Is Creation Done? or is this Day 8?


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
Is the universe still under construction? Seeing how God saw that everything was good I'm assuming He had finished the job. But the universe is expanding, stars are still being formed and life here has changed since He took Sunday off. So did He actually build it or did He just throw some energy out there and let nature take its course.

Perhaps someone can enlighten me... did God take day 7 off after the first sin or what? Even after disclosing that everything was good before His break, why isn't it? He didn't lie to us or make a mistake did He? I don't think God should go around saying everything is good and then try to fix things.

This must be Day 8, the day to correct mistakes or tweak things a bit. If creation is done then just leave it alone, wasn't it supposed to be perfect? How can you improve upon that?
I'm talking the whole she-bang. I'm not out there creating black holes or throwing asteroids and comets around. On a universal scale our little corner of creation is a mere dimple on a pimple on a sand flea's nut, insignificant. What we do hardly matters.

My question still remains, what day is it in the biblical sense? Is it still Sunday and God is stretched out on the heavenly sofa? Why does the bible stop at Day 7? Seems to me that the Earth and everything in the universe was once perfect. It seems however that heaven was not. It got so bad up there that God dumped his biggest problem, good ol' Lucifer, on us. Now I have serious doubts as to the perfection of heaven although it may be fine now since the extermination.
all days happen at once. days don't mean days. days mean light, ligt mean ocnsciouness.

so like...

god created heavens and the earth in seven stages.

earth means matter, the lowest form of consciousness, and heaven is the highest spiritual state.

everything is alive and life is made of consciousness.

time can't have a beginning, time can't start somewhere 'in time', niehter can the universe.

instead, creation is like a constant signal and the world is created in the presence. each moment a bit different

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c7ityi_ said: this a sign?

Anyway, when does God's day off end? Days one to six had a beginning and an end in your timeless universe so when? Why is the seventh day even mentioned, it has no signifigance with the actual construction.
Yes, there is a type for an eighth day........
We go back into eternity, turn an 8 on it's's the symbol of infinity.
This is from a message delivered by William Branham in 1965.
Transcribed verbatum from a taped recording.

"Remember here not long ago, I was teaching you on the Seven Trumpets, the Feast of Trumpets and so forth? And I said, "There is an eighth day festival." So the seventh day would be the last; that would be the millennium. But there is an eighth day festival, which if it was the eighth, and there's only seven days, would make it the first day again--come right back to the first day. Then after the millennium is over, then there will be an established Eden again. God's great Kingdom will be taken back, because Jesus fought it out with Satan in the Garden of Gethsemane, and won back the Eden, which He's gone to prepare in heaven to return again."

From the bible;
36 Seven days ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD: on the eighth day shall be an holy convocation unto you; and ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD: it [is] a solemn assembly; [and] ye shall do no servile work [therein].
Oh I see, the demolition phase has been put on hold and the renovators are moving in. Friggin' red tape probably holding things up. Let's start the rebuilding of Eden by cooking a few animals. If the first Eden could be built before there were any burnt offerings to offer then why now? Geezus....the costs for rebuilding are getting unrealistic.
PsychoticEpisode said:
If the first Eden could be built before there were any burnt offerings to offer then why now?.

Refering to the rebuilding of the Jewish temple...?
If it's in the word it has to come to pass...there is a reason.
So did God only get a 1-day weekend?

And what hours does he usually work? I hope he gets overtime. :(

"On the eighth day machine just got upset.
A problem man had not forseen as yet.
No time for flight,
A blinding light,
Then nothing but a void, forever night."
Hazel O'Connor - "Eighth Day"
The one aspect of that question that I like, is that it doesn't limit the "creation" to an actual 7 (or 8) days, but recognizes that a day might not be a day, which is a common attack by "non-believers" against believers, citing scientific evidence for an earth much older than a few thousand years.

If I were to make a creative interpretation of the bible, I would say that on days 1-6 God has actually touched the world. Likewise, on day 7 God, "by resting," has refrained from touching the world. God created the rules of nature that we preceive within the first 6 days, and then lets the world play out according to those rules.

