Is eating meat morally wrong


Eating meat a moral issue when we kill each other for no reason at all? I find that difficult to swallow.

This is another logically flawed argument. It says, essentially, that if we cannot remedy ALL the wrongs in the world at once, we should do nothing, and devoting our efforts to redressing any single wrong is a waste of time.

I say we can try to prevent people wrongly killing each other AND try to prevent the senseless slaughter of animals.

It's one thing not to mistreat animals for no reason, but when is enough too much? Why would it be morally wrong for us to do something that comes naturally to us.

If it comes naturally to a pedophile to rape young children, would that be morally wrong, in your opinion?

I've heard people say that the human body is not designed to consume meat, that we are designed or evolved as herbivores and other crap like that. The fact is that if we weren't supposed to eat meat, we wouldn't be able to.

You CAN do many things. You can rape, and steal, and murder. Does that mean you're "supposed to"? And does it mean you should? Or are those separate questions?

In the meantime, to say that eating meat is unnecessary and it is cruel to animals, I would point out that plants are alive, and that they react to damage to themselves by growing differently, while some even actively protect themselves, so is it morally better to eat plants instead? It seems the same to me.

We've covered this rather silly argument earlier in the thread. Go read it.
James R said:
[bTW Scott:[/b]

I find it endlessly amusing that you ignore all substantive points I make, and instead try to distract from the issues with irrelevancies. Intellectual dishonesty is one of my pet peeves. You really ought to start taking some responsibility and stand up for what you believe, rather than continually trying to hide, in case the hollowness of your views is exposed.

In two consecutive posts, you contradict yourself. First, you assert that animals can't act immorally. Then, in the next post, you say your cat and your dog both know right from wrong, and that therefore animals have morals.

This is just a run around, isn't it? You don't actually know what you believe.

Also, your hypocrisy shines through once again. On the one hand, you say that you don't need to justify your actions to anybody - especially the eating of animals, because you are "superior" to them. And yet, in the next breath, you seek to hold animals to standards which you fail to live up to yourself. How ironic.

I suggest that you should just retire gracefully from this discussion right now, while you still have a modicum of credibility left.

You know, there is a lot you do not understand. I can't fix that for you. Especially with your attitude. My two statements make no contradiction, in fact one supports the other. How could an animal seldomly act immorally if it does not have morals? That you cannot grasp that simple of a concept is frightening to me. Why? Becuase it means you fail to grasp that other beings are independant of your moral system.

As for me ignoring you supposedly substance filled posts. You have failed to show how eating meat is immoral for any other reason than you think so. Do I or animals care what you think? Should we? Would a tiger ponder your moral system as it snaps your neck? Does a giraffe care about you ideas? I know I don't. Why? I've explained it above and perhaps one day far in the future you might understand it. I won't ask you to support it. Nor do I demonize being a vegan or vegetarian. I refuse to judge people on their diet., becuase that is such a stupid way of being elitest.
How could an animal seldomly act immorally if it does not have morals? That you cannot grasp that simple of a concept is frightening to me. Why? Becuase it means you fail to grasp that other beings are independant of your moral system.

Ok, so you assert that animals do not have morals. Therefore, it follows that we cannot make moral judgments about their actions. It is wrong to condemn a bear for eating a fish, since the bear cannot reason as to whether it is right or wrong.

Now, the pertinent question is: Does TW Scott have morals? If not, then we can't comdemn him for eating meat, since he cannot reason as to whether it is right or wrong. But if he DOES have the ability to make moral judgments, but acts in an evil manner, then we are right to condemn him. He knew differently, but chosen to act immorally anyway.


As for me ignoring you supposedly substance filled posts. You have failed to show how eating meat is immoral for any other reason than you think so.

No. I have, several times, given you a short list of reasons, conveniently numbered, for why eating meat is immoral. I have also, several times, asked you for an equivalent list of reasons for how eating meat is moral. You have, so far, been completely unable to produce such a list. In fact, you deny that you need to do so, which is really just running and hiding.

