Is eating meat morally wrong

It becomes a moral issue when eating meat is against the set of moral dogmas that rule your life, for instance when your religion prohibits the mastication and digestion of pork.
I have always wondered if the ban on Pork was more becuase it was not as safe to eat back in the days where religions held more sway than science.

Eating meat should not be a moral issue at all. There is no reason for it to be without stretching the very limits of logic.
TW Scott said:
I have always wondered if the ban on Pork was more becuase it was not as safe to eat back in the days where religions held more sway than science.


Pigs wallow in dirt and eat anything, so quite simply it was considered not safe to eat them!
Lots of things we do today for symbolic reason have a basis in reason , we've just forgotton what it was!

How many Muslims and Jews (and other peoples) are aware of the fact that circumsision originated from egyptian snake worshipping practices and has zippo to do with anything else!
I don't feel morally wrong when eating meat.

I think this thread is too similar to the "Cruelty to animals" thread
I got the quote from that thread, Its not personal opinion re pro or not pro eating meat I am after its your views on 'when does something become a moral issue, what makes it moral, what makes this subject a moral issue or even if it is a moral issue?
If technology became sufficiently advanced to synthesise meat from non-living materials, thereby obviating the need to kill animals, would it be immoral?

More of a sci-fi question, I suppose... :p
well, I kind of am already against Gm, and prefer organic everything, so I'm sure I wouldn't go for any sci-fi synthetic meat.

hmmmmmmm interesting point tho'.
Zephyr said:
If technology became sufficiently advanced to synthesise meat from non-living materials, thereby obviating the need to kill animals, would it be immoral?

More of a sci-fi question, I suppose... :p
Like growing a plusating lump of flesh with no brain or organs, and applying electric shocks every so often to stimulate it so it does not become weak and without consistency? I like that idea, it would be like a meat plant.
Well, I suppose that's one solution, if a slightly unappealing one :p

But what if you had nanotech that could assemble, say, a steak, without it ever having been living tissue at all? Same would be possible for plants, presumably - shuffle some molecules around and voila, carrot!
I read something years ago about how animals such as cattle, came to be domesticated and the book kind of suggested that being 'farmed' by man was better for the species than to be left to their own devices and wild predators.

I know if we didn't farm cattle her in the Uk, there would NOT be any cattle roaming around wild, so they'd (except for few in zoo's) become extinct here at least. Therefore there may be a moral argument to keep farming in that we are keeping the species going?

I'm very in favour of humane farming methods and humane slaughter/transport etc etc.
If you look at our teeth and our digestive tract, you can easily see we did not evolve to be pure herbivore. And it takes a fair amount of dietary suppliments to live off of a pure vegitarian diet.

To turn the entire human race into vegitarians just isn't practical.

Besides, what have you got against those poor plants? Aren't you afraid of hurting THEIR feelings?

Meat is food. Food. Y-You know, the stuff that we, LIVE. There's no fuckin' moral issue, it's fuckin' food. Food is food. Just eat it and be happy.
sigh, we've gone over this.
The bottom line is this:
1) People do not need to eat animals to survive.
2) not only do we not need to, it would be better healthwise NOT to eat meat. The whole health/need point is moot.
3) This means that in the modern world, people eat animals ONLY to give them pleasure.
4) Most meat comes from factory farming, which is inhumane.
So the point is... combining 3 and 4: People treat animals inhumanely and kill them PURELY for pleasure. That is morally wrong.
Meaning that yes, eating meat is morally wrong. Simple logic.

Well, those are the main points.
others are that it takes more natural resources to raise meat, meaning that it's also morally wrong because it's bad for the environment.
The taking up of extra resources also means that if the farms used for growing cattle, pigs, etc. as well as the farms used to grow food to FEED those animals were turned into farms to grow food for HUMANS, the world hunger issue wouldn't be an issue anymore.
Please refer to the following threads:

[thread=5095]Animal Cruelty[/thread]
[thread=53058]Vegetarians please read[/thread]

I have written quite a lot there on why meat eating is a moral issue, though strangely a number of people in the current thread have forgotten or chosen to ignore it.
If it is morally wrong for humans, an omnivore, to eat meat, is it also morally wrong for bears, another omnivore, to eat meat?