Just thinking here, but it would also be creative interpretation to say that (for Christianity) God had to place Jesus on Earth as His "representative," because it is still the 7th day and he is refraining from touching the world.

An interesting thought nonetheless.

M*W: First, let me reiterate that I am an atheist, and what I am about to write should be taken allegorically and not literally. ~ Medicine*Woman

Life on Earth is still in the sixth day of creation, mythologically speaking, meaning that the human race is still in the process of being created. I like to think that we are in the process of gradual 'upgrading', for example. In other words, we're not finished, yet. In the past 30,000 to 35,000 years, we have made a lot of progress. We've added protein to our diets and grew bigger brains. We've gone from making the first stone arrowheads to pursue the hunt, and we've created rocket science to conquer the final frontier. In the past 100 years alone, we have achieved the equivalent of 22,000 years of technological advances! And, not only that, we've gotten better looking, too! We became less hairy and eventually created clothing. We have better much better posture than our humped over ancestors, and of course, the clothing we created looked much better on those with erect posture. Standing more erect, we seemed to grow taller.

As far as our continuing creation goes, we're conquering diseases and learning how to extend life. We're living longer. We're healthier than we've ever been. We can create life in a test tube, and we can extend life with the regeneration of our own cells.

We have a future that is hopeful, and we know that our dreams really do come true. I call this process 'evolution,' but you may call it 'God.' If there was a god who created us, he left a mess for us to clean-up. If we evolved from where we were to where we are, then it's quite possible humankind is god, and we are still in the last 'day' of creation.

There is still a long way for us to go before the seventh day of rest. Then the question arises, "whom shall rest?" Will we have achieved our perfect creation? Will we have found the secret to eternal life? Will male and female become one perfect eternal being? Will we have conquered the rest of the universe? When we reach the seventh day, there will be no god who rests, for the concept of god will have become a myth long forgotten for thousands of years in the past. It will be humanity who rests.
traditional jewish thought (the six day creation cycle) states that creation will never end. that is why i believe in evolution (not considering the MOUNDS of evidence for it).
Medicine Woman said:
If there was a god who created us, he left a mess for us to clean-up.

I hate to attack simple statements within a long response, because by doing so it often misses the entire point of the response; But

I don't agree with that at all.

If there is a mess, we are unable to clean it up. There is no point in trying. But beside that, if there was a mess, I don't think that we could see it, because the concept of a mess and "clean-up" implies that there was a period of clean (for which we could have never observed). And we don't have the ability to place things in such a way that they are now in order, because we don't know what that order is. We would just be rearranging the clutter.

I state this because it is a sentence without logic, and we all know that atheists pride themselves on logical thinking (as opposed to those illogical religious people). But please don't take this as a personal attack, because it was not my intention; this is just a generalization of human separation within a group.

MadMaxReborn said:
Just thinking here, but it would also be creative interpretation to say that (for Christianity) God had to place Jesus on Earth as His "representative," because it is still the 7th day and he is refraining from touching the world.

An interesting thought nonetheless.


He personally may be refraining, but by putting Christ together and plunking him down in our midst isn't exactly resting and like it or not He is touching the world.

Is creation finished or not? If God is resting then it must be so. Slapping Christ together on day 7 is a creation no matter how you look at it.
"Creation" took 7 days including the 7th day of rest. The 8th day is the first day of post creation. The thought occurs to me that if creation had taken 8 days, and the 8th day was the day of rest, our weeks would be totally different. Therefore, our lives would be totally different. It's interesting how much influence the 7-day week places on society.

On day 6, Jesus created animals.
Genisis 1:24
God said, "Let the land produce all kinds of living creatures. Let there be livestock, and creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals. Let there be all kinds of them." And that's exactly what happened.

He also created humans.
Genisis 1:26
Then God said, "Let us make man in our likeness. . ."

It is clear that on day 7, creation was complete. Jesus was not resting so that he could be ready for day 8 to continue his construction. The universe is no longer under construction. He built it completely within those 7 days. He did not just throw some energy out there, so that the universe could continue building itself after the 7th day. The 7th day of rest marked the final day of creation. The universe was officially created.

