Is Death really a penalty?

If all the believers are right and there really is a hell and the criminal is oblivious to all of it and never repents then death could be considered a penalty.

Good point ranthi,

Unbelievers should be executed because:

A) If there is a Hell they will go straight there.

B) If there isn't they forfeit the only life they'll ever have.
Life inside solitary confinement is , to me, a cruel and unusual punishment

as compared to death which is no suffering at all. At least the way they

execute prisoners today.
Yes, it is. The best Ive ever heard it put was in a Clint Eastwood movie. "Killing a man aint no easy thing, you take away all hes got and all hes ever going to have."
Life inside solitary confinement is , to me, a cruel and unusual punishment

as compared to death which is no suffering at all. At least the way they

execute prisoners today.

Didnt you hear though? People are now trying to claim lethal injection is cruel and unusual. I am sure you know what the 3 poisons are they give you but just incase someone doesnt, Im going to outline what they do real quick in order of how they are given.

1. puts you to sleep
2. stops your breathing
3. stops your heart

Im not sure of what part of this is cruel and unusual but since nobody has ever lived to give a first hand account...who knows? maybe they are right? ever had a dream of falling off a cliff?
Good point ranthi,

Unbelievers should be executed because:

A) If there is a Hell they will go straight there.

B) If there isn't they forfeit the only life they'll ever have.

Well, unbelievers and believers alike if they commit a crime that fits the punishment. Truthfully,Im not sure my stance on the death penalty thing. Im not sure Im comfortable supporting a punishment I would not be willing to inflict myself.

I could put someone in jail...but Im not sure I could push the button that ends someone's life.:shrug:

Nikkmon said:

Yes, it is. The best Ive ever heard it put was in a Clint Eastwood movie. "Killing a man aint no easy thing, you take away all hes got and all hes ever going to have."

What about someone who believes his execution will buy him a pass into heaven? We need not, after all, look solely to murderers on this count. Ignatius of Antioch killed nobody, and, as he traveled to Rome to meet with the lions, he prayed for his martyrdom and instructed fellow Christians to not intercede on his behalf: "I have not written to you according to the flesh, but according to the will of God. If I shall suffer, you have wished [well] to me; but if I am rejected, you have hated me."
The death penalty isn't about sending anyone to the afterlife. It's about ultimate revenge of a corporeal nature. But, isn't that kinda stupid? Wouldn't perpetual torture without death be far more revengeful? The people want blood! They don't want perpetual torture. Torture is a difficult concept to grasp, because most people aren't tortured. But most of us have a fear of death!
Didnt you hear though? People are now trying to claim lethal injection is cruel and unusual. I am sure you know what the 3 poisons are they give you but just incase someone doesnt, Im going to outline what they do real quick in order of how they are given.

1. puts you to sleep
2. stops your breathing
3. stops your heart

Im not sure of what part of this is cruel and unusual but since nobody has ever lived to give a first hand account...who knows? maybe they are right? ever had a dream of falling off a cliff?

I'd rather ride the lightning than have even one needle stuck in me for the purpose of death. I hate even a blood test, I hate fukin needles.
I'd rather ride the lightning than have even one needle stuck in me for the purpose of death. I hate even a blood test, I hate fukin needles.

The needle should be the last of your worries... it's what's coming down it that should really bother you.


And just a note to say that each of the three drugs administered in a lethal injection is given in a lethal dosage.

It's unlikely that anyone would recover from the first injection, let alone the other two.
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Isn't the death penalty more a penalty of fear than of death? We just want to scare the shit out of you as much as possible. Call it the ultimate scare penalty.

Maybe that's why they keep them on deathrow so long :)
i think it is more the removal of your right to life...

penal imprisonment takes away your freedom and all sense of independence as a price to be paid for an offense... this is determined in lengths of time based on the myriad considerations of the severity of the offense and the many factors in the final judgment on this to determine the length of imprisonment...

the only step greater is to determine you never have the right to any from of independence or freedom at all, nor a right to even posses your own life... the utter and complete removal of all freedom or rights to the greatest degree...

after all... though simplistic arguments are made these days that the death penalty is not a deterrent to human behavior, and similar, laughable ideas like that are quite popular and seem so 'intellectual' and 'enlightened'...

the entirety of human history has proven the death penalty to be the most effective deterrent of undesired and criminal behavior there is...

not perfect in deterring... nothing is...

but the most effective deterrent penalty by far...
The needle should be the last of your worries... it's what's coming down it that should really bother you.


And just a note to say that each of the three drugs administered in a lethal injection is given in a lethal dosage.

It's unlikely that anyone would recover from the first injection, let alone the other two.

Please save the christian fear mongering for someone else. No effect on me.
I expect that death is a worse prospect for most people than living out your life in prison (free food, lodging, library access, etc).
I guess if your crime is murder then the punishment fits the crime.