Is consciousness to be found in quantum processes in microtubules?

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I didn't claim authority any higher than your own, because doing so might introduce ego. okay, you attribute intelligence to the foundation of natural biological origins. From what did those origins arise?
Chemical reactions and according to Roger Penrose this phenomenon begins to become expressed even at quantum scale.

As I understand it, a quantum event is a threshold event. A limit has been exceeded and a corrective "action" takes place. While non-sentient particles cannot feel, they do in fact experience a "bing", a threshold event.

An earthquake is experienced by all objects in its range of influence. They just don't know this, except for organic biology. It is what sets organics apart from inorganics, in the world of chemicals.

But quantum is responsible for chemical action and reaction in both in-organic (elemental) chemicals and in organic (living) objects.

IMO, Organic matter has evolved in acquiring a cognitive "sensitivity" to quantum events which translates quantum "bings" into sentient and emotional chemical reactions.

This is the area Hameroff and Penrose are currently exploring. Micro tubules are tiny quantum computers.
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Chemical reactions and according to Roger Penrose this phenomenon begins to become expressed even at quantum scale.
That's quite a mental exercise. So, having said all that, do you still feel like an accident?
That's quite a mental exercise. So, having said all that, do you still feel like an accident?
Yes, or rather it was a matter of time, it's a probabilistic system.

In view of the incomprehensible number of quantum events, probability alone will eventually fill every possible mathematically permittive spacetime configuration and expression.

Just look at a simple fractal with a few hundred thousand iterations. From a simple iteration command follows a developing artistic masterpiece, becoming more complicated and beautiful as iterations continue. The Fibonacci Sequence is but one such fractal function. It's just mathematically allowed by space itself. And most importantly, it is efficient. That's what makes it a constant. The exponential function is another constant which governs the growth rate of all things.

Mandelbrot fractal

Sierpinski Triangle
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Chemical reactions and according to Roger Penrose this phenomenon begins to become expressed even at quantum scale.
The quantum microtubule idea was put forward many years ago by Penrose, who admitted at the time that is was speculative.

I don't think the idea has many fans among current physicists or biologists. My own opinion is that neurological processes are mostly happening on scales that would tend to wash out any significant quantum effects. In other words, I don't think that consciousness will ultimately be explained by appealing to quantum uncertainty in microtubules.

IMO, Organic matter has evolved in acquiring a cognitive "sensitivity" to quantum events which translates quantum "bings" into sentient and emotional chemical reactions.
I disagree, but I have no evidence that actually refutes the hypothesis. On the other hand, I'm not really aware of anything concrete that supports it, either.

This is the area Hameroff and Penrose are currently exploring. Micro tubules are tiny quantum computers.
I doubt it.

But I could be wrong...
Chemical reactions and according to Roger Penrose this phenomenon begins to become expressed even at quantum scale.

As I understand it, a quantum event is a threshold event. A limit has been exceeded and a corrective "action" takes place. While non-sentient particles cannot feel, they do in fact experience a "bing", a threshold event.

An earthquake is experienced by all objects in its range of influence. They just don't know this, except for organic biology. It is what sets organics apart from inorganics, in the world of chemicals.

But quantum is responsible for chemical action and reaction in both in-organic (elemental) chemicals and in organic (living) objects.

IMO, Organic matter has evolved in acquiring a cognitive "sensitivity" to quantum events which translates quantum "bings" into sentient and emotional chemical reactions.

This is the area Hameroff and Penrose are currently exploring. Micro tubules are tiny quantum computers.

There is no evidence that microtubules are tiny quantum computers.