Do I or animals care what you think? Should we? Would a tiger ponder your moral system as it snaps your neck? Does a giraffe care about you ideas? I know I don't.

I know you don't either. If you had a moral bone in your body, you'd at least acknowledge that your actions are wrong, but that your human frailty prevents your from doing the right thing.

Why? I've explained it above and perhaps one day far in the future you might understand it. I won't ask you to support it. Nor do I demonize being a vegan or vegetarian. I refuse to judge people on their diet., becuase that is such a stupid way of being elitest.

Here, you are really just pleading with me not to judge you on your diet. You know what you are doing is unjustifiable, and so you want a truce in which I do my thing and you do yours, and neither of us is critical of the other. Conveniently for you, that means you can go on doing as you please with no annoying voice of reason or conscience in your ear. Well, sorry, TW, but you got yourself into this.

The easy way out, of course, is just to stop the discussion. YOu don't even have to admit defeat. You just stop posting responses, and go on with your life. After a while, you'll forget this ever happened.
James R said:
Ok, so you assert that animals do not have morals. Therefore, it follows that we cannot make moral judgments about their actions. It is wrong to condemn a bear for eating a fish, since the bear cannot reason as to whether it is right or wrong.

Now, the pertinent question is: Does TW Scott have morals? If not, then we can't comdemn him for eating meat, since he cannot reason as to whether it is right or wrong. But if he DOES have the ability to make moral judgments, but acts in an evil manner, then we are right to condemn him. He knew differently, but chosen to act immorally anyway.


I never said animals were immoral. I said I don't judge them for what they do as long as they do not destroy their own kind. Totally different concept there. One you won't ever get becuase you fail to see that different beings can and do have different moral codes.

No. I have, several times, given you a short list of reasons, conveniently numbered, for why eating meat is immoral. I have also, several times, asked you for an equivalent list of reasons for how eating meat is moral. You have, so far, been completely unable to produce such a list. In fact, you deny that you need to do so, which is really just running and hiding.

First of all your list is pretty bogus, I am not so sorry to inform you. What you classify as reasons that eating meat is immoral are first nonsensical and second completely irrelevant. Second I don't have to defend anything. Nor do I answer to the likes of you. Hate to tell you thi, but in any scheme of things you are worth exactly the chemical composition of your body, about a dollar fifty.

I know you don't either. If you had a moral bone in your body, you'd at least acknowledge that your actions are wrong, but that your human frailty prevents your from doing the right thing.

I don't even have the vaguest of conscience pangs over eating meat. And I feel guilty for breathing some days. This tells me that there is nothing wrong with eating meat.

Here, you are really just pleading with me not to judge you on your diet. You know what you are doing is unjustifiable, and so you want a truce in which I do my thing and you do yours, and neither of us is critical of the other. Conveniently for you, that means you can go on doing as you please with no annoying voice of reason or conscience in your ear. Well, sorry, TW, but you got yourself into this.

Actually I was pleading with you to start acting morally and quit your harping. See, you are much like the pro-lifers you fight against. instead of just presenting facts without your opinion latched on, you decided to try to guilt people into what you think they should be doing. Knowing that it is hard to argue against cruelty to animals you chose that track. Such a shame really becuase it a fallacy all in it's own right in regards to eating meat.

The easy way out, of course, is just to stop the discussion. YOu don't even have to admit defeat. You just stop posting responses, and go on with your life. After a while, you'll forget this ever happened.

Why should I let you off the hook for your hypocrisy? I see no real reason. Of course you have the same out that you so generously gave me. However I hope you don't take it. Why? Becuase as time progresses you reveal more and more how little faith you have in your position. A fault I do not have as I don't need faith in mine.
James R said:
But you won't starve if you don't eat meat. You can live quite happily on a healthy vegetarian diet.
No, you can't. A vegetarian diet does not give you as much protein, and besides, vegans aren't cool. They re teh suck.

Who put you on the apex?
The will to power, eh?

