Is Creation Done? or is this Day 8?

cool skill said:
If it is a given that Jesus created the universe in 7 days,
If it is a given that our 7-day week is based on that 7-day creation,
The days in a week did not influence how God created the universe.
Therefore, your presumption, "the days in a week influenced how God supposedly created the universe" is false.
It is NOT a given that Jesus or even God created the universe.
Evidence for existence of God, please?

cool skill said:
If it is a given that the 7-day week is based on Babylonian myth,
If it is a given that somebody made up a false story about how God created the universe in 7 days,
If the 7 days in the false story is based on the already existing 7-day week based on Babylonian myth.
God/Jesus did not really create the universe.
Therefore, the days in a week could not have influence how God created the universe.
Therefore, your presumption, "the days in a week influenced how God supposedly created the universe" is false.
When I said "the days in a week influenced how God supposedly created the universe" the key word is supposedly - i.e. how the BIBLE tells us that God created the universe.

I do not at any point make the claim or assumption that God actually exists.
God supposedly did and does many things - but there remains ZERO evidence for the existence of this God.

If it will make it clearer for you: "the days in a week influenced how the God described in the Bible created the universe"

I do hope this clears things up for you?
Sarkus said:
It is NOT a given that Jesus or even God created the universe.
Evidence for existence of God, please?

When I said "the days in a week influenced how God supposedly created the universe" the key word is supposedly - i.e. how the BIBLE tells us that God created the universe.

I do not at any point make the claim or assumption that God actually exists.
God supposedly did and does many things - but there remains ZERO evidence for the existence of this God.

If it will make it clearer for you: "the days in a week influenced how the God described in the Bible created the universe"

I do hope this clears things up for you?

by making such statements, he was just being needlessly asinine.
i believe in g-d, but i dont require you to in order to talk about these things. please, continue your point :)
Sarkus said:
It is NOT a given that Jesus or even God created the universe.
Evidence for existence of God, please?
What are you talking about, I never provided any given conclusions.
I simply stated:
If X,
If Y,

Key word "if". "If" these were a given, your statement would be false.
WTF are you babbling about?

Sarkus said:
If it will make it clearer for you: "the days in a week influenced how the God described in the Bible created the universe"

I do hope this clears things up for you?
No because its the same thing.
Try this: The already accepted 7-week influenced the false fictional story of about how God created the universe in 7 days.

Your second statement is just as false as your first one:
the days in a week influenced how the God described in the Bible created the universe

If it is a given that the 7-day week is based on Babylonian myth,
If it is a given that somebody made up a false fictional story about how God created the universe in 7 days,
If the 7 days in the false story is based on the already existing 7-day week based on Babylonian myth.
The God described in the bible, did not really create the universe.
Therefore, the days in a week could not have influenced how the God described in the Bible created the universe.
Therefore, your presumption, "the days in a week influenced how the God described in the Bible created the universe" is false.
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The Devil Inside said:
by making such statements, he was just being needlessly asinine.
i believe in g-d, but i dont require you to in order to talk about these things. please, continue your point :)
Many believe that those controlled by the devil put people down, and call people names. The devil is working through them to make others feel bad. Some succumb to it. All they have to do is day, "Devil, I succumb to your will", and proceed to make their curses at others.
So please do continue your point.
What was it you were saying about cool skill?
PsychoticEpisode said:
Is the universe still under construction? Seeing how God saw that everything was good I'm assuming He had finished the job. But the universe is expanding, stars are still being formed and life here has changed since He took Sunday off. So did He actually build it or did He just throw some energy out there and let nature take its course.

Perhaps someone can enlighten me... did God take day 7 off after the first sin or what? Even after disclosing that everything was good before His break, why isn't it? He didn't lie to us or make a mistake did He? I don't think God should go around saying everything is good and then try to fix things.