The notion is mere speculation. The Orch-R concept of Penrose and Hameroff has made a number of false predictions and is fairly thoroughly discredited. I quote from the Wiki article on "Quantum Mind":

" Hameroff provided a hypothesis that microtubules would be suitable hosts for quantum behavior.[20] Microtubules are composed of tubulin protein dimer subunits. The dimers each have hydrophobic pockets that are 8 nm apart and that may contain delocalized pi electrons. Tubulins have other smaller non-polar regions that contain pi electron-rich indole rings separated by only about 2 nm. Hameroff proposed that these electrons are close enough to become entangled.[21] Hameroff originally suggested the tubulin-subunit electrons would form a Bose–Einstein condensate, but this was discredited.[22] He then proposed a Frohlich condensate, a hypothetical coherent oscillation of dipolar molecules. However, this too was experimentally discredited.[23]

However, Orch-OR made numerous false biological predictions, and is not an accepted model of brain physiology.[24] In other words, there is a missing link between physics and neuroscience,[25] for instance, the proposed predominance of 'A' lattice microtubules, more suitable for information processing, was falsified by Kikkawa et al.,[26][27] who showed all in vivo microtubules have a 'B' lattice and a seam. The proposed existence of gap junctions between neurons and glial cells was also falsified.[28] Orch-OR predicted that microtubule coherence reaches the synapses via dendritic lamellar bodies (DLBs), however De Zeeuw et al. proved this impossible,[29] by showing that DLBs are located micrometers away from gap junctions.[30]

In January 2014, Hameroff and Penrose claimed that the discovery of quantum vibrations in microtubules by Anirban Bandyopadhyay of the National Institute for Materials Science in Japan in March 2013[31] corroborates the Orch-OR theory.[15][32]

Although these theories are stated in a scientific framework, it is difficult to separate them from the personal opinions of the scientist. The opinions are often based on intuition or subjective ideas about the nature of consciousness."

It's not doing very well, is it?
I disagree, but I have no evidence that actually refutes the hypothesis. On the other hand, I'm not really aware of anything concrete that supports it, either.
Penrose proposes that quantum is a threshold event and as such would present a physical reaction in non-sentient objects, but also a sentient reaction in organic life.

Is change not what drives all thing in the universe, including the emergence of time? If so, would this not have to begin at the quantum level?

When a particle manifests from a field, is that not a "bing" event?
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There is no evidence that microtubules are tiny quantum computers.
They look and seem to act like they could be?

Does the wave function have to be an EM wave or can any wave function induce a quantum response?

Hameroff sees all wave collapse in the micro tubules as a true quantum event ("bing")
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Apparently not.....:(.
But I don't give up hope just yet. Somehow, this sounds so right.
That is a faith-based, rather than evidence-based, view, which you are entitled to.

Just don't present it as an accepted scientific theory. "Microtubules are tiny quantum computers" is not a true statement, based on the evidence to date.
They look and seem to act like they could be?

Does the wave function have to be an EM wave or can any wave function induce a quantum response?

Hameroff sees all wave collapse in the micro tubules as a true quantum event ("bing")
I reserve the right to decline to respond to any enquiry from you that includes the word "function". History shows you have no idea what this word means and that you cannot be taught.
That is a faith-based, rather than evidence-based, view, which you are entitled to.
Well, I'm not praying this is true.
I was relying on Hameroff's very specific knowledge of micro-tubules as anesthesiologist and his prior experimentations which led him to the idea that microtubules are tiny computers.
The extension into quantum computer came later, after he read Penrose's book.
Just don't present it as an accepted scientific theory. "Microtubules are tiny quantum computers" is not a true statement, based on the evidence to date.
I stand corrected. That should have read "This is the area Hameroff and Penrose are currently exploring. If micro tubules are tiny quantum computers".
We do know they are organic computers......:)
Well, I'm not praying this is true.
I was relying on Hameroff's very specific knowledge of micro-tubules as anesthesiologist and his prior experimentations which led him to the idea that microtubules are tiny computers.
The extension into quantum computer came later, after he read Penrose's book.
I stand corrected. That should have read "This is the area Hameroff and Penrose are currently exploring. If micro tubules are tiny quantum computers".
We do know they are organic computers......:)
No, that is untrue as well.

Microtubules are pervasive in cells: and no role for them in the neural processing of the brain is acknowledged.

