curiosity and open mindedness doesn't seem to interest you either.

Can you provide a working detailed model which explains the observed data without predicting the behaviour you just rejected? If not can you provide experimental data which falsifies the mainstream model? If not then can you explain why you reject something when your position is completely unsupported by evidence and the opposing position makes testable predictions which have been validated.
When asked if someone came up with the ultimate answer to what was happening in the Universe, Einstein said that he hoped so, and that whatever the answer was, it should be simple.
FascinaTING ABOUT THE eLECTRODYNAMICS (Caps Lock), and especially the Quantum Electrodynamics.
But it was Newton's equations that got us to the moon, and doubtless, it will be Newton's equations that get us to Mars. And GR? Doesn't it also include the Lammna part? Can you seperate the two? I'd like to know. About the 'predictions that have been validated,' some of them are mathematical predictions that, of course, can be validated mathematically.
I still maintain that you can do anything with Math (Lamna) and that Math is not a Science.
I prefer to talk to Physics people because they understand that, for example, Expansion and Pressure are inverelated, and that in Thermodynamics, Pressure and Volume (which I call expansion or compaction) are a conjoined couple. I don't understand how you mathematicians can say the Universe is expanding (which it isn't - nor is there a single shred of evidence to validate this claim) you completely and happily ignore the fact that the Observable Universe is Losing Pressure as it Expands.

Of course it does. Within the Solar System there is a cetain quantity of Hydrogen, and all gasses sit at a certain Pressure. tHERE IS AN AVERAGE pRESSURE (dARN cAPS lOCK) of Hydrogen within the Solar System, and that Pressure is either rising or falling.
Intellectual Curiosity and open mindedness is what I seek. I don't wish to discourage these. It's just that I have so little time for 'fabrications' if that's Okay.
'Provide a working model,' no problem, 'without predicting the behaviour i have just rejected?'

Well any vortex will do for a model. The swirl of Water Going down a Drain, is a pretty good model. At the outside edge (the CBR) the whirlpool turns only slowly, speeding up as it nears the drain (The Center.)

As it turns, the pressure drops and expansion invcreases - although water expands only a little, but the greedy sucking sound at the Drain denotes a low pressure at the center.

I like this vortex because it's Gravity Operated, and you can see, visually, the Streamlets that make it up. The surface is rippled, because each ripple is a streamlet that starts at the outside edge and continues, speeding up, losing pressure and cooling (Loss of Pressure leads to cooling, Mathematician)
just as we are in a Streamlet among other Streamlets in the Observable Unverse.

In addition, Vortices (plural of Vortex) are agents of Clumping Up. They tend to have a centralising effect on things caught up in them. Often, near the center of a vortex there is furious activity, and particles can become electrostatically charged, and stick to each other.

In a vortex, you will find yourself Speeding Up, Cooling Down, Expanding (Inwardly) and Losing Pressure.

Gravity can create vortices, and so can motors. I particularly like the vortex at the nozzle of a vacuum cleaner, where all particles become Clumps, due to the effects I described. Th........
Citation needed.

If given the choice between two models of equal predictive power then you pick the one which assumes the least. However, if presented with a very complex but accurate model compared to a very simple but very inaccurate model then the complex model is taken to be superior.

Newtonian mechanics is simpler than GR but anyone doing serious gravitational research uses GR. Electromagnetism is simpler than electrodynamics which is simpler than quantum electrodynamics but all particle collider analyses use quantum electrodynamics. The notion of the 4 elements being Earth, Wind, Fire and Water is simpler than the periodic table but no one does chemistry using them as a framework.

As more experiments are done models become more advanced and complex as they are extended to describe more. Every now and again someone comes up with a unifying principle which reduces the complexity a bit but the trend is generally an upwards one. The simplest answer to "Why did that happen?" is something like "God did it" but you won't get far in science if that's your reply to such questions.

If you can provide a model with the same predictive/descriptive power as mainstream cosmology but which is simpler then great. The issue is you can't, despite my repeated requests, so at present the application of Occam's razor leads to people siding with the big bang model since presently no other model can explain as much as it can.
But it was Newton's equations that got us to the moon, and doubtless, it will be Newton's equations that get us to Mars.
Yes, because they are 'close enough' that the errors aren't that bad and the price paid in accuracy is more than compensated for by faster analysis.