My point here is that, assuming you ARE on the apex of creation, then surely you should have the responsibility of stewardship over the animals over which you have power. You ought to care for them as your God cares for you. Shouldn't you?
No. Besides, there is no god. If it is so wrong for people to eat meat, why don't you go tell an omnivorous bear to eat only vegetables? Or, better yet, why don't you look in your own mouth? See those sharp teeth? That's for cutting into meat.

In other words, you do it for purely selfish reasons. That is not very moral, if you ask me.
Jim boy, what fail to realize is one simple fucking thing: not everyone shares your moral views. Not everyone has your exact morals. People, whethery ou like it or not, have different opinions and do not look at it in the black-and-white scheme that you do.
TW Scott:

The substantive content of your posts has been decreasing post by post, so that at this stage there is little of substance worth responding to. I note you are placing most of your emphasis now on ad hominem attacks. Is that the best you can do?

I never said animals were immoral.

Ok, so you think animals have morals. Who cares whether they do or don't? The question, as I said in my last post, is: do YOU have morals? And, if so, shouldn't you act morally?

One you won't ever get becuase you fail to see that different beings can and do have different moral codes.

This is a rather pathetic straw man. I have now explained to you several times that I accept that different people have different moral codes, but that I believe some moral codes are superior to others, in the sense that they are justifiable.

First of all your list is pretty bogus, I am not so sorry to inform you.

You already tried refuting it, and failed, remember?

What you classify as reasons that eating meat is immoral are first nonsensical and second completely irrelevant. Second I don't have to defend anything. Nor do I answer to the likes of you. Hate to tell you thi, but in any scheme of things you are worth exactly the chemical composition of your body, about a dollar fifty.

I'm worth responding to, though. :)

Here, you merely confirm what I said before: you can't provide any actual, defensible reasons for eating meat, so you opt to run away by pretending you don't have to. We're not making much progress here, TW.

I don't even have the vaguest of conscience pangs over eating meat. And I feel guilty for breathing some days. This tells me that there is nothing wrong with eating meat.

I don't believe you. You wouldn't be so keen to defend your actions if you actually felt no pangs of conscience about them. (But I could be wrong.) Either way, expressing pride in your immorality doesn't advance your argument.

Actually I was pleading with you to start acting morally and quit your harping. See, you are much like the pro-lifers you fight against. instead of just presenting facts without your opinion latched on, you decided to try to guilt people into what you think they should be doing.

Didn't you notice all the facts I presented? To repeat just a few: farming methods are unnecessarily cruel (but apparently you think unnecessary cruelty is acceptable); meat production is wasteful of resources; animals can and do feel pain and suffer (not that you care).

As for the guilt trip: of course I am trying to make you feel guilty. A good person ought to feel guilt and remorse when they act immorally.

Knowing that it is hard to argue against cruelty to animals you chose that track. Such a shame really becuase it a fallacy all in it's own right in regards to eating meat.

This is new. Are you now changing tack to suggest that cruelty to animals is somehow acceptable? If so, on what grounds? Most western nations have laws against animal cruelty, you know, although they are specifically limited to certain types of cruelty - largely for the benefit of the meat industry, I might add.

Why should I let you off the hook for your hypocrisy? I see no real reason. Of course you have the same out that you so generously gave me. However I hope you don't take it. Why? Becuase as time progresses you reveal more and more how little faith you have in your position.

Hmmm... Where have I demonstrated any lack of faith in my position?

Anyway, keep digging that hole, TW. I'm not sick of this discussion yet.

My post was in response to finewine. You're about 10 steps behind him/her on the moral ladder, and I think I've already dealt with your views at some length. Ignoring the religious issues, which are not specific to you...

If it is so wrong for people to eat meat, why don't you go tell an omnivorous bear to eat only vegetables?

Simple. Because it is not wrong for a bear to eat meat. And even if I told it not to, it couldn't understand me. But you can.

Or, better yet, why don't you look in your own mouth? See those sharp teeth? That's for cutting into meat.

Yes, that's probably why my teeth evolved that way. Have you kept up to date on my discussion with TW Scott regarding the naturalistic fallacy?

