Is Earthly life premature?

If you forget that bible is a religious book , It is an ancient writing with some information . Why would you then discard the information. We in reality don't know much on the past what those living people have seen or how they become informed.
You rely on zircon information , but this is only a deduction to the direction to what you want to believe
How about if I ask how did thorium appeared on the planed Earth what will be the scientific answer
The problem with you guy that you believe the so called scientific information is infallible , yet I or you can see changing from year to year.
Our wisdom have not discovered as how the Incas have cut large stones to fit , We are not sure how the pyramid of Egypt were put together .
We say agriculture started 9000 years ago , yet man crossed the Bering strait supposedly 14000 years ago , that means pre agricultural time , but the South American indian cultivated potato prior the European arrived . So how teal is the time for agriculture 9000 years ?
There are many more questions which are obscure
Why should we forget that the bible is a religious book, full of mythical fantasies, written by obscure men in an obscure age.
As you have been told many many times, science is a discipline in continuing progress...the further we see, the more our scientific theories are reinforced and/or re-modified.
And if Panspermia is ever shown to be evident, [which I believe in time it will]
then your god may well have been a slime mould.
Let me remind you though that the theory of evolution itself, is for all intents and purposes, 100% certain. Your obscure bible is not even science.
Why should we forget that the bible is a religious book, full of mythical fantasies, written by obscure men in an obscure age.
As you have been told many many times, science is a discipline in continuing progress...the further we see, the more our scientific theories are reinforced and/or re-modified.
And if Panspermia is ever shown to be evident, [which I believe in time it will]
then your god may well have been a slime mould.
Let me remind you though that the theory of evolution itself, is for all intents and purposes, 100% certain. Your obscure bible is not even science.

You live by laws and experiences written in the obscure book and you even don't realise.
Not bad, the problem though that exists for some, is that the self evident data particularly such certainties as the evolution of life on Earth, or the possibility of Panspermia, and the possibility that their "god" is something like a slime mould from another planet, interfers with their preconceived mythical beliefs.

Anyway back onto science.
An associated article to the OP......

Interstellar seeds could create oases of life
August 27, 2015

We only have one example of a planet with life: Earth. But within the next generation, it should become possible to detect signs of life on planets orbiting distant stars. If we find alien life, new questions will arise. For example, did that life arise spontaneously? Or could it have spread from elsewhere? If life crossed the vast gulf of interstellar space long ago, how would we tell?

New research by Harvard astrophysicists shows that if life can travel between the stars (a process called panspermia), it would spread in a characteristic pattern that we could potentially identify.

"In our theory clusters of life form, grow, and overlap like bubbles in a pot of boiling water," says lead author Henry Lin of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA).

There are two basic ways for life to spread beyond its host star. The first would be via natural processes such as gravitational slingshotting of asteroids or comets. The second would be for intelligent life to deliberately travel outward. The paper does not deal with how panspermia occurs. It simply asks: if it does occur, could we detect it? In principle, the answer is yes.

Read more at:

I am attracted to Panspermia and believe that concrete evidence for that process, just maybe around the corner.
god a slime mould. :) The mind boggles!
To prove it you would have to grow plants on mars. It could take 1000s of years and be tried 1000's of times, but if it were demonstrated that as long as DNA didn't unravel evolution would eventually take place and create life suitable for a planet.
You live by laws and experiences written in the obscure book and you even don't realise.
I live by the laws of decency, equality and respect for my fellow man, as demanded by civilized society.
What you believe is your own concern, a shame though that that agenda, has you so much in conflict with science.
I live by the laws of decency, equality and respect for my fellow man, as demanded by civilized society.
What you believe is your own concern, a shame though that that agenda, has you so much in conflict with science.

You don't understand that civilization did not start 200 years ago , but civilization evolved . A hint Laws of order began earlier then 2000 years BC , you can start with Hammurabi's law, then The bible expanded about 1300 years BC and so on .
I don't know how old you are , but I have been around Scientist for long time as a chemist until retired . I just don't like to be carried away that scientific theory and interpretation are the gospel truth , they are questionable like many religions,
I just don't like to be carried away that scientific theory and interpretation are the gospel truth ,
I must conclude that you are totally dishonest, and only hear what you want to hear.
You have been told many, many times that science is a discipline in progress and that all scientific theories are always open for modification or total discard.
The theory of evolution though is as secure and sure as we could ever hope.
Let's stop your stupid psychological analysis.
It wouldn't be needed if you were not so obtuse and dishonest in your "dealings"with science.
Again, you have been shown time and time again, that science is nothing like any religion, and that it is a discipline in progress, continually...yet you still carry on with your crap and stupidity. :rolleyes:
If you forget that bible is a religious book , It is an ancient writing with some information .

It contains a great deal of information about the views of the ancient Hebrews. Or at least the views of that faction of ancient Hebrews that compiled the Bible.

Why would you then discard the information.

Because the ancient Hebrews' ideas about origins don't have anything to do with modern scientific understanding of the early history of life on Earth.

We in reality don't know much on the past what those living people have seen or how they become informed.

The authors of the Hebrew Bible lived in the first millenium BCE. That's two to three thousand years ago. Life seems to have appeared on Earth as early as four billion years ago. So nobody who wrote the Bible was present to watch the origin of life.

You rely on zircon information , but this is only a deduction

True. I'm not convinced that life appeared as early on Earth as that evidence seems to show.

to the direction to what you want to believe

What do you think that I want to believe?

My point is that IF life appeared on Earth as early as some evidence appears to show, then it becomes less likely (in my opinion) that life originated on Earth (because I think that life is so complicated that there must have been a protracted lead-up to it).

The problem with you guy that you believe the so called scientific information is infallible , yet I or you can see changing from year to year.

Who are you addressing? I agree with you. I don't think that "scientific information is infallible". But it is the best information that we have at the present moment about the physical world, so it isn't out-of-line to think about what that information might suggest.

I still don't know why you responded with Bible verses to my hopefully-scientific posts about the motivation for speculations about panspermia (and yes, they are only speculations) and seemed to be attacking my remarks.
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11 And God said, yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, on the earth.” And it was so. 12 The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.
Regardless of how much knowledge there might be in the Bible, Genesis is not meant to be taken literally.

So, in answer to your question:
It is an ancient writing with some information . Why would you then discard the information.

Because that particular chapter is not intended to be factually informative.

This is the biology and Genetics forum. Let's stick to science please.