And GR? Doesn't it also include the Lammna part? Can you seperate the two? I'd like to know.
$$\Lambda$$ is for things on a cosmic scale, it doesn't come into solar system dynamics. If you care about high accuracy, much more so than just hitting the Moon with a rocket, then you need GR. This is precisely the thing needed in the GPS network. In order to get your position accurate to within a few metres gravitational phenomena need to be modelled to parts per billion and atomic clocks must be used to get precise timings. If you used Newtonian gravity and not GR in the GPS network it'd be worthless, it simply wouldn't work. So if you've ever used a GPS route planner then you've used a technology Newton simply can't explain.

About the 'predictions that have been validated,' some of them are mathematical predictions that, of course, can be validated mathematically.
No, I mean physical predictions. Being mathematically consistent is a necessary step before physical experiments are done. Einstein predicted several things which Newton didn't, additional precession in the orbit of Mercury, photon gravitational redshift, photon gravitational lensing and frame dragging. It took a while for technology to catch up with some of them but all have been tested and found to agree with GR's prediction to the limit of our ability to test.


I still maintain that you can do anything with Math (Lamna) and that Math is not a Science.
It would appear you don't even know how $$\Lambda$$ enters into GR and where its relevant so I think your off hand dismissal of it and your misunderstanding of the role mathematics plays suggests you need to spend a bit more time reading up on things before you make your mind up.

I prefer to talk to Physics people because they understand that, for example, Expansion and Pressure are inverelated, and that in Thermodynamics, Pressure and Volume (which I call expansion or compaction) are a conjoined couple. I don't understand how you mathematicians can say the Universe is expanding (which it isn't - nor is there a single shred of evidence to validate this claim) you completely and happily ignore the fact that the Observable Universe is Losing Pressure as it Expands.
And you think mathematicians (typically a general relativity group is in a mathematics department) don't know about pressure, entropy, thermodynamics etc?! Have you ever even looked at a relativity textbook? You make it sound like there's GR mathematicians on one side doing hypothetical stuff without a care if its valid and then physicists who do stuff related to real phenomena like pressure etc. There's no clear cut line, someone doing GR might be considered a physicist by pure mathematicians and a mathematician by astrophysicists. I did a maths degree then a PhD in a physics and astronomy department on a topic entirely mathematical.

The people who say the universe is expanding understand the general relativity relevant to cosmology and they have experiments which measure a variety of things (like emission spectra of supernova, which requires quantum mechanics, stellar dynamics, nuclear physics, thermodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics to model) which they then try to frame in terms of various cosmology models, which led to the conclusion the universe is expanding faster than it used to. You'll find that GR researchers are more than competent at thermodynamics and the like.

You claim there's no evidence but there is, you just haven't looked, just like you haven't looked to see what GR really involves or what the people doing it know and consider.

You say you prefer to talk to physicists but you appear not to have talked to anyone, given your huge misconceptions.

'Provide a working model,' no problem, 'without predicting the behaviour i have just rejected?'

Well any vortex will do for a model.
You just proved my comment about you having no clue about what physicists do, you don't even know what a model involves. You talk about intellectual curiosity but you haven't shown any if you don't know what is even expected of basic claims. Seriously, open a book some time.

For instance, if I asked Einstein 'What's your model of gravity' he would have given me the Einstein-Hilbert action and then explained that a metric satisfying the field equations associated to the metric will have an action equal to the Einstein-Hilbert action from which I can derive the relevant equations of motion for test objects within the space. From that I could model satellites in orbit or black hole formation. Quantitative stuff which provides quantitative predictions which can be tested.

Now compare that to what you have, 'any vortex will do'. How can anyone quantitative model anything with that? You complain there's no evidence for universe expansion and then you provide nothing to back up your own claims.

The surface is rippled, because each ripple is a streamlet that starts at the outside edge and continues, speeding up, losing pressure and cooling
What's the equations of motion?

(Loss of Pressure leads to cooling, Mathematician)
Thanks, I never covered that in my courses on classical dynamics, quantum mechanics, fluid mechanics, electromagnetism, statistical physics, quantum theory, electrodynamics, special relativity, general relativity, statistical field theory, stellar dynamics, quantum field theory, advanced general relativity, standard model or black holes. Despite all those courses being lectured for mathematics students none of them covered the high school $$PV = nRT$$ formula :rolleyes:

You seem to think all mathematicians follow the course of hardcore pure mathematicians, which involves only the abstract. Even those hardcore ones are required to do basic mathematical physics stuff initially. As it happens I went down the quantum mechanics and relativity route, which is covered by many a mathematics course as they are highly mathematical.

In fact if you did a little bit of reading you'd find out that a great many of the famous people in physics were mathematicians. Dirac was a mathematician by degree and position and he invented quantum field theory. Stokes was a mathematician and he developed fluid mechanics. Witten has a Fields medal. Newton invented calculus.