Jim boy, what fail to realize is one simple fucking thing: not everyone shares your moral views.

If I thought everybody shared my moral views, then we wouldn't be having this discussion, would we? I'm trying to get people like you to see sense.

People, whethery ou like it or not, have different opinions and do not look at it in the black-and-white scheme that you do.

You're actually MORE black and white than I am, I suspect. You see only simplicity, where I see complexity. To you, eating meat is ok, all the time, for all creatures. Black and white. Simple. To me, eating meat is ok some of the time, for some creatures. Not so simple, and potentially confusing to those who, like you, see things as black and white.
Eating meat may have been very improtant in our evolution, consequently, our digestive systems, and the way we process food, is also geared to processing meat (not exclusively though). We need meat like products, but not nessisarily meat it's self.
Psychologically, we may be geared to eating meat - maybe that is why some forms are good - like steak, and lobster ect.
James R said:
TW Scott:

The substantive content of your posts has been decreasing post by post, so that at this stage there is little of substance worth responding to. I note you are placing most of your emphasis now on ad hominem attacks. Is that the best you can do?

As opposed to you ad hominem filled replies, hmm again a interesting double standard. You'll of course label that an ad honimem attack as opposed to an observation of the truth.

Ok, so you think animals have morals. Who cares whether they do or don't? The question, as I said in my last post, is: do YOU have morals? And, if so, shouldn't you act morally?

I do have morals and none of them includes that eating meat is wrong, ergo eating meat is not immoral.

This is a rather pathetic straw man. I have now explained to you several times that I accept that different people have different moral codes, but that I believe some moral codes are superior to others, in the sense that they are justifiable.

Yours is not superior and in fact could be called inferior instead of different. I choose to call it different and be done with it. Still doesn't change the fact that eating meat is not immoral.

You already tried refuting it, and failed, remember?

Cannot fail at what one did not attempt. I don't refute that for you the reasons make sense, but my brain is completely functional so it might as well be gibberish.

I'm worth responding to, though. :)

No, actually you aren't, but you are dangerous enough to warrant me trying to protect the public.

Here, you merely confirm what I said before: you can't provide any actual, defensible reasons for eating meat, so you opt to run away by pretending you don't have to. We're not making much progress here, TW.

Actually there is no pretend to it. There is no need to justify something right. You however seem to be driven to justify your own views as if you know they are wrong.

I don't believe you. You wouldn't be so keen to defend your actions if you actually felt no pangs of conscience about them. (But I could be wrong.) Either way, expressing pride in your immorality doesn't advance your argument.

There is no need for defense as my actions are right. The actions of meat eater across this globe are absolutely right. The act of eating meat is not wrong in the slightest. The act of raising livestock is not wrong in the slightest. Humane slaughtering techniques are not wrong in the slightest.

Didn't you notice all the facts I presented? To repeat just a few: farming methods are unnecessarily cruel (but apparently you think unnecessary cruelty is acceptable); meat production is wasteful of resources; animals can and do feel pain and suffer (not that you care).

As for the guilt trip: of course I am trying to make you feel guilty. A good person ought to feel guilt and remorse when they act immorally.

Saw your assinine skewed distortions of reality called facts and realized I would never change your mind. Except for animals feeling pain, your points are sketchy at best. Like 4.5 kg of grain to produce 1 kg of beef. I get more nutrition out of that beef than that grain so it works out.

This is new. Are you now changing tack to suggest that cruelty to animals is somehow acceptable? If so, on what grounds? Most western nations have laws against animal cruelty, you know, although they are specifically limited to certain types of cruelty - largely for the benefit of the meat industry, I might add.

Wonders how you got all that out of what I said. You must have an inventive mind. I said that for the discussion of how meat is produced, animals cruelty is a straw man. Unlike you I have been to slaughter house. The animals are killed in a completely painless way. They do not feel anything as they die. So you're arguments of animal cruelty are irrelevant.

I did notice how you missed the larger message in my posting, but ah well I am used to it by now, as is our audience.