Genesis 2:1 / 2:2
So the heavens and the earth and everything in them were completed. By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing. So on the seventh day he rested from all of his work.

Genesis 2:3
. . .After he had created everything, he rested from all of the work he had done.
cool skill said:
"Creation" took 7 days including the 7th day of rest. The 8th day is the first day of post creation. The thought occurs to me that if creation had taken 8 days, and the 8th day was the day of rest, our weeks would be totally different. Therefore, our lives would be totally different. It's interesting how much influence the 7-day week places on society.
But which came first - the 7-day week or the Bible indicating that we should have a 7-day week?

If God rested on the 8th day after 7 days of toil it was probably because the current society at the time of writing the myth/legend/Bible probably already had an 8-day week.

God did not influence the days in a week - but the days in a week influenced how God supposedly created the universe/world etc.

If you had a 4 day week, for example, with every 4th day being a day of rest, why would you write about a 7-day week with only every 7th day being a day of rest?

The origins of the 7-day week are possibly due to the Babylonians - around a loooong time before Christianity etc. They had a day of the week for their 7 deities associated with the observable heavenly bodies: Mars, Moon, Sun, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and Saturn.
Sarkus said:
God did not influence the days in a week - but the days in a week influenced how God supposedly created the universe/world etc.
If it is a given that Jesus created the universe in 7 days,
If it is a given that our 7-day week is based on that 7-day creation,
The days in a week did not influence how God created the universe.
Therefore, your presumption, "the days in a week influenced how God supposedly created the universe" is false.

If it is a given that the 7-day week is based on Babylonian myth,
If it is a given that somebody made up a false story about how God created the universe in 7 days,
If the 7 days in the false story is based on the already existing 7-day week based on Babylonian myth.
God/Jesus did not really create the universe.
Therefore, the days in a week could not have influence how God created the universe.
Therefore, your presumption, "the days in a week influenced how God supposedly created the universe" is false.
MadMaxReborn said:
I hate to attack simple statements within a long response, because by doing so it often misses the entire point of the response; But I don't agree with that at all.

If there is a mess, we are unable to clean it up. There is no point in trying. But beside that, if there was a mess, I don't think that we could see it, because the concept of a mess and "clean-up" implies that there was a period of clean (for which we could have never observed). And we don't have the ability to place things in such a way that they are now in order, because we don't know what that order is. We would just be rearranging the clutter.

I state this because it is a sentence without logic, and we all know that atheists pride themselves on logical thinking (as opposed to those illogical religious people). But please don't take this as a personal attack, because it was not my intention; this is just a generalization of human separation within a group.


M*W: Thanks for your response, and I take no offense. Perhaps I did make simple metaphorical statements, and that was my intention. When you get too deep into philosophy, most people lose interest or ignore it. I'm guilty of that, too.

The metaphorical "mess" I was referring to includes everything from the natural lifespan of the common fruit fly in Honduras to coping with anti-gravitational inertia failure in inflatable NASA Dacron space suits lined with inflammable memory foam 20,000 miles out in orbit. Who cares? My point is that I just made that crap up to show simplicity is a better way to communicate.

The real "mess" the world is in is our doing, and we will have to be the ones to clean it up. Although we are billions of days late and billions of dollars short, we are more aware now of how to reverse the damage we've done to our planet, if that is even possible. Whether it's our back yards that need raking or the preservation of the rain forests, it is up to us. No god will fix these things -- only humans.

You're right. We may not be able to rearrange the order of certain things like the solar system or atomic fusion, but we can stop ourselves from dropping another big one, and hopefully our race has reached a certain point in tactful diplomacy so the big one won't get dropped on us. At least our government would like us to think so.

The more "mature" humanity becomes, and I do have hope that we will mature as a species, I foresee one world with one people united for the betterment of our own good. Diversity may be good for some things, but for the outcome of the bigger picture, it isn't helping to clean up some of the mess. The idea is to become one, globally thriving, boundary-free society. My viewpoint is not Socialistic or Communistic. I'm a humanist. All for one -- One for all.