This must be Day 8, the day to correct mistakes or tweak things a bit. If creation is done then just leave it alone, wasn't it supposed to be perfect? How can you improve upon that?

if i were you i'd try and see thru the tired old myth of a 'god architect' who 'constructs'.....all that is patriarchal old hat. it is upstart authroritainism desinged to controoool yourrrr miiiind!!!

rather understand---or explore this--dont just take my word for it, like you see to the Bible....! that. reality isn't some construction job, which our limited imaginations analogize like how webuild shit. rather reality is ...creation~ING
Creation isn't over yet.
Jesus Christ is "the beginning of the creation of God"
He is the "head" of the body, spiritual...and His spiritual typed body is a many-membered people made up of born-again believers that have stood for Him though the ages.
He was also the .."The first-born of many brethren"
The sons of god, God's Spirit manifested in flesh.
There is a type for an "eighth day", in the feast of tabernacles....old testament.
"One day to God is as a thousand years"
This was the day of man, the sixth millenium, the seventh is starting, which will be the kingdom of God on earth, set up in the heart of man, to become manifest in the seventh day on earth.
The eighth day begins with "the white throne" of judgement.
Everyone that has ever lived will be resurrected and judged, by Christ and those in His "body" who lived during the seventh day.
Then eternity will take hold.
The eighth day, the creation of God, reigns throughout eternity.
There is an eighth's "outside" of the seven marked out in time, and goes back to the first....eternaly.
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cool skill said:
Key word "if". "If" these were a given, your statement would be false.
WTF are you babbling about?
Sorry - I was under the impression that you were trying to add something useful.
But I seem to be incorrect in that impression.

You might just as well have said:

"If you are incorrect
I am correct
You are incorrect and I am correct".

It adds zip.

cool skill said:
No because its the same thing.
Try this: The already accepted 7-week influenced the false fictional story of about how God created the universe in 7 days.

Your second statement is just as false as your first one:
the days in a week influenced how the God described in the Bible created the universe
You need to re-read your own logic and conclusion...

But we'll go through it slowly for you...

cool skill said:
If it is a given that the 7-day week is based on Babylonian myth... (given 1)
If it is a given that somebody made up a false fictional story about how God created the universe in 7 days... (given 2),
If the 7 days in the false story is based on the already existing 7-day week based on Babylonian myth.... (given 3)
The God described in the bible, did not really create the universe.
This particular conclusion can be based ENTIRELY on the second "given" - that the story in the Bible is false / fictional.

i.e. If the Bible story is FALSE - then the GOD in the Bible did not really create the universe.

So why do you need the 1st and 3rd given?

cool skill said:
Therefore, the days in a week could not have influenced how the God described in the Bible created the universe.
Here you fall down.

You've already stated as a given (1) that the 7-days used in the Bible is based on the pre-existing 7-day Babylonian week.

And you've already stated as a given that the Bible is a fictional story. (2)

Therefore how can you come to the conclusion that the existing 7 days in the week COULD NOT HAVE influenced the 7-days used in the Bible to decribe the creation of the Universe??????

Surely the fact that there was already an accepted 7 days in a week (your "given" in 1) influenced the fact that the Bible used 7 days to describe the building of the Universe by the God they portray?

Do you not see this?

What am I missing here?? :confused:
What the bible says about an "Eighth day"

Seven days ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD: on the eighth day shall be an holy convocation unto you; and ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD: it [is] a solemn assembly; [and] ye shall do no servile work [therein].

"Notice, it was also upon this eighth day, last day, feast day of the tabernacle; after the last church age, after the last complete seven days upon the earth, after the millennium that this holy convocation comes.
Remember this is feast of tabernacles: tabernacles, gathering places.
For in the millennium, the Bible said, "They shall build houses; they shall inhabit them."
But in the new earth He's already went and prepared the place; it's built. We have nothing to do with the building of it.
A holy convocation, the eighth day (which there's only seven days), then on the eighth day, which comes back to the first day again (comes right back to the first day), the eighth day is a holy convocation.

Then after the millennium is over, then there will be an established Eden again.
God's great Kingdom will be taken back, because Jesus fought it out with Satan in the Garden of Gethsemane, and won back the Eden, which He's gone to prepare in heaven to return again.