Hmmm... Where have I demonstrated any lack of faith in my position?

Anyway, keep digging that hole, TW. I'm not sick of this discussion yet.

Hmmm, would it be that point when you begged me to walk away? Yep that would be it. As for the hole being dug, it's for you. Funny thing is you're doing the digging.
No, actually you aren't, but you are dangerous enough to warrant me trying to protect the public.

These arguments go way too far. I would like to start a post disecting the psychology of some of these personal attacks in these forums. I think this is an interesting phenomenon in and of it's self.

If we are going to survive, we must eat. Eating in a large part is captured energy from the sun. Meat is concentrated form of energy from the sun. If you want to not kill anything, then don't eat. Plants are a precious commodity too. I could make a very strong argument that some forms of plant life display intelligence. I am not arguing for or against eating meat, rather for a better understanding of ourselves.
First off, James, I am not suggesting that we should strive to right no wrongs, merely that some are just a little more important than others. I at least would think that somebody worried about rape, theft, and murder such as yourself would understand that, but then, what would I know about your intelligence?

In the meantime, I find that Such things as rape, theft, and murder do not come naturally based upon the fact that only sentient creatures can specifically feel lust, greed, and hatred. It is only the sentients that do these things with purpose. Ambition is a trait of sentience. A planned engagement in these activities is not natural. An accidental engagement in and of itself is an accident, though this is very rare for some of the afformentioned. Meanwhile, an engagement of these activities from the closest thing to a natural cause, insanity, is of course not natural for the species even if naturally ocurring because of a mutation in genetics or external stimuli.

Finally, my "silly argument" has merit. Plants serve as the backbone of the world's food chain, with the only more important level being the sun and the Earth's heat. Now, if so many species depend upon plants for survival, is it moral for humans to compete with them for the food and make them work harder to get it? Is it moral to bring about higher chances of overconsumption of the plants which animals depend upon, possibly causing a collapse of the ecology of the world? You may find this hard to believe, but humans exist as part of the ecology of Earth just like every other species, and we have certain responsibilities within this, One of them is to help control the populations of species which we consume, including both plants and animals. Plants are just as important, if not moreso, than individual species of animals to ecology, so how can you say that eating the animals is worse?
TW Scott:
Except for animals feeling pain, your points are sketchy at best. Like 4.5 kg of grain to produce 1 kg of beef. I get more nutrition out of that beef than that grain so it works out.
*sigh* TW Scotty, did you take basic biology at school?

As you pass up the food chain, energy is continually being LOST (mainly as heat) by animals. In otherwords, a set biomass of grain would have far more energy than the same biomass of meat. Because cows, upon consuming the grain, DON'T STORE ALL OF THAT ENERGY IN THEIR FLESH. It is lost in body functions (esp. heat loss), faeces, urine, etc.

No, actually you aren't, but you (James R) are dangerous enough to warrant me trying to protect the public

I admit that sometimes I have had my disagreements with James R on certain topics, and found him to be rather politically correct regarding discussions of race/immigration, but he certainly isn't dangerous to the public. The only thing he is a danger to is your credibility, as he continually tears your bullshit to shreds.
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Eating meat is generally morally wrong however there is one exception. Eating dog meat korean style cooked is morally right. In fact astonishingly enough the user James_R has the typical picture of a dog in his avatar, whose meat is morally right to eat. The fine dog meat delicatessen can be enjoyed without worrying abour morals, because dog meat was designed for human consumption. Microwaved dogs are probably a fine dish too, of course then they have to be prepared with spices and served with salad.

if eating chickens is moral then should eating dogs be moral too
mountainhare said:
TW Scott:

*sigh* TW Scotty, did you take basic biology at school?

As you pass up the food chain, energy is continually being LOST (mainly as heat) by animals. In otherwords, a set biomass of grain would have far more energy than the same biomass of meat. Because cows, upon consuming the grain, DON'T STORE ALL OF THAT ENERGY IN THEIR FLESH. It is lost in body functions (esp. heat loss), faeces, urine, etc.