The only computer idea involving them is Hameroff's quantum computing idea, and that has been rubbished even by your own favourite guru, Shapiro/Tegmark:
I reserve the right to decline to respond to any enquiry from you that includes the word "function". History shows you have no idea what this word means and that you cannot be taught.
Being that you have never asked me to explain my understanding of the wave function, allow me to try. I have no problem understanding the following formal explanations
Wave function;
In quantum mechanics, variable quantity that mathematically describes the wave characteristics of a particle. The value of the wave function of a particle at a given point of space and time is related to the likelihood of the particle's being there at the time
i.e. A probabilistic dynamical state.
Wave function collapse;
In quantum mechanics, wave function collapse is said to occur when a wave function—initially in a superposition of several eigenstates—appears to reduce to a single eigenstate (by "observation").
I see the term "observation" as applicable to all forms of interaction. When a photon strikes a photographic plate the wave function will collapse and manifest as physical reality. This would happen even if there was no sentient observer. i.e. observation = dynamical event.
Now that I think of it; human observation causes wave function collapse inside our sensory systems. This requires quantum computing, no? (I see chemical interaction as a form of quantum computing). Is Hameroff looking in the right direction?
It is the essence of measurement in quantum mechanics and connects the wave function with classical observables like position and momentum. Collapse is one of two processes by which quantum systems evolve in time; the other is continuous evolution via the Schrödinger equation.[1] However, in this role, collapse is merely a black box for thermodynamically irreversible interaction with a classical environment
Dynamical systems;
In mathematics, a dynamical system is a system in which a function describes the time dependence of a point in a geometrical space.
Examples include the mathematical models that describe the swinging of a clock pendulum, the flow of water in a pipe, and the number of fish each springtime in a lake.
In physics, a dynamical system is described as a "particle or ensemble of particles whose state varies over time and thus obeys differential equations involving time derivatives."[3] In order to make a prediction about the system’s future behavior, an analytical solution of such equations or their integration over time through computer simulation is realized.
And also includes real time organic computations (chemical interaction) ?
The study of dynamical systems is the focus of dynamical systems theory, which has applications to a wide variety of fields such as mathematics, physics,[4][5] biology,[6] chemistry, engineering,[7] economics,[8] and medicine. Dynamical systems are a fundamental part of chaos theory, logistic map dynamics, bifurcation theory, the self-assembly process, and the edge of chaos concept.
At any given time, a dynamical system has a state given by a tuple of real numbers (a vector) that can be represented by a point in an appropriate state space (a geometrical manifold). The evolution rule of the dynamical system is a function that describes what future states follow from the current state.
Often the function is deterministic, that is, for a given time interval only one future state follows from the current state. However, some systems are stochastic, in that random events also affect the evolution of the state variables.
Am I on the right track so far?
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No, that is untrue as well.

Microtubules are pervasive in cells: and no role for them in the neural processing of the brain is acknowledged.
Have you actually watched the link I posted in #141 ?
Seems you do have a tendency to ignore links I provide.
The only person to suggest that micro-tubules are organic computers Hameroff's quantum computing idea, and that has been rubbished even by your own favourite guru, Shapiro/Tegmark:
Yes I read that and I tentatively disagree with him on that. I think he is approaching this from a wrong perspective. After all Tegmark is a mathematician, whereas Hameroff is an anesthesiologist
Stuart Hameroff is an anesthesiologist and professor at the University of Arizona known for his studies of consciousness and his controversial contention that quantum states in neural microtubules are responsible for its emergence (An idea which intrigued Roger Penrose). He is the lead organizer of the Science of Consciousness conference.
(bracketed mine)
The question of neural decoherence is Hameroff's specific area of research in connection to his research on neural decoherence in Alzheimer's patients' brains!
Quantum decoherence is the loss of quantum coherence. In quantum mechanics, particles such as electrons are described by a wavefunction, a mathematical description of the quantum state of a system; the probabilistic nature of the wavefunction gives rise to various quantum effects. As long as there exists a definite phase relation between different states, the system is said to be coherent. This coherence is a fundamental property of quantum mechanics, and is necessary for the functioning of quantum computers. However, when a quantum system is not perfectly isolated, but in contact with its surroundings, coherence decays with time, a process called quantum decoherence. As a result of this process, the relevant quantum behaviour is lost.
There is a great deal of evidence that cytoskeletal proteins, in particular microtubules, are dysfunctional in mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and affective disorder. Since cytoskeletal proteins are major arbitrators of neuroplasticity, this evidence fits with recent theories suggesting that neuroplasticity is compromised in mental illness and that the efficacy of antidepressant and antipsychotic drugs may depend, at least in part, on their ability to enhance neuroplasticity.
Quantum theories of mind, particularly those implementing information processing in microtubules, are useful on many levels. Quantum theories attempt to explain the more enigmatic features of mind, some of which are disrupted in mental illness. Quantum information processing theories also attempt to link molecular events at the atomic level to higher cognition. These approaches are highly ambitious, and multiple potential obstacles abound as a consequence of working in largely uncharted territory.
Max Erik Tegmark is a Swedish-American physicist and cosmologist. He is a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the scientific director of the Foundational Questions Institute
With Anthony Aguirre, he developed the cosmological interpretation of quantum mechanics. His 2000 paper on quantum decoherence of neurons [14] concluded that decoherence seems too rapid for Roger Penrose's "quantum microtubule" model of consciousness to be viable.
Tegmark has also formulated the "Ultimate Ensemble theory of everything", whose only postulate is that "all structures that exist mathematically exist also physically". This simple theory, with no free parameters at all, suggests that in those structures complex enough to contain self-aware substructures (SASs), these SASs will subjectively perceive themselves as existing in a physically "real" world. This idea is formalized as the mathematical universe hypothesis, described in his book Our Mathematical Universe.