Eternity's like a ring; you can't find no corner to it; you can't find no stopping place in a perfect circle. You go on and on. I don't care how far you go, you're still going."
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Sarkus said:
"If you are incorrect
I am correct
You are incorrect and I am correct
That is not what I said. Nor does it have anything to do with what I said.
You are misinterpreting the original statement. What is the purpose of making arrogant presumptions about the interpretation of the original statement?

Sarkus said:
But we'll go through it slowly for you...
WTF is your problem? I'm having second thoughts about having a discussion with a total asshole.

Sarkus said:
This particular conclusion can be based ENTIRELY on the second "given" - that the story in the Bible is false / fictional.

i.e. If the Bible story is FALSE - then the GOD in the Bible did not really create the universe.

So why do you need the 1st and 3rd given?
Correct. You do not need the 1st and 3d given.

Sarkus said:
Here you fall down.
WTF! It's obvious you are not interested in having a discussion, but making idiotic coments. What the fuck is "Doh! Here you fall down." supposed to mean?
This has nothing to do with the discussion. Its nothing more than a snide comment, and I refuse to continue a discussion with a person that has no respect for the discussion.
BTW.."Cool Skill"...
First one to begin "drolling" obsenities, and generaly foaming at the mouth ....
LOSES...!!! :cool:

Sarkus said:
What am I missing here?? :confused:
I shall reiterate this again.

You stated the following"
"the days in a week influenced how the God described in the Bible created the universe"
If the God described in the bible did not really create the universe.
Then nothing could have influenced how the God described in the bible created the universe.

In other words:
The days in the week could not have influenced how the God described in the bible created the universe if the God described in the bible did not create the universe.

Therefore, considering this scenario, your claim that "the days in a week influenced how the God described in the Bible created the universe" is false.

TheVisitor said:
BTW.."Cool Skill"...
First one to begin "drolling" obsenities, and generaly foaming at the mouth ....
LOSES...!!! :cool:

TheVisitor is a TROLL.
PsychoticEpisode said:
He personally may be refraining, but by putting Christ together and plunking him down in our midst isn't exactly resting and like it or not He is touching the world.

Is creation finished or not? If God is resting then it must be so. Slapping Christ together on day 7 is a creation no matter how you look at it.

From the Christian viewpoint, Jesus is not something that God slapped together. From my reading of the Bible, Jesus predates creation. It could have been God's plan before day 6 that at a certain time Jesus would touch the Earth. That does not imply that God touched the Earth after day 6, because there is a biblical "physical" distinction between God and Jesus. It also seems possible that Jesus could have not chosen the path he did, and could have succumbed to temptation, which would reaffirm my position that Jesus is not proof that God touched the Earth after day 6.
cool skill said:
I shall reiterate this again.

You stated the following"
"the days in a week influenced how the God described in the Bible created the universe"
If the God described in the bible did not really create the universe.
Then nothing could have influenced how the God described in the bible created the universe.

In other words:
The days in the week could not have influenced how the God described in the bible created the universe if the God described in the bible did not create the universe.

Therefore, considering this scenario, your claim that "the days in a week influenced how the God described in the Bible created the universe" is false.

TheVisitor is a TROLL.
Buttin' your head up against something are we...?
Sounds like a "GOAT" to me....

You think the bible says the world is only six thousands years old.
Only this incarnation of God has been going on that long.
We are a triune being...body, spirit, and soul.
Your body is a "type" of the earth...same sixteen elements, cosmic light and gases.
Your mind operates in a realm of the spirit, or the air.
Your soul is in "heavenly places, when your born of the spirit.
"The kingdom of God is in you"
This creation ends when the "kingdoms of this earth become the kingdom of our God"
The Lord's prayer....."On earth, as it is in heaven"

The bible is the revelation of Jesus Christ.
He is called the begining of "the creation of God".
Let's say it starts there......concerning this;
God becoming flesh, God becoming Man...and dying, to redeam man back to become God.
The bible starts at Adam and Eve, because this is where this "creation" begins...
i.e."the creation of God"
But Adam fails to manifest we go on down to Jesus.