I said nutrition not energy. Learn to read,

I admit that sometimes I have had my disagreements with James R on certain topics, and found him to be rather politically correct regarding discussions of race/immigration, but he certainly isn't dangerous to the public. The only thing he is a danger to is your credibility, as he continually tears your bullshit to shreds.

Actually in my own moral code being politically correct is a hazard to the population. So is making claims of your own superior moral code. Jame R has proven himself to be a rabid fascist when it comes to his morals. I would rather they were not spread at all, but if they are I will be their trying to deprogram the populace.
TW Scott:

Let's see how far we have to read to get anything of substance from your last post.

I do have morals and none of them includes that eating meat is wrong, ergo eating meat is not immoral.
Yours is not superior and in fact could be called inferior instead of different. I choose to call it different and be done with it. Still doesn't change the fact that eating meat is not immoral.
No, actually you aren't [worth responding to], but you are dangerous enough to warrant me trying to protect the public.
There is no need to justify something right.
There is no need for defense as my actions are right. The actions of meat eater across this globe are absolutely right. The act of eating meat is not wrong in the slightest. The act of raising livestock is not wrong in the slightest. Humane slaughtering techniques are not wrong in the slightest.

Down to here, we have a bunch of assertions, repeated from before. Still no justifications - only the same running from the truth. No further comment is necessary on this.

Saw your assinine skewed distortions of reality called facts and realized I would never change your mind. Except for animals feeling pain, your points are sketchy at best. Like 4.5 kg of grain to produce 1 kg of beef. I get more nutrition out of that beef than that grain so it works out.

Do you ever go to the toilet, TW Scott? If so, you produce waste products. As mountainhare pointed out, you also continually generate body heat, which is eventually lost to space as wasted energy.

Animals also produce waste products and excess heat. That energy comes from somewhere. Guess where? Answer: the food they eat. Now, if you ate the plants directly, the only waste energy and waste products would be from you. But by interposing a cow, say, in the process, much more waste is produced. Incidentally, methane from cattle raised for human consumption is also a major contributor to global warming.

I said that for the discussion of how meat is produced, animals cruelty is a straw man. Unlike you I have been to slaughter house. The animals are killed in a completely painless way. They do not feel anything as they die. So you're arguments of animal cruelty are irrelevant.

I have seen evidence that animals are frightened as they go to slaughter. In fact, they see other animals killed in front of them, which must be akin to seeing somebody shoot your family while you watch. Moreover, the killing process itself is often not effective, and animals can die slowly and painfully rather than quickly. Chickens, for example, can end up in boiling water while they are still alive and aware.

Now, got any reasons why eating meat is moral, yet?

First off, James, I am not suggesting that we should strive to right no wrongs, merely that some are just a little more important than others. I at least would think that somebody worried about rape, theft, and murder such as yourself would understand that, but then, what would I know about your intelligence?

Is this a personal attack from you, too? Surely not, this early in our discussion.

Do you agree that it is worth considering issues of animal cruelty, along with such weighty matters as the war in Iraq, murder, theft and rape? Or do you think we ought to put animal cruelty on the back burner until we've sorted out all the other problems?

In the meantime, I find that Such things as rape, theft, and murder do not come naturally based upon the fact that only sentient creatures can specifically feel lust, greed, and hatred. It is only the sentients that do these things with purpose. Ambition is a trait of sentience. A planned engagement in these activities is not natural.

And yet, birds steal from other birds. Rape in the animal kingdom, defined as forcible sexual coupling, is not uncommon. And animals kill each other all the time - even members of their own species. Is lust, or greed or hatred involved? Who knows? If we restrict ourselves to mammals for a moment, I can't think of any reason a mammal would want to have sex other than from feelings equivalent to lust. Can you?

But this is all irrelevant, as I've said many times, since I do not advocate that what is natural is good, and what is not natural is bad. Do you?

Finally, my "silly argument" has merit. Plants serve as the backbone of the world's food chain, with the only more important level being the sun and the Earth's heat. Now, if so many species depend upon plants for survival, is it moral for humans to compete with them for the food and make them work harder to get it?

