Is eating morally wrong

To live we have to kill, that's just our place on the food chain. Not much sense denying it or getting terribly upset over it. The most we can really do is feel just a little tiny bit guilty and work toward making some sort of non-living protein synthesizers or something if we really want to come up with an alternative.
TW Scott said:
BS not even close.

Actually what do you think you are using to tend this crop you are growing, Do you think the human body runs on credit. You waste more personal energy growing a acre of mixed crops then you get out of it. Just common sense here. This is why we evolved as omnivores. Becuase we could take advantage of all food sources.
- The energy you use to plant a crop is tiny compared to all the energy that crop gives (at least if it's a crop the size that's common in the developed world today) - and you certainly don't use more energy planting a crop than you get from it, that's just a silly idea. Especially in modern agriculture, sitting on you ass in a tractor isn't all that tough (I know farming involves more than that, but really now)

Look, this is simple stuff, it's the food pyramid - didn't they teach you about this in elementary school?
... What the hell is wrong with people?
Hasn't anyone noticed that we live in the modern world?
If you hadn't noticed, we live in a world full of cities, where there is a huge variety of foods you can buy, where those foods (eg. vegetables, seeds, fruits) are plentiful, etc. Get back to reality will ya?
WE ARE NOT CAVEMEN for pete's sake. We don't have to eat meat, it is bad for you if you eat meat, and eating meat doesn't mean you see a cow on the forest, kill it, skin it, and eat it.
WE don't have to either go around picking stawberries not cleaning cow crap. Other people do that. and to feed those cows, you need to grow more plants. Is that really so hard to understand?
James R said:
This thread seems to be a reaction against the vegetarian threads currently running, in which it is carefully explained why eating meat is unethical.

Merely existing in the world means you have an environmental impact. So, if you want zero impact, your only option is not to exist at all. However, once you accept that your existence is allowable, then the moral course of action is to try to minimise any harmful environmental impact you have.
Like, passing gas ;)
I don't know said:
- The energy you use to plant a crop is tiny compared to all the energy that crop gives (at least if it's a crop the size that's common in the developed world today) - and you certainly don't use more energy planting a crop than you get from it, that's just a silly idea. Especially in modern agriculture, sitting on you ass in a tractor isn't all that tough (I know farming involves more than that, but really now)

Look, this is simple stuff, it's the food pyramid - didn't they teach you about this in elementary school?

Actually you'd be surprised how much work is in farming is. Hell, gardening is a lot of work and your dealing with much less space.

Although you are right it is a food pyramid and we are the apex, not the level just up from grass.
TW Scott:

You waste more personal energy growing a acre of mixed crops then you get out of it.

You just make it up as you go along, don't you? It's really getting desperate when you have to resort to lying.
No, eating is not morally wrong.

TW Scott said:
Actually you'd be surprised how much work is in farming is. Hell, gardening is a lot of work and your dealing with much less space.
- And because you're dealing with much less space, you're also being much less efficient. That's why farming is done in so much larger a scale today than before.

Although you are right it is a food pyramid and we are the apex, not the level just up from grass.
- The food pyramid is not a hirearchy of value or rule, scott, it's showing who-eats-who, and the reason it's a pyramid is because you need a lot more of the stuff at the bottom to sustain the stuff at the top eating everything below.
The history of human evolution shows that supplementing our diet with meat allowed the development of substantially larger brains, a process that consumes large amounts of energy and nutrients.

Maybe people can't read. Here, I'll post it again:
... What the hell is wrong with people?
Hasn't anyone noticed that we live in the modern world?
If you hadn't noticed, we live in a world full of cities, where there is a huge variety of foods you can buy, where those foods (eg. vegetables, seeds, fruits) are plentiful, etc. Get back to reality will ya?
WE ARE NOT CAVEMEN for pete's sake. We don't have to eat meat, it is bad for you if you eat meat, and eating meat doesn't mean you see a cow on the forest, kill it, skin it, and eat it.
WE don't have to either go around picking stawberries not cleaning cow crap. Other people do that. and to feed those cows, you need to grow more plants. Is that really so hard to understand?
We may not live in caves, but humans still have the same instincts and base nature as our ancestors. For all intents and purposes, we are the same. Who is to say that protein-rich meat, which allowed us to evolve to where we are now, cannot help us evolve beyond our baser instincts?
Actually going back to the whole food pyramid thing i think you are forgetting conservation of energy. Neither matter nor Energy is created or destroyed. No matter what you eat the exact same amount of end energy is the same. The cow eats the gras you eat the cow, was the grass simply wasted energy? No. it is there in the cow in a form you can use. End result is the same, however cattle raising is less work than farming. It is more efficent. You don't need to sow seed, till, or harvest. Now I am not saying become carnivores, but there is land that is no good for farming but perfect for all sort of ranching.

Cows are inefficient machines, fed with the same grain that humans consume. They burn off most of that grain as heat, and use some of the matter for organs, bones.. stuff that people wouldn't eat.

So isn't more efficient if the humans eat the grain instead, cutting out the cow? Do you not understand this?
we should all just live off the goodness of nature. plant our feet in the floor like roots, and live off the sunlight and nutrients of the soil like moral humans.

we will make good tree's

Who is to say that protein-rich meat, which allowed us to evolve to where we are now, cannot help us evolve beyond our baser instincts?
Me. We have plenty of protein-rich foods that aren't meat.
TW scott
The cow eats the gras you eat the cow, was the grass simply wasted energy? No. it is there in the cow in a form you can use. End result is the same, however cattle raising is less work than farming. It is more efficent. You don't need to sow seed, till, or harvest.
Sigh. one word: heat.
energy is lost in heat. Eating meat IS wasted energy, and not just 10% either, it's more than that as the cows or whatever have to be fed a lot in order to grow to a good size.
and you do need to sow seed, till, and harvest if you want to farm animals, as animals EAT. Where do you think animals get their food form? eh? they don't photosynthesize if you hadn't noticed.
THINK people, THINK! It really isn't THAT hard!