For all your talk about 'talking to physicists' and intellectual curiosity you haven't really got a clue how physics is done.

Are you unfamiliar with the concept of citations too? They are used in physics papers all the time, which would explain why you don't know about them....
You never said that, you said:

But the actual title is:

'Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica.'

So I have no idea where you derive the 'in'. When I studied physics, it was referred to as 'Principia Mathematica'. That's when I studied physics, ... clearly you haven't.

Well, you are a dolt that can't use a search engine to verify the name of a book, so that is insult worthy. Also, you may think you are smarter than me, but I doubt that. You clearly aren't as well educated, and I doubt you have more raw smarts. Have you managed to make one little mental connection yet? That being that all of the people here that have actually studied physics, disagree with you? What does that tell you?
Look, if you don't know Newton's book is generally called 'In Prin
As I posted previously, I am not happy with the big Bang. I prefer Steady State (aka: Continous Creation). Even alternate Bangs & Crunches is more pleasing than the Big Bang.

Unfortunately, my prefered cosmologies have been discarded due to not having enough supporting evidence, while the Big Bang is consistent with a lot of evidence as well as being in tune with General Relativity.

Now that I think a bit more, I am not happy with either Relativity or Quantum Theory. They are so counterintuitive that I wish for a return to good old classical physics, which very closely matched the world of my senses.

Intellectually, I have to agree with the Big Bang, Relativity, & Quantum Theory. They provide observable results like GPS, computers, doors which open as I approach, et cetera. Emotionally, I wish they would go away. Of course, I would not like to have them really go away. I like GPS, computers, TV, et cetera.

If modern physics really went away, we would have to do without all sorts of goodies.

At least the Big Bang is more pleasing than belief in Leprachauns & Pixie Dust as explanations.
Citation needed.

If given the choice between two models of equal predictive power then you pick the one which assumes the least. However, if presented with a very complex but accurate model compared to a very simple but very inaccurate model then the complex model is taken to be superior.

Newtonian mechanics is simpler than GR but anyone doing serious gravitational research uses GR. Electromagnetism is simpler than electrodynamics which is simpler than quantum electrodynamics but all particle collider analyses use quantum electrodynamics. The notion of the 4 elements being Earth, Wind, Fire and Water is simpler than the periodic table but no one does chemistry using them as a framework.

As more experiments are done models become more advanced and complex as they are extended to describe more. Every now and again someone comes up with a unifying principle which reduces the complexity a bit but the trend is generally an upwards one. The simplest answer to "Why did that happen?" is something like "God did it" but you won't get far in science if that's your reply to such questions.

If you can provide a model with the same predictive/descriptive power as mainstream cosmology but which is simpler then great. The issue is you can't, despite my repeated requests, so at present the application of Occam's razor leads to people siding with the big bang model since presently no other model can explain as much as it can.
Citation? How about the fact that people once used to think the sun went around the Earth, when the very opposite turned out to be the truth. Copernicus' model of the Solar System was much simpler, I hope you can see.

Yes, I believe God made the Hydrogen that started the Early Cosmos. Maybe he didn't mean to, but that's what happened.

And why do you say I can't produce a model with the same Predictive/descriptive power as mainstream cosmology? My model breaks no Laws of Physics, unlike your model which flies in the face of Gravity. Your model, the Big Bang, looks backwards - mine looks forward. If anyone can make predictions, my theory can.

The Observable Universe is Accellerating, Cooling Down, Expanding and Losing Pressure. In addition, the Cosmos is Clumping Up. These are all things that would happen to you if you fell into a Vacuum Cleaner, or any Vortex.

It's not just the Expansion that's accellerating exponentially (according to Lee Smolin of String Theory) but everything else - there's a prediction for you! Yes, the Cooling is occuring exponentially, as is Clumping Up.

Descriptive power? My theory describes the actual shape of the Universe. Just like everything else - we're going in. And it's all due to Gravity.

All Outward Expansions start fast and slow down. I have asked you to provide me with a single example of an Outward Expansion that Speeds Up. There is no such thing. Yours is Speeding Up ad infinitum.

Inward Expansions all start from a standstill to a terminal velocity. More realistic, don't you think?

You obviously know a lot of Math, and maybe that makes you a bit like Steven Hawking, who must surely be the World's leading expert on the Big Bang and Dark Energy, having devoted most of his life in the study of these.

It's very hard to tell what you're responding to when you just quote an entire post then reel off a stream of answers. Since you present no real argument for your ideas, there's little point in my responding in detail. So, just a couple of comments:

Gravity didn't create the hydrogen that makes Jupiter, or the Sun, or anything else. That hydrogen was left over from the big bang (mostly).

