cool skill said:
I shall reiterate this again.
You stated the following"
"the days in a week influenced how the God described in the Bible created the universe"
If the God described in the bible did not really create the universe.
Then nothing could have influenced how the God described in the bible created the universe.
In other words:
The days in the week could not have influenced how the God described in the bible created the universe if the God described in the bible did not create the universe.
Therefore, considering this scenario, your claim that "the days in a week influenced how the God described in the Bible created the universe" is false.
TheVisitor is a TROLL.
Buttin' your head up against something are we...?
Sounds like a "GOAT" to me....
You think the bible says the world is only six thousands years old.
Only this incarnation of God has been going on that long.
We are a triune being...body, spirit, and soul.
Your body is a "type" of the earth...same sixteen elements, cosmic light and gases.
Your mind operates in a realm of the spirit, or the air.
Your soul is in "heavenly places, when your born of the spirit.
"The kingdom of God is in you"
This creation ends when the "kingdoms of this earth become the kingdom of our God"
The Lord's prayer....."On earth, as it is in heaven"
The bible is the revelation of Jesus Christ.
He is called the begining of "the creation of God".
Let's say it starts there......concerning this;
God becoming flesh, God becoming Man...and dying, to redeam man back to become God.
The bible starts at Adam and Eve, because this is where this "creation" begins...
i.e."the creation of God"
But Adam fails to manifest we go on down to Jesus.
There is one that succeeds, .
This is about the creation of the sons of god, which are a manifestation of God higher in power and authority than the angels.
A son is higher than a servant, a son is heir....if he can stand the test, and be placed into a position of adoption in authority and power.
The manifestation of God, in flesh is Jesus, who is the Word, and the "firstborn of many brethren"
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelled among us,.
The bible is God in Word form, in this creation.
A day is as a thousand years, and the creation of God's family...just started with Adam.
Before that, the world was in existance, and was covered with water as in a destruction, in a state of desolution....
What does the word "replentish" imply to you......?
The knowledge of whatever Pre-Adamic civilizations occured and were wiped out countless times... is not what the bible is for.
It however does not in the least contradict the truth....
Only people's misguided interpretations of it do.
There is a type for an "eighth day", in the feast of tabernacles....old testament.
"One day to God is as a thousand years"
This was the day of man, the sixth millenium, the seventh is starting, which will be the kingdom of God on earth, set up in the heart of man, to become manifest in the seventh day on earth.
The eighth day begins with "the white throne" of judgement.
Everyone that has ever lived will be resurrected and judged, by Christ and those in His "body" who lived during the seventh day.
Then eternity will take hold.
The eighth day, the creation of God, reigns throughout eternity.
There is an eighth's "outside" of the seven marked out in time, and goes back to the first....eternaly.