There is one that succeeds, .
This is about the creation of the sons of god, which are a manifestation of God higher in power and authority than the angels.
A son is higher than a servant, a son is heir....if he can stand the test, and be placed into a position of adoption in authority and power.
The manifestation of God, in flesh is Jesus, who is the Word, and the "firstborn of many brethren"

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelled among us,.

The bible is God in Word form, in this creation.
A day is as a thousand years, and the creation of God's family...just started with Adam.
Before that, the world was in existance, and was covered with water as in a destruction, in a state of desolution....
What does the word "replentish" imply to you......?

The knowledge of whatever Pre-Adamic civilizations occured and were wiped out countless times... is not what the bible is for.
It however does not in the least contradict the truth....
Only people's misguided interpretations of it do.

There is a type for an "eighth day", in the feast of tabernacles....old testament.
"One day to God is as a thousand years"
This was the day of man, the sixth millenium, the seventh is starting, which will be the kingdom of God on earth, set up in the heart of man, to become manifest in the seventh day on earth.
The eighth day begins with "the white throne" of judgement.
Everyone that has ever lived will be resurrected and judged, by Christ and those in His "body" who lived during the seventh day.
Then eternity will take hold.

The eighth day, the creation of God, reigns throughout eternity.
There is an eighth's "outside" of the seven marked out in time, and goes back to the first....eternaly.
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TheVisitor said:
Buttin' your head up against something are we...?
Sounds like a "GOAT" to me.
Sounds like TROLL to me.
Noting but flames and attacks.
I have yet to see what the point of it all is.
cool skill said:
I have yet to see what the point of it all is.
I can believe that.
Maybe it will come to you someday.
"Ask and you shall receive" :)
You realize you started this "trolling" when you cursed Sarkus out...
That's when I jumped in and said "you lose".
That's just the way it is.
When you got nothin' left but !@#$%
Your "out", vamoos, over and done, nada.
Get it.
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TheVisitor said:
I can believe that.
Maybe it will come to you someday.
Perhaps it will.
As for now, I do not see any point in flaming and attacking just for the sake of flaming and attacking.
A troll's intention is nothing more than to flame and attack.
Call people a loser all you want while I call you a toll all I want.
Your perfect flamer's paradise.
And this accomplishes nothing as far as I know.
cool skill said:
Perhaps it will.
As for now, I do not see any point in flaming and attacking just for the sake of flaming and attacking.
A troll's intention is nothing more than to flame and attack.
Call people a loser all you want while I call you a toll all I want.
Your perfect flamer's paradise.
And this accomplishes nothing as far as I know.
I don't flame and attact...
I don't even know what they mean by "troll"
I asumed it was atheist's refering to a christian.
"Watch out, a Troll's about" ......or some drivel.
My reference to a goat wasn't from the bible though...
It was from "Kings Quest".....
They always send a goat out after a troll, it is the only thing that knocks them off a bridge.
Ether way, your flames are pointless.
No need for any goats when can jump yourself.
I guess it wasn't clear on my previous post.
A troll's purpose is nothing, but to flame and attack.
It's been your entire purpose from your first pointless attack.
Keep up you trolling if it makes you feel better.
cool skill said:
I shall reiterate this again.

You stated the following"
"the days in a week influenced how the God described in the Bible created the universe"
If the God described in the bible did not really create the universe.
Then nothing could have influenced how the God described in the bible created the universe.

In other words:
The days in the week could not have influenced how the God described in the bible created the universe if the God described in the bible did not create the universe.

Therefore, considering this scenario, your claim that "the days in a week influenced how the God described in the Bible created the universe" is false.
You really are pathetic. :rolleyes:

If I said "How did Frodo Baggins destroy the Ring of Sauron?" then most would answer along the lines - "By dropping it in the fires of Mordor."

But anally retentive people would claim: "Frodo Baggins didn't exist - therefore he could not have destroyed any ring!"

Which are you?