If you don't know what Hubble's law is, I suggest you look it up.

Yes, I disagree. For example, consider the surface of the Earth. It has a finite area, and yet it has no centre.

You were given the correct title earlier in the thread:

Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica

It's one thing to get it wrong before you're told. It's another to keep repeating the same mistake even after you've been told.

I asked you to explain why.

(Also, it isn't.)

In this case, new air is entering the room as the vacuum sucks in the centre. The higher pressure at the edges of the room pushes air towards the centre.
Fascinating! The sun didn't derive from a huge ball of Hydrogen?
JUpiter neither? The Big Bang made the sun? Oh my goodness, you sound like someone from a previous century. And I quote entire posts? Maybe you need glasses too.

The surface of the Earth has no center? Well, it certainly has a center of mass - but to you that probably doesn't count. You are slippery.

Well, it's still nice talking to you. About your 'Poof,' just like that - Instant Universe.
That's not even a complete sentence, you seem not to even understand James's question about differential and simultaneous equations.

I asked you to provide some quantitative details and you ignored me. If you don't have an answer at least admit it.
Quantative answers? like how much the Black Hole at the center of the Universe Weighs? One thing I can tell you Quantitatively is when we will arrive atthe Center.

You see, one of us has Time running backwards. You say we came from an exploding Black Hole (as if such a thing were possible) and I say we are falling into a Black Hole - in approximately 13.8 billion years.
Yes, because they are 'close enough' that the errors aren't that bad and the price paid in accuracy is more than compensated for by faster analysis.

$$\Lambda$$ is for things on a cosmic scale, it doesn't come into solar system dynamics. If you care about high accuracy, much more so than just hitting the Moon with a rocket, then you need GR. This is precisely the thing needed in the GPS network. In order to get your position accurate to within a few metres gravitational phenomena need to be modelled to parts per billion and atomic clocks must be used to get precise timings. If you used Newtonian gravity and not GR in the GPS network it'd be worthless, it simply wouldn't work. So if you've ever used a GPS route planner then you've used a technology Newton simply can't explain.

No, I mean physical predictions. Being mathematically consistent is a necessary step before physical experiments are done. Einstein predicted several things which Newton didn't, additional precession in the orbit of Mercury, photon gravitational redshift, photon gravitational lensing and frame dragging. It took a while for technology to catch up with some of them but all have been tested and found to agree with GR's prediction to the limit of our ability to test.


It would appear you don't even know how $$\Lambda$$ enters into GR and where its relevant so I think your off hand dismissal of it and your misunderstanding of the role mathematics plays suggests you need to spend a bit more time reading up on things before you make your mind up.

And you think mathematicians (typically a general relativity group is in a mathematics department) don't know about pressure, entropy, thermodynamics etc?! Have you ever even looked at a relativity textbook? You make it sound like there's GR mathematicians on one side doing hypothetical stuff without a care if its valid and then physicists who do stuff related to real phenomena like pressure etc. There's no clear cut line, someone doing GR might be considered a physicist by pure mathematicians and a mathematician by astrophysicists. I did a maths degree then a PhD in a physics and astronomy department on a topic entirely mathematical.

The people who say the universe is expanding understand the general relativity relevant to cosmology and they have experiments which measure a variety of things (like emission spectra of supernova, which requires quantum mechanics, stellar dynamics, nuclear physics, thermodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics to model) which they then try to frame in terms of various cosmology models, which led to the conclusion the universe is expanding faster than it used to. You'll find that GR researchers are more than competent at thermodynamics and the like.

You claim there's no evidence but there is, you just haven't looked, just like you haven't looked to see what GR really involves or what the people doing it know and consider.

You say you prefer to talk to physicists but you appear not to have talked to anyone, given your huge misconceptions.

You just proved my comment about you having no clue about what physicists do, you don't even know what a model involves. You talk about intellectual curiosity but you haven't shown any if you don't know what is even expected of basic claims. Seriously, open a book some time.

For instance, if I asked Einstein 'What's your model of gravity' he would have given me the Einstein-Hilbert action and then explained that a metric satisfying the field equations associated to the metric will have an action equal to the Einstein-Hilbert action from which I can derive the relevant equations of motion for test objects within the space. From that I could model satellites in orbit or black hole formation. Quantitative stuff which provides quantitative predictions which can be tested.

Now compare that to what you have, 'any vortex will do'. How can anyone quantitative model anything with that? You complain there's no evidence for universe expansion and then you provide nothing to back up your own claims.

What's the equations of motion?