If all humans became vegetarian tomorrow, the required farmland for producing human food would be drastically reduced. At present, farmland is used to grow human crops, to grow food for animals, and to house animals. Cut out two of those uses, and you increase the land available to wild animals.

Why do you think huge areas of the Amazon are being logged? Partly because people want to build farms, and they need more land to do that when they raise animals than when they just grow crops.

You may find this hard to believe, but humans exist as part of the ecology of Earth just like every other species, and we have certain responsibilities within this, One of them is to help control the populations of species which we consume, including both plants and animals. Plants are just as important, if not moreso, than individual species of animals to ecology, so how can you say that eating the animals is worse?

In fact, the number of plant and animal species consumed by humans as food is tiny, compared to the total biodiversity on the Earth. If you take out a section of the Amazon rainforest, for example, you kill huge numbers of species of plants, insects, birds and animals. You replace those with the few species of interest to humans - a few different crops, grasses for animal feed, and one or more of the few domesticated animal species humans use for food.

As far as "controlling animal populations" is concerned, you are no doubt aware that we currently breed cows and sheep and chickens for no other reason than to eat them. We are not just culling what would have been there anyway. We are producing animals whose only purpose (in most people's views) is to satisfy our blood-lust for meat. End meat consumption, and many of those animals would no longer be brought into existence, thus further reducing the human-caused footprint on the ecology you say you care about so much.

Actually in my own moral code being politically correct is a hazard to the population. So is making claims of your own superior moral code. Jame R has proven himself to be a rabid fascist when it comes to his morals. I would rather they were not spread at all, but if they are I will be their trying to deprogram the populace.

Funny, that, since the majority of the populace is currently "programmed" to think meat eating is acceptable. It appears no deprogramming is needed for them, since they already think as you do, by and large.

No, I think it is really just that niggling worry that you're wrong that you want to crush. You don't want anybody reminding you of an inconvenient truth.

if eating chickens is moral then should eating dogs be moral too

This is the only point you made in your post, and you are correct.

The rest is just grandstanding. Essentially, you are shouting to the world "I have no morals, and I'm proud of it!"

I hope you are proud, dragon, since you've exposed yourself for all to see.
James R said:
TW Scott:

Let's see how far we have to read to get anything of substance from your last post.

I'm still waiting for substance in your posts in this matter.

Down to here, we have a bunch of assertions, repeated from before. Still no justifications - only the same running from the truth. No further comment is necessary on this.

Of course not, you're running from the truth becuase you can't refute it.

Do you ever go to the toilet, TW Scott? If so, you produce waste products. As mountainhare pointed out, you also continually generate body heat, which is eventually lost to space as wasted energy.

Yes, but can you get whole protein from grains? Sufficent iron? Adequate copper? Usable amount of Vitamin B? Not liekly in even 10 to 1.

I have seen evidence that animals are frightened as they go to slaughter. In fact, they see other animals killed in front of them, which must be akin to seeing somebody shoot your family while you watch. Moreover, the killing process itself is often not effective, and animals can die slowly and painfully rather than quickly. Chickens, for example, can end up in boiling water while they are still alive and aware.

Sorry, but you must have visited an operation that is not as modern as the one I worked in for the summer. The cattle never saw the one before it die and they had a neurologist tell them how to do the killing no pain what so ever. So your argument is empty. Just becuase a few places mess up does not make it immoral.
TW Scott:
I said nutrition not energy. Learn to read,
I knew that your uneducated ass would reply with that comment, as you try to wriggle out of yet another blunder. It's a pity (for you) that carbohydrates, lipids and protein (*hint* We break these down to produce ATP... energy) ARE classified as nutrients, hmmm? In fact, all nutrients are involved in metabolic processes, which generally result in the release of energy.

. So is making claims of your own superior moral code. Jame R has proven himself to be a rabid fascist when it comes to his morals.
James isn't the one dogmatically promoting the unnecessary slaughter of sentient beings. Who's ideals are dangerous, again?