It shows that I am not a blind "believer", but reserve judgement and continue to follow the debate until more is known. I lean toward Tegmark's mathematical interpretation, but that does not necessarily negate Hameroff's proposition, in fact it may reinforce and strengthen both propositions, if the full scope of quantum computing can be solved.

If Tegmark is correct in his "mathematical universe", then it would follow that the evidence shows the universe also has a mechanism to process mathematical values and I believe we call that computing, no?

At quantum level this is called quantum computing and nothing is exempt from this universal function, IMO.

Is that not the great debate about the question if the Universe is a sentient processor (God) or if the Universe is a pseudo-sentient processor (computer) ?
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A cytoplasmic dynein motor bound to a microtubule.

A kinesin molecule bound to a microtubule.

Image of the mitotic spindle in a human cell showing microtubules in green, (chromosomes (DNA) in blue, and kinetochores in red).

It seems that microtubules are involved in just about every dynamic aspect of organics.
Are they processing information? Hint?

The fact that they are pervasive throughout the body could be indicative of their importance, both in biological growth control and conscious awareness of information processing.

What is the mechanism that translates DNA coding? Micro-tubules?
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This diagram depicts the organization of a typical mitotic spindle found in animal cells. Chromosomes are attached to kinetochore microtubules via a multiprotein complex called the kinetochore. Polar microtubules interdigitate at the spindle midzone and push the spindle poles apart via motor proteins.Astral microtubules anchor the spindle poles to the cell membrane. Microtubule polymerization is nucleated at the microtubule organizing center.
Then you are missing important information provided by an expert in his field.

I don't post links to woo.......:rolleyes:

p.s. might even help putting my posts in perspective.......:)
As you ought to understand by now, I regard you as a one-track obsessive who cannot use scientific concepts properly, and I don't buy this Implicate Order stuff. I'm just not going to waste time reading this crap.
As you ought to understand by now, I regard you as a one-track obsessive who cannot use scientific concepts properly, and I don't buy this Implicate Order stuff. I'm just not going to waste time reading this crap.
Now you're talking about David Bohm (as in deBroglie-Bohm Pilot Wave), not microtubules. Does not compute, does not compute...:?

p.s. Implicate Order(s) are stages of extant probabilistic potentials. The emergence of an interference pattern in a double slit experiment is an expression of an Implicate Order, IMO. :)

p.p.s. If I need a brain operation , I'll go see Hameroff, not you. I have read his stuff and he knows what he is talking about, not you. You are being prejudicial the moment I mention a name. Not conducive to Dialogue and acquiring new knowledge.
Blind negativity is as bad as blind positivity. Neither is open to change, kinda like religion.
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