Thanks, I never covered that in my courses on classical dynamics, quantum mechanics, fluid mechanics, electromagnetism, statistical physics, quantum theory, electrodynamics, special relativity, general relativity, statistical field theory, stellar dynamics, quantum field theory, advanced general relativity, standard model or black holes. Despite all those courses being lectured for mathematics students none of them covered the high school $$PV = nRT$$ formula :rolleyes:

You seem to think all mathematicians follow the course of hardcore pure mathematicians, which involves only the abstract. Even those hardcore ones are required to do basic mathematical physics stuff initially. As it happens I went down the quantum mechanics and relativity route, which is covered by many a mathematics course as they are highly mathematical.

In fact if you did a little bit of reading you'd find out that a great many of the famous people in physics were mathematicians. Dirac was a mathematician by degree and position and he invented quantum field theory. Stokes was a mathematician and he developed fluid mechanics. Witten has a Fields medal. Newton invented calculus.

For all your talk about 'talking to physicists' and intellectual curiosity you haven't really got a clue how physics is done.

Are you unfamiliar with the concept of citations too? They are used in physics papers all the time, which would explain why you don't know about them....
You obviously knowa lot of Math, but there are a few things you seem to have missed in Science, Alpha Numeric. For example - there is no such thing as an Outward Expansion that Speeds Up.

A snowball rolling down a snowy slope? That's an inward expansion - the snowball is trying to reach Earth's center. Note that the snowball started only slowly, and then Sped Up. Inward expansion? I bet you never covered that!

I can't deny that it is interesting to learn about these famous Mathematicians, Dirac Stokes and Witten. For that I have to thank you.
Newton's book is generally known as 'In Principia.'
That's a lie? To you - I doubt you'd recocognise the truth...

Seriously man, you're simply trolling now. Newtons book was called "Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica" which is Latin for "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy."
As I posted previously, I am not happy with the big Bang. I prefer Steady State (aka: Continous Creation). Even alternate Bangs & Crunches is more pleasing than the Big Bang.

Unfortunately, my prefered cosmologies have been discarded due to not having enough supporting evidence, while the Big Bang is consistent with a lot of evidence as well as being in tune with General Relativity.

Now that I think a bit more, I am not happy with either Relativity or Quantum Theory. They are so counterintuitive that I wish for a return to good old classical physics, which very closely matched the world of my senses.

Intellectually, I have to agree with the Big Bang, Relativity, & Quantum Theory. They provide observable results like GPS, computers, doors which open as I approach, et cetera. Emotionally, I wish they would go away. Of course, I would not like to have them really go away. I like GPS, computers, TV, et cetera.

If modern physics really went away, we would have to do without all sorts of goodies.

At least the Big Bang is more pleasing than belief in Leprachauns & Pixie Dust as explanations.
Hi Dinosaur - I'm glad you keep an open mind. There is a lot of hot air in this field of Astronomy, and one has to be able to think for one'self in today's World.
I believe the Big Bang was made up by a Belgian Priest, who, on hearing the Observable Universe was expanding, came up with a Big Bang. Einstein later said of the Rev. Lemaitre, that he had a 'woeful lack of Physics,' and I agree.

I don't think much of Dark Energy either. What is it, where can we find some? Not on Earth? How about the Moon - not there either? Does it even exist?

Gravity is real. Nobody can defy it. I think, since Gravity operates the Solar System, and our Milky Way Galaxy, it operates the Universe - but they say that 'Anti-Gravity' operates the Universe. I just wish they could find some.
Seriously man, you're simply trolling now. Newtons book was called "Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica" which is Latin for "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy."
Look, Prometheus, if I'm just trolling, I'd like to see you come up with a single case of an Outward Expansion that Accelerates as it goes.

When you can do that, I'll admit defeat.
Look, Prometheus, if I'm just trolling, I'd like to see you come up with a single case of an Outward Expansion that Accelerates as it goes.
- The early stage of any explosion is an accelerating outward expansion.
- Newton's Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica is commonly abbreviated to "the Principia Mathematica", or "the Principia", or just "Principa". See Wikipedia. Never "In Principia" or even "in Principia".

Try googling for "in principia". You'll find many instances where "in Principia" means "within the work known as Principia", but you'll have to look very hard for an instance where "in principia" means the Principia itself.

When you can do that, I'll admit defeat.
I bet you don't.
If you admit defeat, I'll happily congratulate you and call myself an ignoramus.
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Look, Prometheus, if I'm just trolling, I'd like to see you come up with a single case of an Outward Expansion that Accelerates as it goes.

When you can do that, I'll admit defeat.

What are you saying? That experiment that observed the accelerating motion of the universe is wrong, or that the universe is wrong for accelerating?
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